overwhelmed by so much (often conflicting) info on natural approaches

Posted by swuelfing1 @swuelfing1, Dec 3, 2023

Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone else feels overwhelmed when researching what to do about dealing with osteoporosis naturally. There is so much good info out there which is great. It's just that often it gets sooo detailed such as in the area of supplements that it gets confusing or just overwhelming to decide what to do and narrow it down to a feasible plan. Also there are certain topics that there's controversy about - like yes/no on dairy, if dairy then which dairy, oxylates?, correct exercise? correct supplements, too much calcium? As you research you find several very credible and trustworthy resources who still disagree on so many topics. You could endlessly research and go down rabbitholes on every topic. Has anyone figured out any strategies to keep things manageable and decide what to do?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Osteoporosis & Bone Health Support Group.


Dr. McCormick's OsteoStim product states "• Vitamin K2-MK4 is not only the form of vitamin K2 that has been the most researched, but it also has been shown to be the only form of vitamin K able to activate a critical step in collagen formation not seen with K1 or K2-MK7. "

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Wow good to know. I'm also interested in collagen for fighting osteoarthritis.


I did reverse osteopenia without drugs. It takes concentrated effort and attention though. But that was years ago and I have gotten slack in my efforts.
Now I have osteoporosis. I am
working with a functional medicine doctor to manage it without medicine ( I’ve had 3 doctors tell me not to take the drugs, one of them being a orthopedic surgeon). I have a list of amounts of vitamins and minerals to get daily, as many as possible from diet.
What ever route you take, please take K2 in the form of MK7. It’s what keeps calcium from going to your arteries, put simplistically.

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Thank you for this information !
Where do you get the MK7 ? Is it in vitamin pill form?
This seems like very important information. Why don't our endocrinologists tell us this ? ?


Thank you for this information !
Where do you get the MK7 ? Is it in vitamin pill form?
This seems like very important information. Why don't our endocrinologists tell us this ? ?

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I actually use Dr Mercolas brand of MK7. Not as an endorsement of him, but his pill is the closest to the dosage I wanted…


I actually use Dr Mercolas brand of MK7. Not as an endorsement of him, but his pill is the closest to the dosage I wanted…

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Thank you !!!


I actually take both MK4 and MK7. Different doctors say different things. I agree with McCormick and his books have been a tremendous help to me on my no osteoporosis drug journey, but I’m always a tad skeptical about someone’s claims when they are selling a product.

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Would you share with us the product and dosage of MK4 and MK7 you are taking please.

Also time of day.





Would you share with us the product and dosage of MK4 and MK7 you are taking please.

Also time of day.



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I use Dr Mercola’s Vit K2, 180 mcg of MK7, made from chickpeas. I use this because it is the closest one to the dosage I wanted of 200 mcg. I take this mid morning along with my Vitamin D3 with a serving of full fat Greek yogurt. Different opinions about taking D3 and K together. One opinion is don’t take your fat soluble vitamins together because they compete for absorption. Another opinion is you need D3 for K to work so take them together. But this works for me. My MK4 is with my calcium, Osteo-K by NBI. If I take the recommended dosage I get 45 mg, which is the prescribed dosage in Japan for osteoporosis. But I only take this on the days I don’t get enough calcium from food.


I use Dr Mercola’s Vit K2, 180 mcg of MK7, made from chickpeas. I use this because it is the closest one to the dosage I wanted of 200 mcg. I take this mid morning along with my Vitamin D3 with a serving of full fat Greek yogurt. Different opinions about taking D3 and K together. One opinion is don’t take your fat soluble vitamins together because they compete for absorption. Another opinion is you need D3 for K to work so take them together. But this works for me. My MK4 is with my calcium, Osteo-K by NBI. If I take the recommended dosage I get 45 mg, which is the prescribed dosage in Japan for osteoporosis. But I only take this on the days I don’t get enough calcium from food.

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I am only taking MK7 at this time of 180 mcg. And thanks for mentioning that there are different opinions as to taking it with D. (Who to believe?) As far as MK4 my understanding is that you need to divide it and take 15 mg three times a day for a total of 45mg because it does not stay in the body long enough to only be able to take it only once a day. With MK7 it lasts much longer and therefore you only need to take it once a day.


I am only taking MK7 at this time of 180 mcg. And thanks for mentioning that there are different opinions as to taking it with D. (Who to believe?) As far as MK4 my understanding is that you need to divide it and take 15 mg three times a day for a total of 45mg because it does not stay in the body long enough to only be able to take it only once a day. With MK7 it lasts much longer and therefore you only need to take it once a day.

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@vgkime so MK7 has a longer half life (I think that’s the correct term). So therefore it will stay in body longer than MK4 and what you don’t need will be stored in your liver. There in lies my problem with taking large dosages of fat soluble vitamins. You don’t excreate the excess. How do you know when your levels are adequate? There is no blood test for Vitamin K (or A either I believe). I can so overthink something. 😂


@vgkime so MK7 has a longer half life (I think that’s the correct term). So therefore it will stay in body longer than MK4 and what you don’t need will be stored in your liver. There in lies my problem with taking large dosages of fat soluble vitamins. You don’t excreate the excess. How do you know when your levels are adequate? There is no blood test for Vitamin K (or A either I believe). I can so overthink something. 😂

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I just take what is recommended for MK7 for osteoporosis. There are studies and you can google for further discussions and recommendations. I think A is a vitamin that you have to be careful of for sure. I work with a naturopath which is helpful.


I called Life Extension about their vitamin K2 MK4..

I was told vitamin K2 is a fat soluble vitamin.

Additionally the representative said the half-life of their product was three days.

So, that is why they feel it’s OK to give 45,000 MCG’s of MK four in one tablet.


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