Pain in upper chest area when starting to eat

Posted by wddoerr @wddoerr, Nov 30, 2023

Feels like I can't swallow. Waiting 5-8 minutes, (with lots of anxiety,) clears the pain, and able to eat again.

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Hello @wddoerr and welcome to the Aging Well support group on Mayo Connect. You mentioned a problem with swallowing that seems to clear-up after a few minutes. I can certainly understand how this would cause anxiety.

Is this a new problem for you or has it been an ongoing problem? Are there certain foods/drinks that seem to aggravate the swallowing problem, or does it happen all the time.

I'm wondering if you have discussed this with a doctor yet. I look forward to hearing from you.


I have trouble swallowing off and on. I have a test scheduled later this month to check things out.
I understand stand how you feel. For me it is anything like water or food. It goes half way down and then it stops. It hurts and it is taking longer for it to move down into the stomach.
I wish you the best figuring it out.


Hello @wddoerr and welcome to the Aging Well support group on Mayo Connect. You mentioned a problem with swallowing that seems to clear-up after a few minutes. I can certainly understand how this would cause anxiety.

Is this a new problem for you or has it been an ongoing problem? Are there certain foods/drinks that seem to aggravate the swallowing problem, or does it happen all the time.

I'm wondering if you have discussed this with a doctor yet. I look forward to hearing from you.

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Hi Teresa, Thanks for responding.
This is a new issue for me, it has happened only three times in the last two months, and always with a group social meal together. It happened after only a bite or two and then the pain in upper chest and an inability to swallow, along with shallow breathing. After 5-6 minutes or so, the discomfort leaves, (almost like a toilet emptying) I then can continue to eat and carry on a conversation. I have not yet talked to my GP, but I do plan to have a telephone visit with her.


Hi Teresa, Thanks for responding.
This is a new issue for me, it has happened only three times in the last two months, and always with a group social meal together. It happened after only a bite or two and then the pain in upper chest and an inability to swallow, along with shallow breathing. After 5-6 minutes or so, the discomfort leaves, (almost like a toilet emptying) I then can continue to eat and carry on a conversation. I have not yet talked to my GP, but I do plan to have a telephone visit with her.

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I'm glad that you will be speaking with your doctor. I would be interested in hearing her thoughts on this swallowing problem.

Will you post again with any questions or concerns?


I had these symptoms for several years, then suddenly it got much worse.
It was gall stones.
My gall bladder was removed and the symptoms have not returned.
Laparoscopic surgery is wonderful. It did not seem like major surgery.
Please get this checked out and let us know.


This sounds like my former problem. I have loss of motility in my esophagus, (from mixed connective tissue disease) and occasionally had cramping in my esophagus. These cramps hurt a lot, and caused panic attacks. I would recommend that your physician arrange referrals for a scope and a manometry, as well as some blood tests for autoimmune diseases.

This is not necessarily something to worry a lot about, but I recommend that you get this issue resolved before worrying causes panic attacks to settle into your life, and then cause more worry. I wish I had found answers sooner, but I am all good now, and at 75, live a completely normal happy life.


A man went to the doctor recently and complained, "Every time I drink hot tea, I get a powerful pain in my eye." Without missing a beat, the doctor advised, "Try taking the spoon out of the cup."

Sorry,, couldn't resist!


Hi Teresa, Thanks for responding.
This is a new issue for me, it has happened only three times in the last two months, and always with a group social meal together. It happened after only a bite or two and then the pain in upper chest and an inability to swallow, along with shallow breathing. After 5-6 minutes or so, the discomfort leaves, (almost like a toilet emptying) I then can continue to eat and carry on a conversation. I have not yet talked to my GP, but I do plan to have a telephone visit with her.

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Have yourself checked for Costochondritis. Go to youtube and do the exercise. This also fixed my acid reflux/gerd.


Hi Teresa, Thanks for responding.
This is a new issue for me, it has happened only three times in the last two months, and always with a group social meal together. It happened after only a bite or two and then the pain in upper chest and an inability to swallow, along with shallow breathing. After 5-6 minutes or so, the discomfort leaves, (almost like a toilet emptying) I then can continue to eat and carry on a conversation. I have not yet talked to my GP, but I do plan to have a telephone visit with her.

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Have your doctor check for a hiatal hernia?

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