Gabapentin side effects?

Posted by Sundance(RB) @sundance6, Apr 13, 2019

I am a regular on the Mayo Board! I don't know what I would do without it! Our doctors don't want to discuss openly the things about illnesses and side effets of drugs and other things. Anyway, my question to all of you is Gabapentin and it's side effects. I have been on it now for 6 months. My doctor raised me from 100mg. to now I am on 400mg. three times a day.
The problem is my tiredness! I happen to be in a friends office yesterday and she was taking some medicine. She said she was taking Gabapentin. I asked why and she said she had, had shingles back when and it still helped with the pain. I know the drug is percribed for many things that is why I take it for my issues.
I told her I had been taking it for about 6 months. She asked if I had been tired all the time, just out of the Blue. OF COURSE I SAID YES! She said it took her a year before she got out of the tiredness.
Let me know if any of you have experienced the same thing. Also let me know at what dosage you may be on? I know this is all confidential!
Again Thanks to The Mayo Clinic and Everyone who is kind enough to be open with their lives!

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@romans8 and @carolm23 Good morning to both of you. I want to join you two in your search for alternatives for Gabapentin that will help manage the progressive reality of SFN pain.
My loyalty to Gabapentin has been 10 going on 11 years. The brain fog from the medication has increased due to aging and cognitive decline. In essence, my life was shrinking and I was in denial as to the cause.

About 4 months ago, my PCP and I had one of our "health partner" sessions. We have also been together for 10 years and counting. She recommended that I taper off the 2400 mg a day of gabapentin down to 200 mg at bedtime. As a replacement and with her support I have increased my daily medical cannabis and added an as needed dose of Ibuprofen (600 mg). This is exactly the medication program I used two years ago for my second TKR surgery when my orthopedic surgeon took a special interest in my SFN condition. This collaborative relationship continued post-surgery when my PT at the orthopedic center discussed her exercise choices with my MFR (myofascial release) therapist. Because everyone was working together, I had an amazingly positive recovery with only modest discomfort.

Mayo Clinic is well known for its team approach to health care. By inquiring and explaining I was able to create the same team at three different facilities. Recently I read that Mayo Clinic is now making this kind of collaboration possible for others.

Give it a may be surprised how helpful the "team" you create can be for your current distress. Don't hesitate to ask questions.. I am here for you.

May you be safe, free and protected from inner and outer harm.

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Thank you for responding. I am so glad to hear you have found the right regimen for your pain control from SFN. I have been on the same dose of 600mg/ day of Gabapentin for over 3 years. Side effects have been steadily increasing, especially cognitive impairment. I now have been diagnosed with gastroparesis as well. I have pudendal neuralgia as well as SFN, and do need pain management. I have been with Mayo Clinic for 3 years, seeing GI, PT, pain management psychologist, pain management course, pudendal nerve block from anesthesiologist, and a host of tests. At the end of 2023 they are no longer taking my insurance , so I now have to start over with new doctors. I would love to get off Gabapentin, Your experience with medical cannabis is encouraging. I have only tried a small amount of CBD oil and that was several years ago, and it made me very irritable, Do you have any side effects with it. I can’t take ibuprofen due to stomach irritation. I would also love to be able to locate a pt who does myofascial release. I appreciate any fir their info you have to offer. Thx.


Romans8. I was taking so much gabapentin, and my gastro doctor told me it was most likely the gabapentin that caused it. He said there is a major nerve in your stomach, which aids in digestion, so the gabapentin turned out to be the cause, also blocking that stomach nerve from fully digesting my food. I went from 1800 mg a day to 600 mg a day. The gastro paresis went away in just a few days, but I suffered with it for months. I am going to see a pain management doctor to see what they suggest. Spinal cord stimulator is one thing to try, but I'm very hesitant. I've seen so many doctors about the neuropathy, to include a podiatrist. She had a compounding pharmacy make a cream consisting of 6 different meds. It works well, but only for 3 or 4 hours. I'm constantly on the search for relief.
Let me know if u need anymore info.

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Thank you for responding. I have been taking 600 mg/day of Gabapentin for over 3 years. I was diagnosed with gastroparesis only 2 months ago, so I’m not sure there is a connection, tho it’s possible I had it long before the actual diagnosis thru the gastro emptying test, I would like to get off the Gabapentin due to increasing side effects. I do see a pain specialist, but he won’t refer me for back stimulator. He doesn’t approve of them. Let me know what you find out. I understand that there is a new stimulator more directed at nerve pain. Mayb there is hope.


Gabapentin itself is not a dangerous drug like the fear mongers on the internet claim. Sure mixing drugs can be dangerous if abused especially with other powerful substances or used in some people who take opioids. This is why I recommend that gabapentin and other drugs be titrated more slowly or take time release drugs to help decrease the possibility of side effects. Gabapentin itself is a safe drug for a great many people. Admittedly, some people have side effects and some have to discontinue using the medication because of those side effects. Also, taking opioids and Gabapentin together can be perfectly safe. I took gabapentin three separate times from 900 mg to 3600 mg and always took opioids with it, including Percocet and fentanyl without any issues. Many people with seizures and neuropathy take gabapentin and benefit greatly I hope the internet fearmongers don't prevent people from trying gabapentin.


Anyone on or considering goin on Gabapentin I recommend you look it up on YouTube and view the videos done by medical doctors and others about the risks and benefits of Gabapentin treatment. I’m a retired nurse who was prescribed it but couldn’t tolerate the side effects.

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I took it two nights to confirm the graphic, violent psycho dreams were from the drug. Scary stuff.


My doctor put me on Gabapentin after he performed surgery on my spine. The dosage was 300 mg. at bedtime. It wasn’t prescribed for pain but to help me sleep. And I did sleep…..sometimes for 10 hours. When I would wake up, I would be terribly off balance and forced to use a rollator. So, my Internal medicine doctor reduced the dosage to 100mg. At bedtime but that dosage did not help me sleep. So she upped it to 200 mg. at bedtime and that was the right dose, I still have the off-balance problem but I am not certain that the problem stems from the GABA but from the actual spinal surgery. Not only do I have a balance problem but I also get very sleepy in late afternoon which never happened before the surgery or taking Gabapentin, I don’t know what to do because now I have to use a rollator to get around because I have fallen three times without it and since I also have Osteoporosis, I cannot afford to break another bone (which I did on two separate occasions. ). There do not seem to be any answers for my problems, so I just live with them and I ask God to get me through each day . I am sure nothing I have said will help you but now you are on my prayer list and perhaps my prayers will be answered for all your problems to just go away! God bless!!!


Romans8. I was taking so much gabapentin, and my gastro doctor told me it was most likely the gabapentin that caused it. He said there is a major nerve in your stomach, which aids in digestion, so the gabapentin turned out to be the cause, also blocking that stomach nerve from fully digesting my food. I went from 1800 mg a day to 600 mg a day. The gastro paresis went away in just a few days, but I suffered with it for months. I am going to see a pain management doctor to see what they suggest. Spinal cord stimulator is one thing to try, but I'm very hesitant. I've seen so many doctors about the neuropathy, to include a podiatrist. She had a compounding pharmacy make a cream consisting of 6 different meds. It works well, but only for 3 or 4 hours. I'm constantly on the search for relief.
Let me know if u need anymore info.

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Do your research very carefully on that spinal cord stimulator I read up on it and I decided not to get it goes right into your spinal cord🤔🤔🧐


My doctor put me on Gabapentin after he performed surgery on my spine. The dosage was 300 mg. at bedtime. It wasn’t prescribed for pain but to help me sleep. And I did sleep…..sometimes for 10 hours. When I would wake up, I would be terribly off balance and forced to use a rollator. So, my Internal medicine doctor reduced the dosage to 100mg. At bedtime but that dosage did not help me sleep. So she upped it to 200 mg. at bedtime and that was the right dose, I still have the off-balance problem but I am not certain that the problem stems from the GABA but from the actual spinal surgery. Not only do I have a balance problem but I also get very sleepy in late afternoon which never happened before the surgery or taking Gabapentin, I don’t know what to do because now I have to use a rollator to get around because I have fallen three times without it and since I also have Osteoporosis, I cannot afford to break another bone (which I did on two separate occasions. ). There do not seem to be any answers for my problems, so I just live with them and I ask God to get me through each day . I am sure nothing I have said will help you but now you are on my prayer list and perhaps my prayers will be answered for all your problems to just go away! God bless!!!

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I was on gabapentin for three years. It causes you to be off-balance sleepy you’re like living in the zone all the time I finally got off I think it causes more pain. It was OK when I got off until I had other procedures done numbing shot and the pulse radio frequency, it made me worse now I’m back on Lyrica but I gotta get off of that now too. It’s not good.


Do your research very carefully on that spinal cord stimulator I read up on it and I decided not to get it goes right into your spinal cord🤔🤔🧐

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I told the doctor 6 years ago I didn't want it, because spinal surgery is what caused my neuropathy. I'll just keep using the compounded cream and very minimal gabapentin.
I wish you well.


I was on gabapentin for three years. It causes you to be off-balance sleepy you’re like living in the zone all the time I finally got off I think it causes more pain. It was OK when I got off until I had other procedures done numbing shot and the pulse radio frequency, it made me worse now I’m back on Lyrica but I gotta get off of that now too. It’s not good.

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It's just crazy to me, that with all the medical advancements, nobody can fix neuropathy!


Thank you for responding. I am so glad to hear you have found the right regimen for your pain control from SFN. I have been on the same dose of 600mg/ day of Gabapentin for over 3 years. Side effects have been steadily increasing, especially cognitive impairment. I now have been diagnosed with gastroparesis as well. I have pudendal neuralgia as well as SFN, and do need pain management. I have been with Mayo Clinic for 3 years, seeing GI, PT, pain management psychologist, pain management course, pudendal nerve block from anesthesiologist, and a host of tests. At the end of 2023 they are no longer taking my insurance , so I now have to start over with new doctors. I would love to get off Gabapentin, Your experience with medical cannabis is encouraging. I have only tried a small amount of CBD oil and that was several years ago, and it made me very irritable, Do you have any side effects with it. I can’t take ibuprofen due to stomach irritation. I would also love to be able to locate a pt who does myofascial release. I appreciate any fir their info you have to offer. Thx.

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Good evening @romans8. I am so devastated to hear about your insurance denial. I have been caught up in that issue also. To maintain my financial support for my "neuropathic itch" situation I cannot change my insurance in any way. To receive support for my new and helpful incontinence medication, I must change my insurance. So I feel like I am being caught between that famous rock and a hard place.

Let's get you some MFR information. As you and I both know, SFN and other neuropathies are progressively painful. Two years ago I realized that it was time to add another MFR session to my weekly calendar. I also now have two therapists at every session. To introduce you, @jenniferhunter has created a discussion about MFR on Connect. Here is the link.

I have counted on MFR for 10 years to keep me active and physically self-supporting. At one point, I jumped away......thinking I could just do more of my Mayo rehab routines. That was quite a lesson and I will no longer be caught trying to deny the increasing pain.

So take a look at MFR and I will see if I can help a little bit more with medical cannabis. Because you create your own prescriptions it does take some time to learn how to stay on top of the available options. I use only tinctures and topicals. Gummies are popular and yet I find them more inconsistent.

I use a get-up-and-go tincture "recipe" for the morning, combining CBD and THC at a 1:1 level. Then in the evening, I slow it down a bit to a 2:1 CBD/THC which permits an uninterrupted and restful sleep. Do you live in MN? If not.....where do you live? I try to keep a state-by-state list of the legal issues. I do strive to make sure that I include enough THC to create the entourage effect.

In the last year or so, I have reduced my Gabapentin to 200 mg at bedtime from 2400 mg. Together with my PCP, we are keeping up with the demand for more control without side effects or irritants.

So....that's about it. Let me know if you have additional questions.

May you hold yourself in great compassion.

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