Phlegm in my throat and post nasal drip after Covid

Posted by danny2022 @danny2022, Dec 18, 2022

Ever since I had covid in January of 2022 I recovered from the virus but I was left with a constant phlegm in the back of my throat and post nasal drip that will not go away. The feeling of having mucus in the back of my throat actually gets worse when I try to get rid of it by coughing. I have been given steroid inhalers, albuterol, allergy medication, but none of these work. The mucus gets worse especially after I eat. I've never felt like this before and it all started after covid. Can anybody relate to what I am going through?

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Exact same thing. I had Covid the beginning of January 2020. Caught from a friend that just returned from the Philippines. STILL have the phlegm junk and believe the coughing caused a hiatal hernia🙄. One day at a time. Should buy stick in Kleenex!


With me my mucus runs down from the left side my nostril and throat.
My right side is all clear , no issues.
Is anyone experiencing such thing only one sided.


Has anyone not had the covid vaccine and suffering from this mucus irritation.
Just curious if the vaccines might be the cause.
I only had one vaccine and caught covid a month later and did not get vaccinated thereafter.


I have it too. It’s so annoying. I am worried others are wondering what is wrong with me. It’s not normal to always have throat congestion.


With me my mucus runs down from the left side my nostril and throat.
My right side is all clear , no issues.
Is anyone experiencing such thing only one sided.

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I also experience the post nasal drip one sided (left) only. CT scan clear, cortisteroid sprays do nothing. I'm with a 2nd ENT now who wants to do a culture in January to check for bacteries. Only thing that gives me relief short time is xylitol nasal rinses. If I have an update to share, will do it here! Hang in there 🙂


Has anyone not had the covid vaccine and suffering from this mucus irritation.
Just curious if the vaccines might be the cause.
I only had one vaccine and caught covid a month later and did not get vaccinated thereafter.

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I did not have the covid vaccine and still suffering from the same. Started after my covid infection (which was very mild). Currently working with a 2nd ENT but so far, no solution. CT scan clear, sprays don't do anything. Only thing that gives me short time relief is nasal rinses with xylitol. I'll share here if I have an important update. Hang in there, you're not alone!


My ENT found my exam normal, so……I’ve been using saline nasal spray for nasal dryness. I guess I should use Flonase, which is what he suggested. Does that help? I thought that med dries you out and I already have dry eyes and nose.


I had a CT scan last December. Multiple ENTs said the CT scan results looked "errily good". So frustrating! One recommended lifestyle changes. The next ENT wanted me to drive three hours away to do food allergy testing. I had already been skin and blood allergy tested. ZERO allergies.

Praying hard everyday.

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i did all the allergy tests, including food, all came back no allergy to anything. i know my phlegm is coming from my digestive system, the only time i get a so call post nasal thing is when it builds up for some reason which is why i use the navage to keep the sinuses clear...i have been reading and listening to videos from mayo and other medical places on how they now know that covid can mess up the good gut bacteria and just makes every thing a mess...they still are learning on this and still don't know how to fix it, we need to be patient..even as crappy frustrating as it is...they are working on it, this stinking evil virus is a big one, soooo we need to do our part best we can, i work at eating cleaner, the old common sense thing, we can get through this and i know even with a whole 35 long covid symptoms i have, i will not let this crap beat me, stay two weeks it will be 4 years for me, i caught it on a flight to Montana...hugs to you all fighting this and to the people looking for a cure.........


Has anyone not had the covid vaccine and suffering from this mucus irritation.
Just curious if the vaccines might be the cause.
I only had one vaccine and caught covid a month later and did not get vaccinated thereafter.

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i caught covid long before any vaccine was made or out ...the mucus stuff started right from the beginning so i do not think it is from the vaccine....


i caught covid long before any vaccine was made or out ...the mucus stuff started right from the beginning so i do not think it is from the vaccine....

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Thanks for the clarification, at least that is out of question(the vaccine)
As I had some doubts that could be from it.
We ll keep praying!!

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