Interested and curious about turkey tail mushrooms

Posted by karenrea1943 @karenrea1943, Nov 28, 2023

I was diagnosed with breast cancer stage two in June 2022 I went through two surgeries, six months of chemotherapy and five weeks of radiation. They then introduced me to estrogen blockers I started with anastrozole for 4 1/2 months and then couldn’t take it anymore. My joints and bones were so filled with pain and I was incredibly fatigued I’ve been off AI for three months and now they want me to start exemestane 25 mg daily for five years + yes. I’m anxious to start the estrogen blocker again. Anxious is an understatement. I’m petrified because I felt so ill while taking anastrozole. I was just reading about turkey tail mushrooms, but realize you cannot take them if you’re on an estrogen blocker is there anyone who can give me information on turkey tail mushrooms?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Breast Cancer Support Group.

I would love to know if you can mix it with exemestane.


I’ve been given the ok to take AI with Turkey tail.


I’ve been given the ok to take AI with Turkey tail.

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By oncologist?


When considering complementary or alternative treatments, be open-minded yet skeptical. Learn about the potential benefits and risks. As per the disclaimer for Mayo Clinic Connect
"All information shared by members on the Mayo Clinic Connect, such as messages, images, advice, URLs, and any other material, is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your health. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the community."

One of my favorite websites for finding evidence-based info about herbs and supplements is Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK) complementary therapies database:
– Search About Herbs (cancer specific)

Here's what they have on Chaga Mushroom

Keep in mind that natural substances can also have toxicities, adverse side effects and treatment interactions.

More and more cancer centers and oncology specialists are open to discussing and integrating complementary medicine in programs called Integrative Medicine or Integrative Oncology. Integrative medicince is offered at many cancer centers of excellence, including Mayo Clinic.

Here's a link to more information about Mayo Clinic's Integrative Medicine programs
– Integrative Medicine and Health

If you are interested in turkey tail or other complementary medicines, please let your oncologist know.


There are so many studies on turkey tail mushrooms having anti-cancer properties. I live in a small town where I have a Herbalist and she created the tincture for me from turkey tail mushrooms from a friend of mine who is growing it. You can buy turkey tail mushroom capsules and or tinctures online. However you cannot be on anti-estrogen meds when you take it and the purpose for taking it is in lieu of taking the anti-estrogen meds. Good luck to you. I’m sorry for all that you’ve been through. Modern day treatment for breast cancer is aggressive and can be often times barbaric in terms of side effects. Praying for all afflicted with cancer.

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Holly, it may be pre-mature to claim that turkey tail mushroom ( scientific name is Trametes versicolor or Coriolus versicolor) is an anti-estrogen agent. To date, human studies have found they may play a role in boosting the immune system to fight off cancer and some evidence suggests that turkey tail mushrooms may have anticancer properties.

Here are a couple of articles with links to studies
- Can Turkey Tail Mushrooms Help Fight Cancer
- Medicinal Mushrooms (PDQ®)–Patient Version
Turkey tail's potential as an anti-estrogen properties remains under investigation and the results so far are inconclusive. Further study is warranted.
- Anti-Cancer Potential of Edible/Medicinal Mushrooms in Breast Cancer


Why don’t you switch to Tamoxifen? I’ve been on tamoxifen for six months and hardly notice any side effects. I also take daily turkey tail supplement to boost immunity. My pharmacist told me turkey tail mushrooms will delay tamoxifen effectiveness by 9 hours. But it doesn’t reduce the maximum concentration of tamoxifen in your body.

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What is the dose of turkey tail mushrooms? What other mushrooms do you take and how much?


I was diagnosed 1/22 with MBC and started Turkey tail and 7 other mushrooms in Feb 22 and still take it now. I started Letrozole in Feb 22 also. Never heard there was a problem with taking both. May 22 I had a clear CAT scan which I attribute to mushrooms not Letrozole

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What is the dose of turkey tail mushrooms that you take? What other mushrooms do you take and how much?


What is the dose of turkey tail mushrooms? What other mushrooms do you take and how much?

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I took Gaia Herb’s supplement 400mg subtract from fruit body (not root). I got it from Whole Foods. Lots mushrooms are said to be beneficial, like Reiki etc. but there’s controversy about those mushrooms. Some research says those mushroom supplements reduce Tamoxifen effectiveness so I didn’t take those.


What is the dose of turkey tail mushrooms that you take? What other mushrooms do you take and how much?

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At time of diagnosis I took 10 capsules of Turkey tail a day 5 at a time I took 3 capsules a day of shiitake, maitake , reishe, chaga, and agaricus I took vitamin c and magnesium to help with absorption. This was the recommendation of a mushroom Dr in italy where I was living.


At time of diagnosis I took 10 capsules of Turkey tail a day 5 at a time I took 3 capsules a day of shiitake, maitake , reishe, chaga, and agaricus I took vitamin c and magnesium to help with absorption. This was the recommendation of a mushroom Dr in italy where I was living.

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Thank you. That helps!

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