What's outside of your picture window today?

Posted by John, Volunteer Mentor @johnbishop, Nov 25, 2020

As we get ready for the real winter to show up and COVID-19 still playing a major part in our lives I like to spend moments of my day de-stressing about what's going on in the world today. All I have to do is look out the window and observe some of natures beautiful creatures, how they interact and ponder how small it makes my troubles seem. Sometimes I may even get the opportunity to take a photo or two. How about you? Anything going on outside of your window(s) that you want to share?

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Oh, another shot of my avocado pit collection, down from the 28 I had a few weeks ago. It started out as an experiment, which I saw on Instagram. Everyone thought I was nuts, but my response was "it is better than doing drugs." LOL.


Well this isn't actually outside my window, but adjacent to the sliding door. I made the table during the summer with a wooden pallet I found on one of my walks. The clock was an old one that stopped working, and I set it at 5pm because sometimes I like to say out loud, "it's 5 o'clock somewhere" even if I cannot imbibe.

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@francis007, and all...Francis, I like your palet table! Actually, the wood grain is attractive, seems prettier than most pallets I've seen. You did a fine job making yourself a new vintage table!

I've seen pallets used for planter etc and, were I 15 years younger, I'd make one. Not happening now!

I'm attaching aching pictures of my white ceramic Christmas tree my mother made for me many years ago. I never found the perfect spot for it...now I have and I'm thrilled! I added my little Lladra cresche pieces that never had the right spot...I like them together. Setting this up in my bedroom window, upstairs. put me in bed for more rest since it required I going upstairs a very heavy wrought iron glass top table I wanted up here for plants, so I did it...one tiny step at a time. I like the little scene a d it does look good at night from outside. Glad to share my mom's love...

Enjoy and be blessed!


@francis007, and all...Francis, I like your palet table! Actually, the wood grain is attractive, seems prettier than most pallets I've seen. You did a fine job making yourself a new vintage table!

I've seen pallets used for planter etc and, were I 15 years younger, I'd make one. Not happening now!

I'm attaching aching pictures of my white ceramic Christmas tree my mother made for me many years ago. I never found the perfect spot for it...now I have and I'm thrilled! I added my little Lladra cresche pieces that never had the right spot...I like them together. Setting this up in my bedroom window, upstairs. put me in bed for more rest since it required I going upstairs a very heavy wrought iron glass top table I wanted up here for plants, so I did it...one tiny step at a time. I like the little scene a d it does look good at night from outside. Glad to share my mom's love...

Enjoy and be blessed!

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That's beautiful, and so peaceful Elizabeth.


Good morning Elizabeth - What a lovely display of "rescues" - when I move to Texas, I have to leave mine behind in the tender care of the young woman next door. She comes weekly to water, trim and take pictures of anything unfamiliar to her.
The flowering plant is either dipladenia or mandevilla - at most garden centers the term is used interchangeably. Both vine, the flowers look the same, but mandevilla tend to have smaller leaves when young and are much more aggressive in sending long tendrils tat wind around everything. Dipladenia are much more polite and can be maintained in quite a bushy form.

I'm trying and experiment this year - when I trimmed the tropical hibiscus to bring them indoors, I dipped the cuttings in rooting hormone and put into pots of starter soil. I brought them to Texas, where we will plant them out in February (because January nights can be a bit too cold for them.)

Another experiment - I saved the seeds at home from all the tall perennials that will grow here - last year I set up gro-lights in the living room - will start the seeds in January & we will plant them out around the fences in the park to replace some of the volunteer trees that were sprouting (they damage the fences as they grow).

When I am not up to my elbows in side dishes for dinner, I will try to get pictures of the blue mistflower that our butterflies love. It survived the first summer thanks to my neighbor, and should be good to grow on its own by next summer. Also a tropical red salvia...

Have a great day - I am so glad you are back on the patio and tending your babies.

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@sueinmn, @johnbishp,@francis007, and all...
Well, my dear friends, Jackso ville, Florida is getting a 2nd year with a hard chill in November!!! Last year caught me and many off guard and I lost several plants I truly loved....as I mentioned last note. We've been enjoying nice, soft rainy days for a couple weeks, but this week tonight will go into the 40s and tomorrow night, Tuesday, into the 30s.!!! That's cold for us...usually we see those ##in January, February...never November!

So. Yesterday I pretty much guarantee I'd be in a bunch more pain all night...yes!...and a repeat tonight. Yesterday, after bringing upstairs my heavy ta le for my tree, I brought upstairs to my BR the succulents I had at the front door. They'd never make it through tbe night, so I brought it upstairs...mandevilla- a tropical flowering vine, 2 varieties of snake plant, a very productive spider plant. It is ready for repotting and is very heavy.
I also, Sue, realized why my Christmas cactus, it is a Christmas one, isn't budding yet. Last year it was full of buds by now. I have growing lights in the den on 24/7, so she never had a chance to enjoy lower light! Well, it's in my BR now, getting long evenings and nights, SO...I'll soon see flowering, hopefully. No more in my BR now. It's full with just enough plants.

Here are pictures...yes, you can laugh at .y antics. Give you permission!

Blessings. Elizabeth


@sueinmn, @johnbishp,@francis007, and all...
Well, my dear friends, Jackso ville, Florida is getting a 2nd year with a hard chill in November!!! Last year caught me and many off guard and I lost several plants I truly loved....as I mentioned last note. We've been enjoying nice, soft rainy days for a couple weeks, but this week tonight will go into the 40s and tomorrow night, Tuesday, into the 30s.!!! That's cold for us...usually we see those ##in January, February...never November!

So. Yesterday I pretty much guarantee I'd be in a bunch more pain all night...yes!...and a repeat tonight. Yesterday, after bringing upstairs my heavy ta le for my tree, I brought upstairs to my BR the succulents I had at the front door. They'd never make it through tbe night, so I brought it upstairs...mandevilla- a tropical flowering vine, 2 varieties of snake plant, a very productive spider plant. It is ready for repotting and is very heavy.
I also, Sue, realized why my Christmas cactus, it is a Christmas one, isn't budding yet. Last year it was full of buds by now. I have growing lights in the den on 24/7, so she never had a chance to enjoy lower light! Well, it's in my BR now, getting long evenings and nights, SO...I'll soon see flowering, hopefully. No more in my BR now. It's full with just enough plants.

Here are pictures...yes, you can laugh at .y antics. Give you permission!

Blessings. Elizabeth

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I would take Jacksonville’s hard chill over Rochester’s 13 degrees and sunny in a heartbeat Elizabeth 😁. Love your ceramic Christmas tree. We have a small green one that lights up. Happy Monday!


I would take Jacksonville’s hard chill over Rochester’s 13 degrees and sunny in a heartbeat Elizabeth 😁. Love your ceramic Christmas tree. We have a small green one that lights up. Happy Monday!

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@johnbishop and all...
Well, John! Didn't take you long to send me that tidbit! You know, I don't think il trade you your winter for mine...I wouldn't suvive 2 days in your cold!

But, do understand, John, we with sand in our toes, are truly weather wimps. We in northern Fla get a few nights of freezing temps each winter,
and we know in advance to get our coats and even a few sweaters out to enjoy, but darn if the sweaters are too 🔥 by noon and we revert to short sleeves. But, we do protect our tropical plants with ferver. Mine are really dear to me. I'll be covering my Crown of Thorns, Ponytail Palm, cactus, snake plants, the fig tree comes inside today to winter in comfort, my succulents are inside, my amaryllis are inside with lots outside in ground protected by trees and other plants. We mulch. Cover. Water. Protect.

Blessings in your weather...Elizabeth


@francis007, and all...Francis, I like your palet table! Actually, the wood grain is attractive, seems prettier than most pallets I've seen. You did a fine job making yourself a new vintage table!

I've seen pallets used for planter etc and, were I 15 years younger, I'd make one. Not happening now!

I'm attaching aching pictures of my white ceramic Christmas tree my mother made for me many years ago. I never found the perfect spot for it...now I have and I'm thrilled! I added my little Lladra cresche pieces that never had the right spot...I like them together. Setting this up in my bedroom window, upstairs. put me in bed for more rest since it required I going upstairs a very heavy wrought iron glass top table I wanted up here for plants, so I did it...one tiny step at a time. I like the little scene a d it does look good at night from outside. Glad to share my mom's love...

Enjoy and be blessed!

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in reply to @ess77 These photos are stunningly beautiful! My mother used to have one of those trees, and they really are quite lovely. Just looking at yours brings back some very nice memories, and I wish now I had kept the ceramic tree after she died.
I have brought in my dog's olive tree for the winter and have decorated it with some lights and dog shaped cookie cutters. And yes, I still talk to her as if she were in the room with me.


@johnbishpp, @sueinmn, @ginger, @blackcat and all...
I'm attaching a few pictures of rescued plants. The ones in large plants are fron last years except the one at front door with last years Christnas tree I almost lost...I picked up the basket half price with lovely varieties of snake plants, a spider flowing gobs of babies I'm propagating, a d a lovely hot pink flowering vine...what is it?

See what you think...love the orchid in a moss ball! The big leaf pla t is a Silver Dollar. The tall orchid is denrhodium. The long legged root orchid is a Vanda. These a different flowers than I've had Belmore.

Blessings, Elizabeth

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in reply to @ess77 Wow! Another fellow plant rescuer! I am continually amazed when I see plants left near the dumpster when tenants move. I also take cuttings to start new ones, and like my mother used to do, I have a special "plant ICU" for those plants that need some TLC. I have come to accept that I did in fact, inherit some very good traits from my mother: a green thumb, and also I am a voracious reader and baker. Well, I suppose I am also very independent and stronger than most give me credit for. Thank you for sharing these pictures.


I found this huge Cast Iron plant near the dumpster a few months ago after it was placed there by someone who was moving. I had to cut it back quite a bit, and at some point I will have to re-pot it because it is totally rootbound, with roots even coming to the top of the soil. I have had to stop rescuing so many as my garden/patio is beginning to look like an urban nursery.


I also took a shot of this on Thanksgiving, as there was something about the way the leaf was sitting that caught my attention. It almost looked "happy" for lack of a better word. I may try to paint it once I am done making my holiday cards.

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