Phlegm in my throat and post nasal drip after Covid

Posted by danny2022 @danny2022, Dec 18, 2022

Ever since I had covid in January of 2022 I recovered from the virus but I was left with a constant phlegm in the back of my throat and post nasal drip that will not go away. The feeling of having mucus in the back of my throat actually gets worse when I try to get rid of it by coughing. I have been given steroid inhalers, albuterol, allergy medication, but none of these work. The mucus gets worse especially after I eat. I've never felt like this before and it all started after covid. Can anybody relate to what I am going through?

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The silent reflux-yes, LPR, exactly. For now relieving symptoms and waiting for the Gastro apt in early February is the goal. If the findings show a healthy esophagus I, hopefully, will be relieved of the anxiety over it all which certainly hasn't helped.

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I agree. I definitely think the frustration creates some anxiety which makes it worse.


I have an interesting FYI for you all. I have had this nasty thick phlegm since covid last March. Unable to sleep, always spitting it out. It was depressing living like that. Well, I caught an intestinal bacterial infection, diverticulitis, and was put on antibiotics. 5 days in hospital and 14-day outpatient with a PIIC line. As soon as I was put on the antibiotics, the phlegm completely stopped. It has been almost a month now. I don't know how or why it stopped but I think it had to have been something with the antibiotics, but they are supposed to be for bacteria, not viruses. I just stopped the antibiotics yesterday. Praying it does not come back.


I have an interesting FYI for you all. I have had this nasty thick phlegm since covid last March. Unable to sleep, always spitting it out. It was depressing living like that. Well, I caught an intestinal bacterial infection, diverticulitis, and was put on antibiotics. 5 days in hospital and 14-day outpatient with a PIIC line. As soon as I was put on the antibiotics, the phlegm completely stopped. It has been almost a month now. I don't know how or why it stopped but I think it had to have been something with the antibiotics, but they are supposed to be for bacteria, not viruses. I just stopped the antibiotics yesterday. Praying it does not come back.

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So glad to hear that!! Can I ask which antibiotics it was that you were on?


So glad to hear that!! Can I ask which antibiotics it was that you were on?

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While in hospital I was on IV Zosyn for 5 days every 8 hours. After discharge
I was put on an Ertapenem 30 minute drip every 24 hours for 14 days as outpatient with a PICC line. And vancomycin 2 x daily for 16 days to prevent cdiff from the antibiotics. I had complicated diverticulitis, that's why so much antibiotic. No side effects at all. Finally feel normal again. I am so much better, especially without the phlegm. go figure....wishing you well...


While in hospital I was on IV Zosyn for 5 days every 8 hours. After discharge
I was put on an Ertapenem 30 minute drip every 24 hours for 14 days as outpatient with a PICC line. And vancomycin 2 x daily for 16 days to prevent cdiff from the antibiotics. I had complicated diverticulitis, that's why so much antibiotic. No side effects at all. Finally feel normal again. I am so much better, especially without the phlegm. go figure....wishing you well...

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Thank you for sharing this, is very useful and glad you got through it.
May I ask, was it just the phlegm you was suffering from or did you have other symptoms as well.


I experience similar issue, I tried very thing I possibly can, it just wouldn’t go away.
Recently I had septoplasty done but it hasn’t helped either.
My nose was blocked thought this would help.
Do you constantly have to spit out.


Thank you for sharing this, is very useful and glad you got through it.
May I ask, was it just the phlegm you was suffering from or did you have other symptoms as well.

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it was just phlegm, lots of it. Still gone.👍


This is happening to me now. I had COVID about three months ago and now I am plagued with a bouts of post nasal drip, Sneezing, runny, thick phlegm in my throat and symptoms of an allergy. Antihistamines does very little to help. Will this ever end?


I experience similar issue, I tried very thing I possibly can, it just wouldn’t go away.
Recently I had septoplasty done but it hasn’t helped either.
My nose was blocked thought this would help.
Do you constantly have to spit out.

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I had septoplasty done two years ago was clear of the mucous for about two weeks now I have. The mucous up in my temple region every morning do a nasal saline rinse and the mucous comes down the back of my throat and then i take Allegra and seems to stay clear until latwr in the day and i have to do the rinse again but my Eustachian tubes are blocked so i now have tubes in my ears and that helps drain but still will not go away the next thing I am goping to try is a regimen of steroids which some patients at Cleveland clinic had tried with some success but it starts out with 40mg four 4days 30mg for five days 20mg for 6days and 10mg four 7 days of prednisone


I can relate. I found your question by doing a google search. I’ve had bad post-nasal drip ever since August of 2022 when I first got COVID. I wish it would go away. I wonder if it ever will.

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