Invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC): Anyone else?

Posted by 6750 @6750, Mar 2, 2019

I have rec’d 4 chemo + 16 radiation treatments for invasive. Has lumpectomie 1st....then one week later...
Dissection 17 lymph nodes & 3 tumors removed tumors
Got clean margin.

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My report says Hers2-negative (1+)


So your biopsy was July 25th and you are seeing an oncologist (or surgeon or both?) on August 7th, which is coming up soon.

The Oncotype can be done on biopsy tissue but much better to do on surgical specimen. My Oncotype was done at first on the biopsy tissue and said I was HER2+ so I got ready for chemo. Oncotype was redone on surgical tissue at my request. All pathology including Oncotype and lab testing had me as HER2-. No chemo!

Your estrogen scores are excellent- exactly the same as mine. I had a low Oncotype despite grade 3 (or 2 depending on hospital) and did hormonal meds, no chemo. That may be the case for you.

I understand the situation with hospitals being busy but we all had some degree of waiting and you have more waiting in store, sorry! Waiting for surgery, waiting for pathology, Oncotype after surgery gets results in two+ weeks, and waiting for treatment plan. I walked, watched Netflix, tried to keep busy and eventually asked for a few Ativan to help me sleep. Melatonin can help too. I hope you will do whatever you need to make this bearable. Once you have a plan it is one foot forward. I am 8 1/2 years out now.

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But all this waiting and waiting and waiting does not give the cancer a chance to spread? I mean the cure rate is high if it doesn’t spread, but if they got you waiting and waiting for this and waiting for that and waiting for this and more waiting that gives a cancer of the time to spread before they do the mastectomy cause I want both my boobs off. I had a melanomas taken off my neck two years ago and when I was 40 years old I had vulva cancer. I’m highly cancer prone I guess so that’s why I want to mastectomy like right now.

So what does that mean with our estrogen and progesterone scores being good. What does at all mean


It’s an analysis of the DNA of the tumor ( not you). It is predictive regarding benefits of chemotherapy. It’s 16 data points I believe. Scoring is between 0-100. If it’s a low score ( under 25 for post menopausal and under 18 for pre menopausal) then chemotherapy will typically not be recommended…

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Spot on right here


Was given the diagnosis of Ductal Cacinoma IDC on November 21. Told that the lymph nodes are clear. Not sure what to expect. Have first appointment on December 4.


Was given the diagnosis of Ductal Cacinoma IDC on November 21. Told that the lymph nodes are clear. Not sure what to expect. Have first appointment on December 4.

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What kind of cancer? I had IDC and it was Triple Negative, no lymph node involvement. I had a lumpectomy, Adriamycin (The Red Devil), Taxal, and 6 weeks of radiation. That was 17 years ago so have faith and courage!!! Good luck and I’m sending prayers to you!


Hello everyone, I too was diagnosed with Invasive DCIS
with lymp node involvement.
Had a Lumpectomy. Now scheduled for 8 rounds of Chemotherapy with all 3 chemo drugs starting Nov. 29th.
Also have to get Radiationas well.

Just wanted to know what to expect.


Oh I forgot to add 14 lymph nodes were removed & 3 of the 14 were cancerous..soo, the doctor recommended 2 tighter & 1 !by it self


Was given the diagnosis of Ductal Cacinoma IDC on November 21. Told that the lymph nodes are clear. Not sure what to expect. Have first appointment on December 4.

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@dmsnovember23, welcome. It's a relief to hear that the lymph nodes are clear. As you prepare for your appointment next week, what questions do you have? Will you be meeting with the surgeon or oncologist? How are you doing?


Was given the diagnosis of Ductal Cacinoma IDC on November 21. Told that the lymph nodes are clear. Not sure what to expect. Have first appointment on December 4.

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Lymph nodes are clear? So you had a biopsy already?

First appt. Fir what exactly?

Just trying to get more info.
What do you want to know?


Hello everyone, I too was diagnosed with Invasive DCIS
with lymp node involvement.
Had a Lumpectomy. Now scheduled for 8 rounds of Chemotherapy with all 3 chemo drugs starting Nov. 29th.
Also have to get Radiationas well.

Just wanted to know what to expect.

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I see! So nerve racking! Not sure what advice to give except take one day at a time. Surround yourself with people you can vent to and voice concerns and get as much info as you can for an informed decision. This is a good resource. There are others also.

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