Does anyone have daily persistent headache all day, every day?

Posted by mikaylar @mikaylar, Nov 16, 2023

Docs cannot figure it out. Dizziness too.

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I totally understand that. I need to find someone who takes me seriously and knows and understands what I am going through. I am doubting my gastroenterologist because he said I'm at the end of the line, dieing. But yet hasn't run 1 test in 15 years 🤔

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bonez3861, I was seriously consider another doctor. Praying for you and God Bless you.


I have headaches every day and have been battling dizziness daily. They say I have a neuropathy that effects my blood pressure and my temperature control. My blood pressure drops suddenly very low and I have to take medication to bring it up. It's a daily nightmare.

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Do you have orthostatic hypotension? I find drinking a lot of water, particularly in the morning to be helpful. Best of luck to you.


Do you have orthostatic hypotension? I find drinking a lot of water, particularly in the morning to be helpful. Best of luck to you.

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No I do not.


Do you have orthostatic hypotension? I find drinking a lot of water, particularly in the morning to be helpful. Best of luck to you.

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They say I have a type of neuropathy that effects my central nervous system and it messes up my blood pressure and my body temperature control and other things. Then they say I have another type of neuropathy that effects my legs and arm's and hands. I am numb but yet get horrible pain from the inside that is hard to explain. Thank you and good luck to you.


bonez3861, I was being given to much Thyroid Medicine (Methimazole 5 mg) for Hyper thyroidsim and it would bottom out my blood pressure and make me dizzy. They lowered the dosage and my thyroid levels are great. I have never been able to tolerate any of the meds for Hypothyroidism (I have both Thyroid diseases). I would talk to your Endocrinologist about the thyroid medication. Blessings & Happy Thanksgiving.

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I don't have one but maybe I need one. Thank you!


I read a newspaper article by Dr. Keith Roach regarding persistent headaches. You might look him up on Facebook, or perhaps a Google type search engine. He mentions the need to see a neurologist (headache) expert, in order to get an imaging test such as an MRI or CT scan. One patient wrote him and stated that ibuprofen and caffeine helped that person a lot, but he/she also had IBS symptoms. The Dr. Roach also states there is a frequent link between the headaches and IBS with abdominal pain that regularly accompanies headaches. You can email a question to Dr. Keith Roach at and see if he will respond.


Thank you. I have been to the best neurologists and headache centers in Philly. Had every test, medicine, blood patch, spinal tap, etc there is. I'll check this guy out. Tu


I have headaches every day and have been battling dizziness daily. They say I have a neuropathy that effects my blood pressure and my temperature control. My blood pressure drops suddenly very low and I have to take medication to bring it up. It's a daily nightmare.

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I have had low blood sugar for years (hypoglycemia) which is sort of the opposite of diabetes. Years ago my doctor said to eat smaller meals more often so I eat about every 3 hours. My daughter and grandchildren are the same.


No, it's global. Tension headache they think since my neck is invoved.

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I too have neck problems. I thought that is why I have been having more headaches. My vision became blurry .. so had an eye exam.

Turns out I have glaucoma. .. which can cause headaches. Now to find something to slow progression down. One drop not working. Another drop prescribed, but pharmacist called dr. and said I should not take it .. it contains a component that is in a medication I am allergic to. Next drops I was allergic to. Next drops so far okay, but having more headaches. Dr wants me to try a beta blocker.. but he thinks my personal physician will say no. I have mild asthma and sometimes my blood pressure runs low.

I hope that you find answers to what is causing your headaches and a solution to alleviate them.



Dr. Keith Roach has addressed the chronic headache condition in his newspaper column often. Find him on Facebook too. His commentary is too lengthy to repeat here, but he has responses from people with daily headaches, and the two most popular responses, among many, that he has rec'd are that people drink 2 glasses of water and their headaches will go away. Also, there is strong link to chronic headaches between those who have mild sleep apnea.

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