Neuropathy: Anyone have any experience with gabapentin?

Posted by sjhedcon @sjhedcon, Mar 21, 2020

I have loss of feeling in my feet and tingling sensation. My doctor prescribed gabapentin. I read the side effects and decided not to take this med.
Anyone have any experience with gabapentin?

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I h a be tried it an allergic to it. First I felt like I was loosing my mind could not remember anything. Then my face and mouth swelled up. Then it triggered my asthma and could not breathe. Ended up in the hospital for two weeks.


For me DRG would be perfect- I just have IPN in my toes. But the leads on Abott's device can't take heat of an MRI. Money is not being spent because ' there aren't enough' of us apparently to make a large enough profit.
Does anyone have idiopathic neuropathy because this could be a great pain reliever if not for leads and


I have been taking Gabapentin for 13 years. I was put on it after lengthy chemo treatments. I had to decide if the side effects were worth the relief from the pain. The pain won. I have adjusted the dosage myself with my Drs guidance. When I substitute taught last year I moved from three 400 mgs to four. Taking two at night. I have since been diagnosed with ovarian cancer. I have had surgery and have completed six chemo treatments. One of the chemo drugs I have been given is a bugger to cause neuropathy. Unfortunately I have had to up my dosage to six. What I have noticed most is the “foggy brain.” But it is better than suffering. I continue to walk daily and while uncomfortable it’s still doable. From my research and trail and error I still believe it is a solid choice if you are having significant pain and interruption of sleep. Hope this helps. I wish you the best!


Thank you; have you taken Cymbalta or Lyrica?

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Yes, I have taken Cymbalta. First 60 mg then 120 Mg
Neither helped my neuropathy. I took Lyrica also and had muscle reaction to it.
Everyone was talking about Lyrica at the doctor's office waiting room. Nobody liked it.


There’s my meds in top of my (some word that I can’t know, this moment) it’s a place of cold Cokes. So, my Doctor “B”, helps me until the top of my meds… then I get a seizer and go to a hospital, if it is worse if my wife looks if what I’m doing. And Doctor B gives me a little higher if those meds. Thankfully, I am to a point (2x600?x3 times per day) and thankfully that’s been 2.5 years for no seizures. And I add another meds for the safety non-seizures.

You guys use the pain and I use it diffently anti-seizure. The pain meds? No. 2 years ago, I fell down in my garage and hit my butt. I killed my balance and pain - everyday. I can’t do what I I did… even after my TBI… and I loved our cutting grass and loosing my weight when I wot]rhed. Now, my belly fifers a little higher 😔

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So you're taking Gabapentin for seizures? Are they Focal Impaired Seizures (older term Complex Partial.)

If those are the type of seizures you are having I'm am curious if you were having Non Convulsive Status Epilepticus?


This is me…

My seizer makes me moving my head and eyes that I can’t control. It move on my side or up to. And I lose my memory 24 hours until it’s back. You said those names. I lost 75% of my memory like words or read but I have no idea that I can’t remember those names or understand them.

I loved my job and was one more class of finishing my master degree. On my accident one day just before I started my degree. It was local government and I knew all this and it was easy on that university. I just wanted my degree and was going to the top city.

Years before, my part-time jobs when I was a teacher at 2-year college. I was the only teacher of being computer programming person = that started on the college in the late 80s and til 2001 or so.

I’ve helped/managing from lot of depts and met the top dept people and what they needed, I’ve lost everything and way more that I lost, including past history of what I did and writing is gone and playing my guitar playing in bands… and way more. Ex: my wife’s was just before we got married, but now I can’t remember her last name of her family,,, and more.

It’s me, but changed a different life. I’m alive.


This is me…

My seizer makes me moving my head and eyes that I can’t control. It move on my side or up to. And I lose my memory 24 hours until it’s back. You said those names. I lost 75% of my memory like words or read but I have no idea that I can’t remember those names or understand them.

I loved my job and was one more class of finishing my master degree. On my accident one day just before I started my degree. It was local government and I knew all this and it was easy on that university. I just wanted my degree and was going to the top city.

Years before, my part-time jobs when I was a teacher at 2-year college. I was the only teacher of being computer programming person = that started on the college in the late 80s and til 2001 or so.

I’ve helped/managing from lot of depts and met the top dept people and what they needed, I’ve lost everything and way more that I lost, including past history of what I did and writing is gone and playing my guitar playing in bands… and way more. Ex: my wife’s was just before we got married, but now I can’t remember her last name of her family,,, and more.

It’s me, but changed a different life. I’m alive.

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I hope you get help. Things won’t ever be the same but you need to reach out to whatever resources and support from groups or friends you can find.


I have been on gabapentin for years. I keep hoping that it will someday work for my neuropathy. But so far no relieve. I here it helps but not in my case. Good luck


Yes, I got aloe doctors, my wife, and - the best day - that’s Him, Jesus Christ. ❤️ it almost leave this earth, but my wife prayed for me - and her - to get back - at least - a good percentage.

I sent of what I wrote cause I’m trying to write of my history, to me self - to remember parts of this - even I sent it to you. I have a reason of what I wrote to you or “Bob” or “Nancy”… on Facebook, I have “friends”, including musicians - good pro folks - and some employees when I worked, my church of my brothers & sisters, and on… (here’s another reason) to remember of what I’m doing = daily using my coffee - in the afternoon.

I’m glad that you read, part of that. I’m retired with a great city so I don’t pay 95% of what I do that ever I need from my accident at home. I’ve spent 20+ years at that city - where I live. I’m better than the last 11 years ago.

Thanks for trying to read my email.


Gabapentin did not work well for me. Gave me major brain fog. I have an ankle with osteoarthritis and it made pain unbearable. I am now on Duloxetine at 30 mg. Generic for Cymbalta. Working pretty good.

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