Anyone using Nicotine patches for Long Covid?

Posted by tgroff @tgroff, Apr 19, 2023

There is lots of discussion on Facebook Long Covid forums about nicotine patches helping with long covid symptoms after a few days of adjustment to the patches. Any thoughts on this?

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I’m so sorry for what you’re still suffering from. It’s almost like you’re allergic to the patches. I would definitely try the gum if I were you, maybe chew it for a few chews or minutes and spit it out.
Hopefully this gives you some relief!!!!


I’m always happy to see that someone was helped!
I tried the patches three times. Each time I had such severe side effects I had to stop. I read that the patches should not be cut and find that somewhat confusing. I for sure could not tolerate the 7mg patch that was the lowest I could find. When I cut in half, the first day I felt nothing, and the second day I was walloped with dizziness and finally vomiting. Seemingly, the dose was not evenly split. I’m already so weak from this thing that I can’t forge on with rough side effects.
I wonder if trying gum would be beneficial for me?
I always like to see the experiences of others.

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Instead of cutting the patches people leave 1/2 the patch covered. Easy if you have the square patches since they have those peel off tabs. Requires a bit more finesse if you have the round patches. As mentioned earlier there is a Facebook page Renegade Research The Nicotine Test. It is not specific to Long COVID and is a bit intimidating but has useful information.


Instead of cutting the patches people leave 1/2 the patch covered. Easy if you have the square patches since they have those peel off tabs. Requires a bit more finesse if you have the round patches. As mentioned earlier there is a Facebook page Renegade Research The Nicotine Test. It is not specific to Long COVID and is a bit intimidating but has useful information.

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Thanks for the reply. Yes, I tried uncovering only half after the cutting didn’t seem to work. I still got very sick.
I think somehow the patch is just too strong for me. I have lost a lot of weight and I’m quite frail now.
I may give the gum a try.


Interested to know if anyone has had Stellate Ganglion Block or NAD/NADH therapy.
Let us know if it helped.

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My 17 year old son did a stellate ganglion block twice. He had great improvement but it only lasted for 2-3 days and then all of his long covid symptoms were back.


My 17 year old son did a stellate ganglion block twice. He had great improvement but it only lasted for 2-3 days and then all of his long covid symptoms were back.

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Well that is very disappointing.


I lost my sense of smell from covid in December 2020.
I recently listened to a podcast about the benefits of nicotine and long covid. I started using 1/6th of a 21 mg patch (I cut it in to 6 little squares) of nicotine and within a week I have my sense of smell back to 100%!!!
I used to be a smoker 35 years ago and I have 0 nicotine craving so that is not i. Anyway a worry! Or concern!
I’m so incredibly grateful to have regained my sense of smell because I had resolved to never getting it back after almost 3 years. (It was actually dangerous because I couldn’t smell things burning or gas!)
Don’t be afraid to try it, I had 0 negative side effects!!

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I’m so happy for you! I lost my taste and smell in December of 2022, so it will be a year that I can’t taste or smell. I’ve not tried the Nicotine Patches yet, although I did purchase a box. I’m currently going for acupuncture and have had approximately 10 treatments. Thus far, I still don’t have my taste or smell back, but my sinuses are somewhat more clear. I was also told to smoke a cigarette, but I was a smoker and just quit in April of 2022 after having 18” of my colon resected due to severe diverticulitis and I don’t want to go back there but I may if the patch doesn’t work. I’ve also heard about the Stellate Ganglion Block working well, so there will be more to explore if the acupuncture doesn’t work. I’m taking baby steps right now, but feel like I need to leap!


Well that is very disappointing.

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It was. The doctor said she has had several patients who have had them with goo results though. She said it seems to be about 50/50. So I think it would still be worth a try.

I will say that my son is now 10 days in to doing a nicotine patch and he has felt the best he has in over a year the past 3 days!!!


I’m so happy for you! I lost my taste and smell in December of 2022, so it will be a year that I can’t taste or smell. I’ve not tried the Nicotine Patches yet, although I did purchase a box. I’m currently going for acupuncture and have had approximately 10 treatments. Thus far, I still don’t have my taste or smell back, but my sinuses are somewhat more clear. I was also told to smoke a cigarette, but I was a smoker and just quit in April of 2022 after having 18” of my colon resected due to severe diverticulitis and I don’t want to go back there but I may if the patch doesn’t work. I’ve also heard about the Stellate Ganglion Block working well, so there will be more to explore if the acupuncture doesn’t work. I’m taking baby steps right now, but feel like I need to leap!

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My son is day 10 on nicotine patch (7mg). And it is working!!!! We have tried all sorts of stuff. Supplements, acupuncture, nutrition response testing, microcurrent, PEMF, red light., functional chiropractor. I have spent thousands of dollars. The nicotine patches are the only thing that has helped. I plan to keep him on it for 14 or 30 days. I haven't decided yet. I want so badly for this to be permanent.


My son is day 10 on nicotine patch (7mg). And it is working!!!! We have tried all sorts of stuff. Supplements, acupuncture, nutrition response testing, microcurrent, PEMF, red light., functional chiropractor. I have spent thousands of dollars. The nicotine patches are the only thing that has helped. I plan to keep him on it for 14 or 30 days. I haven't decided yet. I want so badly for this to be permanent.

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I hope this is the answer for him.
After three tries, I’m a little gun-shy to try again. It has made me pretty sick with vomiting and dizziness and agitation.
My last ditch nicotine try might be the gum.
Good luck to your son!


My son is day 10 on nicotine patch (7mg). And it is working!!!! We have tried all sorts of stuff. Supplements, acupuncture, nutrition response testing, microcurrent, PEMF, red light., functional chiropractor. I have spent thousands of dollars. The nicotine patches are the only thing that has helped. I plan to keep him on it for 14 or 30 days. I haven't decided yet. I want so badly for this to be permanent.

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If you wouldn’t mind posting after he’s finished using the patch, I would appreciate it. I’m just curious if it actually works permanently as well. I’m feel very hopeful! Thank you!

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