Killer Migraine: Looking for Treatment Suggestions

Posted by kimmycorvette1 @kimmycorvette1, Nov 13, 2023

Im having BAD Migraines all month. Can you wonderful people give me suggestions? Ty

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I'm so sorry. Horrible virus. My husband and i just had it for a 2nd time. I have Long Covid from having it last year. It can cause bad headaches...just a thought. Praying much for you & yours. Blessings & Prayers....

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Good luck with that. I have had a headache for 4 years/3 months, every day/all day. Doctors cannot figure it out. Try a headache clinic near you and pray.


@kimmycorvette1- Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect

Good morning, Kim

I've had migraines for the past 16 years or more. A neurologist is treating me.

Do you know what triggered your headaches? Not all bad headaches are migraines. If you haven't seen your PCP recently I suggest that you get an appointment. There are a lot of wives tails about headaches and migraines. DO NOT listen to anyone until you see your doctor.

Meanwhile, you can try and put cold, wet compresses (fancy word for face cloth). This helps me a lot. It doesn't make them go away, but it helps. If you become light-sensitive, try lowering your window shades, or very dark sunglasses. If you can eat, then eat, but in small amounts. Stay hydrated! Drink as much water as is comfortable. Dehydration can cause severe headaches.

If you can find a comfortable position that allows the headaches to subside then stay in that position until you can move. Do your headaches become more severe in different head positions?

The holidays are approaching, and a lot of times this can amplify stress. Can this be a cause for you? As you read further into this discussion you will find that there are lots of remedies that have worked for people. Migraines are different in everybody. You can go nuts trying everything so that's why I suggested going to the doctor first so that he can rule out a lot of things.

Do you have any other symptoms?

My fellow Mentor, Rachel @rwinney, posted this last year, I believe.

Migraine Headache- What helps you Cope-
Let me know how you make out!


Good luck with that. I have had a headache for 4 years/3 months, every day/all day. Doctors cannot figure it out. Try a headache clinic near you and pray.

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Ty Xo


O I more than feel for you! I had a concussion in 2019 and a thunderclap headache in 2020 and migraines were the result. I am 68 years young. I literally had a migraine from Sept. 2020 to May 2021 - 24/7. Not kidding. The pain horrible, jolts of severe spasms the norm. Nothing would relieve it, except time...You have already received lots of good advice. My neurologist suggested not Vitamin B2 but B6 - 400 mg. daily PLUS Magnesium Oxide 400 mg. daily for prevention BUT it took 3 months to work. I stopped the B6 simply b/c I am on a laundry list of medications for multiple health issues but will continue with the Magnesium. I can not take the triptans b/c of heart disease so I take the CGRPs with fair results. I also tried Emgality 120 s/c injection monthly for prevention which helped for months but then didn't. I now use Nervivio - x3/week which is a neuromodulating device for prevention and it has definitely been helpful. I have my migraine arsenal with me always. My migraine ice cap (2 in the freezer always), eye gel frozen mask, migraine sunglasses for the glare of just about anything, TV included, a neck wrap - to use cold or hot. I am done with aromatherapy EXCEPT for peppermint which is used for headaches/migraines and works for me, almost monthly spa treatments for headache massages (which includes the peppermint). Stress is my # 1 trigger so I do meditation, guided imagery, frequent naps, relaxation CDs, inspirational readings, gratitude journal and, of course, chair yoga (too heavy to get on the floor), music, mantras...anything that works for you. Foods really don't bother me much...air pollution is awful! Wear a mask! I also have severe panic disorder for I am on anti-anxiety medication (must be) and an anti-depressant. I just switched so the verdict is still out if it is helping with my anxiety and depression. I also have Zofran for nausea and meclazine for dizziness. Get involved with the Migraine World Summit on line which has an annual week of presentations by the top migraine specialists in the world (it's free). The next one will be in 2024. You can learn lots. Finally having migraines ALL MONTH is a chronic migraine condition and you MUST find a good neurologist!! And you MUST get treatment...don't suffer! And remember, migraines are NOT headaches but a true neurological brain health issue. Quite different from the run-of-the-mill headache. And, unfortunately, most people do NOT understand this. Most simply think "O, she is having another one of her headaches"...nothing could be further from the truth. If one is so unfortunate in life to experience crippling migraines you know exactly of what I speak! The very best of luck to you. And remember, you are not alone. Unfortunately you are a member of the "club" no one wants to be in!! But life CAN get better - just make a really good plan for yourself and get yourself lots of tools to fight this horrible brain condition.


Yea I use peppermint essential oil too. Its a roll on I put on may temples, neck. It's funny I tried Motrin Liquid pills for the 1st time and sometimes their helping !


Yea I read up about Long Covid. Its not it, its my usual migraines I been having on & off since I turned 42. Im 58 now.

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Have you been to a Neurologist for your migraines? Blessings....


Have you been to a Neurologist for your migraines? Blessings....

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No but so many others! Oncologist, Pain Management, Primary, ENT...


Yea I use peppermint essential oil too. Its a roll on I put on may temples, neck. It's funny I tried Motrin Liquid pills for the 1st time and sometimes their helping !

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My 22-year-old daughter uses peppermint essential oil and puts it behind her ears or neck or temples and claims it does help her. It's nice to see you are finding relief from it as well Kimmy.

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