Have you been cured of POST COVID?

Posted by mccoydj1 @mccoydj1, Sep 28, 2023

I would love to hear from folks that have been cured from Post COVID. What were your symptoms.... what things helped you improve? what things made it worse for you?

I ask because I am currently on a recovery journey - would love to understand what you've done

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 Support Group.

I developed symptoms described by a few here. Worst was severe fatigue. Had gastro issues, removed gall bladder, no impact. Constant nausea and regurgitation of food. Blood pressure spiked. Allergies became severe. Internist at Mayo provided extensive testing, blood work, referrals to several specialists. Most came back very positive and no major issues. Referred me to the Mayo Long Covid Protocol. I’m about two thirds of the way through. Gastro doctor determined I had regurgitation syndrome and prescribed medication that helped significantly. I’m convinced that Diaphragmatic Breathing has helped both the rumination and fatigue. For the first time in months, I am feeling better and regaining energy. Most importantly, I’m feeling like I’m back in the world… Fingers crossed.


Since I am out if state, I was sent a kit for microblood testing. I am a level 4 which is the worst. Please see the link for more info.

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Do you mind sharing the link for medhelp a third or fourth time? We got it already. Why not elaborate on what has helped you?


Do you mind sharing the link for medhelp a third or fourth time? We got it already. Why not elaborate on what has helped you?

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Since you asked so politely...
My main symptoms were burning, vertigo, what appears to be Reynaulds but undiagnosed and cognitive issues. I am at the beginning of month 4. My microclot level is a 4 which is the most severe so I will be on treatment for 6 months. Each treatment plan is individualized. See the link for more info. https://medhelpclinics.com/service/long-covid-clinic


Im with you! My lungs were never affected. My heart does a lot of weird things, but yet when monitored out in ER for this. They never have found anything. EKG's wore a heart monitor for two weeks, echo etc. I pressed the button on the heart monitor several times when I was having an episode and wrote the date and time so they could look back. There was just one little detection on their end. On the one they could track that was bad with chest pressure and extreme palpitations, they saw just minor disturbance. It's like this little mario brother man gets inside runs around causing chaos abs noone can catch him. That's how I visualize it! It's crazy as is the inner trembling that you cannot see on the outside. Bazaar!

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Same here! I'm 41 and have had crazy heart palpitations. Had multiple EKGs and ultrasound of my heart. Everything fine. Heart monitor for two weeks. I thought for sure that they would see tons of crazy tachycardia events due to heart racing and palpitations. Nothing showed on their end. I went for a run yesterday after work and my upper left chest (bronchial?), not heart area, had an aching feeling while taking deep breaths. I decided to not stop running and push through my anxiety worrying that it was my heart. Finished the run without dying 😉
I am always clearing my throat and snorting like a pig, ALL DAY AND NIGHT. Some call it post nasal drip but nothing ever comes up or out of my nose or throat. I have brain fog and the uncertainty of what is wrong with me if very very hard to block out and focus on life. I have a great life and have been very fortunate. Chest always hurts. Been this way for over two years. God bless each and every one of you!


I have recovered to 90% of normal and I did so within 4-6 months, meaning I could go back to work full time and live a mostly normal life. Another year and I feel totally normal again (heart palpitations gone etc).

I'm actually writing up my own personal protocol and will be very happy to share here in the forums once I'm done. Please message me directly to get on my email list and be informed when it's ready. I plan to publish this protocol widely to help those who are still immensely suffering... It's heartbreaking to see people suffering so, and this is why I'm doing it...

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Why not post it in all the forums? If something helped you....... SHARE!!!!


I would be very interested in your root cause protocol. I have a sinus congestion post nasal drip 24/7 long haul for about 5 months post covid. While not as serious or debilitating as some of the sufferers on this blog it still causes a constant flow of mucous down my throat and at times does choke me. My ENT says the inflammation in my sinuses is causing the excess mucous.
Various steroid nasal sprays or histamine sprays offer some relief as does a nasal rinse, but only temporarily. Any information regarding your protocol to calm down the inflammation and relax my body would be so appreciated.
Stay well and happy!

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BINGO! That's exactly what I have! Three ENTs and the last one was the most experienced and a veteran (I saw him when I was about ten years old LOL). He has the CT scan of my sinuses looked eerily good. He used a decongestant and looked up my nose. Everything looked fine. My eyes constantly burn/itch, my nose is usually try and clear, but I can hear the sinus membranes cracking and popping.

The last ENT recommended going to Duke or Chapel Hill Health for food allergy testing. Not wanting to drive 2.5 hours to going down the rabbit hole of "Possible food items" that are causing inflammation, but if it helps I would 100% do it.

Has anyone here had food allergy testing?


Since you asked so politely...
My main symptoms were burning, vertigo, what appears to be Reynaulds but undiagnosed and cognitive issues. I am at the beginning of month 4. My microclot level is a 4 which is the most severe so I will be on treatment for 6 months. Each treatment plan is individualized. See the link for more info. https://medhelpclinics.com/service/long-covid-clinic

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I don't see the link. Thanks for helping by sharing your experience with this great website 😉


I’m suffering from loss of taste and smell since December of 2022. I’m at the end of my rope and have recently begun acupuncture to try to gain these senses back. So far, after about 10 treatments, a slight slight improvement in my sense of smell. On occasion, I will get a whiff of my hand soap or cinnamon in my coffee, but that’s it. Still only getting tastes of salty, sweet or sour, but no flavors. This doesn’t happen every day, but it is a slight improvement.


I’m suffering from loss of taste and smell since December of 2022. I’m at the end of my rope and have recently begun acupuncture to try to gain these senses back. So far, after about 10 treatments, a slight slight improvement in my sense of smell. On occasion, I will get a whiff of my hand soap or cinnamon in my coffee, but that’s it. Still only getting tastes of salty, sweet or sour, but no flavors. This doesn’t happen every day, but it is a slight improvement.

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I lost my sense of smell from Covid almost 3 years ago and recently started using 3mg doses of nicotine patches. I have my smell back 100%! I am beyond thrilled because I thought it was lost for good.
It’s worth a try, I bought 21mg patches and cut them into 6 small pieces.
You could try the gum and just chew it a bit and spit it out.
Hope this works for you, I feel your pain missing all the wonderful scents around us, it’s terribly frustrating!!!
Good luck!!!


Recently, omega 3 fish oil supplements are known to be cancer causing. Get your omega 3 from food sources. Also, b12 supplements should be based on your mthfr genetic mutation if you have one. Yes, check with your doctor before taking any of these supplements.

I am receiving treatment from and it is working https://medhelpclinics.com/service/long-covid-clinic

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Sorry in the slow response. Just had a mthfr genetic mutation bloodwork done and awaiting results. I conferred with someone very versed in supplements and they felt the fish oil was find to take. I'll keep doing my research on that one. Thank you. You have been most helpful. I pray you continue to get better. I care.

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