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I’m so fortunate to only be 4 hours away from Rochester. Post ablation was a stay in St Mary’s from Tuesday (ablation day) thru Friday morning to monitor rhythm do to an addition of a rhythm drug called sotolol which requires observation . ( The staff at St Mary’s is incredible). The sotolol regiment was not a great experience but effective. I believe it was administered due to the fact I had been in AFIB for such a long period that muscle memory was the concern. I was on sotolol for 90 days and petitioned Dr Kappa’s staff to end that drug. I then felt very good but still experienced PVC’s and Dr Kappa preformed another type of Ablation, different than the first. I can truly say I hadn’t felt this good for a verrry long time.
Three years later I have had encountered another bout of arrhythmia but treated locally with another drug labeled dofetelide which I have tolerated very well and currently in sinus. Unfortunately I think it took a trip to Mayo to gain the attention of my local doctor’s and the severity of my symptoms. Additionally, a cardiologist in Fl insisted I either have an ablation in Fl but strongly suggest Mayo.
I have had a couple other cardiovascular experiences (stents) at Rochester and I simply cannot say enough about the quality of care I have received there. Let me also say the scheduling departments are absolutely out of this world. They truly understand the distances the patients need to travel and so try to accommodate.
I know I probably sound like an ambassador for the Clinic but they have genuinely changed my life and so many others that have shared their stories and experiences. I certainly hope you are able to become a patient there and wish you the very best.

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Replies to "I’m so fortunate to only be 4 hours away from Rochester. Post ablation was a stay..."

Curious about Afib. So how long were you in Afib? Are you still able to function normally while in Afib m? How long can one be in Afib and it be ok? Thank you.

I have a modest case of AFib..I say modest because diagnosed in 2015..full echo resulted in normal status and has been the same with a new"full checkup last month". The only issue was
an enlarged atrium which is an offshoot of Afib. Enlarged atrium is common, but can also be a result of activities, weight, strength, exercise etc. As a former US Army Infantry officer, I suspect perhaps the enlargement could be a result of several causes.

I use the VA clinic in Viera/Melbourne, Florida as a second opinion to my normal doc who I see
just once per year. Frankly, the VA is absolutely outstanding..But, here is the point of this rambling...the nurse I spoke with yesterday worked at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville. She could not find the words to say how excellent the facility was in every way. She moved south to be with extended family as she is about 6 months pregnant. This comment reinforces
the comment before mine. The lesson is: If available, make every effort to go to the best there is in terms of health care; seek second opinion; use the net and forums like this to inform yourself of options. (I do take Padaxa as blood thinner and atenolol as beta blocker and also lowers blood pressure. Cheers All/RH

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply! I believe what I have just read from you solidified my decision to go to the Mayo Clinic for my ablation. I was waffling back and forth because both doctors basically agree on my treatment plan, but I wanted a fresh pair of eyes this time. My Dr. in Milwaukee has been working with me for 15 years and maybe it's time I shook things up since my 2nd ablation didn't work and caused me to have a stroke the day after! (no residual affects!) Your description of St. Mary's (that is where I first met Dr. Tan) sounds wonderful and very reassuring. As it turns out, I am going back next week to meet with a vascular specialist and also a genetics counselor because of my clot history and the very high prevalence of afib in mine and my mom's family. No other Dr. has ever been concerned enough with those things to take it that step further as Dr. Tan is doing. Another reason I like him because he is being very thorough and he said he likes to treat the whole person, not just the heart. Thanks again, a I wish you the best as well!