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Ahh I see. I put in a call and I think they took some info. Now I’m just waiting to see if my insurance will cover anyway. They told me to call them back after I figured things out with the insurance. Hope it all works out this time for you! I hear there can be quite the long wait. I’m a (almost) 43 year old female having flair ups of palpitations (runs of flutters, skilled beats). Scary stuff. Been to the ER more than I can count. Had six monitors the last five years. The last one in August. Course they never catch anthing so they won’t refer me to and EP. They did say I could get a loop recorder implanted if I wanted. I’m seriously considering. Have you ever thought of a pacemaker?

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Replies to "Ahh I see. I put in a call and I think they took some info. Now..."

A second opinion at Mayo is just a great idea. After considerable effort at my primary in my home town I scheduled an appointment with Mayo heart rhythm and received such great support and respect. Finally a facility that completely understands the consequences of AFIB and PVC’s. Dr Kapa helped me with an ablation and the staff at St Mary’s in Rochester we’re all wonderful and will give you an understanding of why they are rated number one in the world. You have to experience Mayo to understand and you will I hope.

I asked the Dr. about a loop recorder and it didn't seem like it was for me. A regular pacemaker is mostly if you heart is going too slow and mine is mostly too fast. An AV node ablation with pacemaker is pretty much a last resort when all other interventions have failed and I think I'm a ways away from that!