Weaning off Hydrocodone

Posted by clemsonbabe @clemsonbabe, Oct 24, 2023

I have been on Hydrocodone for over a year after back surgery. My Gastroenterologist believes it is causing my nausea and lack of appetite and recommends I get off of it. I still have lots of pain. Any suggestions on ways to wean off and other options for pain management. I also see a Pain Management doctor who is advising me. Trust your feedback on this. Thank you!

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Have you had updated MRIs and EMG testing by a neurologist to help narrow down the source of pain and proper treatment? Did they injure something else when they did the surgery which is causing this prolonged pain? Were you in this much pain before your surgery? Sorry for all of my questions but I care and know how hard dealing with chronic pain is. God be with you through this challenging and painful time. My heart goes out to you.

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You are the second person who has suggested a neurologist. I thought my neurosurgeon was best but will send a message to my neurologist and see if I should have some nerve testing.


You are the second person who has suggested a neurologist. I thought my neurosurgeon was best but will send a message to my neurologist and see if I should have some nerve testing.

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If your scoliosis surgery was in your thoracic spine, there are nerves that affect gastrointestinal system (stomach, liver, gallbladder, esophagus, etc.). It is possible the stomach issues and pain may be worsened if the nerves were injured during the surgery. See attached picture of spine and nerves. Good luck with your neurologist. Spinal injections can help with inflammation and nerve pain in your spine (I have had 3-4 of them and scheduled for another in December). They have helped me reduce nerve pain and improve mobility.


Thanks! Actually was able to see my pain mgt dr yesterday. He is changing the Hydrocodone to Nucynta. I have been on Hydrocodone so long I do not think it is holding the pain any longer. Still concerned about side effects and interactions but have to do something for the chronic pain. Any comments on Nucynta?

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Sometimes I get so confused about different meds and how their effects differ from person to person. I’ve been taking hydrocodone for nearly 20years and it has gotten more and more ineffective for the last several years. My pain is primarily caused by back, hips and shoulders. About 8 years ago I had back surgery and the surgeon made some sort of error during the operation. After I got home, I got notified by the head of the hospital that the surgeon had made a bad mistake and that I should get an attorney. I sure never expected this but I got an attorney and went to court. Almost immediately I went to court and won the suit. It really doesn’t matter whether one wins a suit as it doesn’t take away one’s pain which is the reason I had the surgery in the first place. Your message interested me because you are able to take your meds while spacing them farther and farther apart. I can’t ever do that because my level of pain goes up more and more each year. I can’t ever ask for an increase in medication because my pain management doctor doesn’t approve of increasing the strength of pain meds.


If your scoliosis surgery was in your thoracic spine, there are nerves that affect gastrointestinal system (stomach, liver, gallbladder, esophagus, etc.). It is possible the stomach issues and pain may be worsened if the nerves were injured during the surgery. See attached picture of spine and nerves. Good luck with your neurologist. Spinal injections can help with inflammation and nerve pain in your spine (I have had 3-4 of them and scheduled for another in December). They have helped me reduce nerve pain and improve mobility.

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Thanks for sharing. Tried shots in spine before my surgery and they did not help my problem at all. Neurosurgeon nor pain mgt recommend. Just started a new pain med. Nucynta.


Thanks! Actually was able to see my pain mgt dr yesterday. He is changing the Hydrocodone to Nucynta. I have been on Hydrocodone so long I do not think it is holding the pain any longer. Still concerned about side effects and interactions but have to do something for the chronic pain. Any comments on Nucynta?

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What kind of home exercise program are you on following your surgery, if any?


Thanks for sharing. Tried shots in spine before my surgery and they did not help my problem at all. Neurosurgeon nor pain mgt recommend. Just started a new pain med. Nucynta.

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Nucynta did not help with pain mgt at all. Have been in severe pain for 3 days. Back on the Hydrocodone. At least it and ice take the edge off.


What kind of home exercise program are you on following your surgery, if any?

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I try to walk about a mile most days. I do very minor core exercises. I was going to physical therapy in the water for the past year but the past couple of months I would have to rest for 3-4 days after a simple workout in the water. I had really hoped to be doing better by now. My surgery was 15 months ago.


I’ve found that walking is my go to exercise to reduce pain in my legs and hips vs. meds. I had my L5-S1 fusion in 1991 and now have spinal OA with PN but I can walk.


Nucynta did not help with pain mgt at all. Have been in severe pain for 3 days. Back on the Hydrocodone. At least it and ice take the edge off.

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Do you have a comfortable position? Or does it hurt the same standing, sitting, or laying? Do you need opioids to sleep?

My experience has been when I took Oxycodone to help sleeping through the night, my digestive timing was delayed. I was uncomfortable until I had a BM. Usually later that day. I also have much different pain levels standing. I wish I could walk a hundred feet before the pain gets very difficult. I stopped using Oxy before bed. Really helped my digestive timing. I also sit a lot. I wait until I have to get up and do something before I take the Oxy. It helps me do household chores. I cut 10-325 into 4 pieces and take them when I really need them. Like right now I took a quarter pill and in about 20 minutes I'm getting on the mower and cleaning up some leaves with it. I'll take another quarter pill about 30 minutes from now and it'll take the edge off for an hour or so. Then I'll sit down. This kind of usage has taken me from four pills a day to about one.
My other experience is with PT and exercise. It makes my back feel worse. I've come to realize if I don't ask for much I won't be too disappointed. I like places that have benches that allow me to sit when I need to sit. Like the boardwalk at the shore.
And I've found icing is a very effective pain reliever. It's just so damn cold on some areas.
You should tinker with what might work for you.


Do you have a comfortable position? Or does it hurt the same standing, sitting, or laying? Do you need opioids to sleep?

My experience has been when I took Oxycodone to help sleeping through the night, my digestive timing was delayed. I was uncomfortable until I had a BM. Usually later that day. I also have much different pain levels standing. I wish I could walk a hundred feet before the pain gets very difficult. I stopped using Oxy before bed. Really helped my digestive timing. I also sit a lot. I wait until I have to get up and do something before I take the Oxy. It helps me do household chores. I cut 10-325 into 4 pieces and take them when I really need them. Like right now I took a quarter pill and in about 20 minutes I'm getting on the mower and cleaning up some leaves with it. I'll take another quarter pill about 30 minutes from now and it'll take the edge off for an hour or so. Then I'll sit down. This kind of usage has taken me from four pills a day to about one.
My other experience is with PT and exercise. It makes my back feel worse. I've come to realize if I don't ask for much I won't be too disappointed. I like places that have benches that allow me to sit when I need to sit. Like the boardwalk at the shore.
And I've found icing is a very effective pain reliever. It's just so damn cold on some areas.
You should tinker with what might work for you.

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Laying down and icing work great for me. Trying to keep moving as much as I can so I do not become an invalid. I tried cutting the Hydrocodone with some success, but now have had to go back to the full dose and it is not really holding the pain level. I think my body has just gotten used to it and it is no longer working, which I understand can happen.

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