Pain in the butt - Can't sit down

Posted by ecalderman @ecalderman, Nov 21, 2012

I have had very intense pain at my sitz bones for over 7 months and am unable to sit down. when I sit, it feels like I am sitting on two hot pokers or rocks and it is really unbearable. So, I have been standing for seven months. I've been to a couple of spine and pain management doctors, an orthopedist, a chiropractor, a neurologist, an acupuncturist, and a massage therapist. The original diagnosis was ischial bursitis but that ha not appeared on any images. I don't have any issues with any of my lumbar disks. I'm in constant pain even when standing or lying down though those activities do not hurt as much as sitting. Has anyone heard of anything like this before?

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I have fallen that way skiing. I do not know what started this nerve pain I the pelvic area but I had surgery for an enlarged prostate which causes retrograde ejaculation and later started having pain in the perinium area. The perinium pain became worse after ejaculating. They treated me for prostatasis and did surgery to remove some blockage which did not work. I learned to live with the pain and got burning in the penis area and spikes in the rectum area along with the perinium area pain for ten years. When I found out I might have prostate cancer I became extremely stressed because I had ignored these pains and frequency urinary issues which was severely affecting my sleep. The pain also increased and I started to have burning in the rectum area also and the perinium pain became bad and would not go away. Before surgery my whole pelvic was inflamed in pain and my urologist said it was not an infection and it was nerve pain. It disappeared after a day of absolute misery When they removed my prostate for cancer the perinium pain disappeared and I had catheter in and woke up feeling fantastic. The whole week was wonderful sleeping through the night. I had a little rectum pain and some penis pain.
The catheter was removed and I started to get the horrendous sitting pain and penis pain I have been battling this pelvic pain now over a year after surgery along with incontinence. I am at a point now where I need the pain to be lowered and need sleep. I get in so much pelvic pain at times that it feels like it is coming from the whole pelvic area. I need to be able to manage the pain to a tolerable level. I know I am depressed even with my grandchildren being around me almost all the time. Without them as a distraction I do not know what I would do. I need the positives and lucky I have them. Wishing everyone happiness

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@maddiemae, @heisenberg34
I am so sorry for all your pain. Only people who have had severe pain, whatever the cause, can understand. I really am helped by Lyrica and Cymbalta but since I’ve gotten my spinal cord stimulator I hope to get off them. I started with Cymbalta and it is very difficult to reduce. You have to reduce it very, very slowly or go through hard withdrawal pain. But I am doing it. I really have been helped by my spinal cord stimulator but it’s a long process getting started and a lot of people don’t seem to realize this or don’t have good technical followup support. You have to work with a tech rep and go slow, waiting 48 hours before evaluating each change of settings. But it has helped me a lot and might help you too.


I have fallen that way skiing. I do not know what started this nerve pain I the pelvic area but I had surgery for an enlarged prostate which causes retrograde ejaculation and later started having pain in the perinium area. The perinium pain became worse after ejaculating. They treated me for prostatasis and did surgery to remove some blockage which did not work. I learned to live with the pain and got burning in the penis area and spikes in the rectum area along with the perinium area pain for ten years. When I found out I might have prostate cancer I became extremely stressed because I had ignored these pains and frequency urinary issues which was severely affecting my sleep. The pain also increased and I started to have burning in the rectum area also and the perinium pain became bad and would not go away. Before surgery my whole pelvic was inflamed in pain and my urologist said it was not an infection and it was nerve pain. It disappeared after a day of absolute misery When they removed my prostate for cancer the perinium pain disappeared and I had catheter in and woke up feeling fantastic. The whole week was wonderful sleeping through the night. I had a little rectum pain and some penis pain.
The catheter was removed and I started to get the horrendous sitting pain and penis pain I have been battling this pelvic pain now over a year after surgery along with incontinence. I am at a point now where I need the pain to be lowered and need sleep. I get in so much pelvic pain at times that it feels like it is coming from the whole pelvic area. I need to be able to manage the pain to a tolerable level. I know I am depressed even with my grandchildren being around me almost all the time. Without them as a distraction I do not know what I would do. I need the positives and lucky I have them. Wishing everyone happiness

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My prayers are with you my friend I am going through a pain literally in my butt although I am a woman I understand that when you have pain in that area everything in your pelvic hurts my private shirt I feel like I have infection but I don't all I know is I cannot sit and nothing shows up on any CT scan I've had both hips replaced my posture is bad but this here is ridiculous I can't sit any where for long periods of time we will pray for each other that God heals us.


My prayers are with you my friend I am going through a pain literally in my butt although I am a woman I understand that when you have pain in that area everything in your pelvic hurts my private shirt I feel like I have infection but I don't all I know is I cannot sit and nothing shows up on any CT scan I've had both hips replaced my posture is bad but this here is ridiculous I can't sit any where for long periods of time we will pray for each other that God heals us.

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I wish you the best too and are healed. I am trying to stay positive but would be happy to get to a point of managing the pain so it does not have a major impact on my life. I force myself to do things with my grandchildren like camping and hiking but at times it is too much. Traveling by car to my grandchildren hurts badly. I keep thinking of all the good times I have with them. Keep good thoughts and try to keep good distractions going. Wishing you and everyone happiness and when things are bad get something to make you smile or laugh.


@maddiemae, @heisenberg34
I am so sorry for all your pain. Only people who have had severe pain, whatever the cause, can understand. I really am helped by Lyrica and Cymbalta but since I’ve gotten my spinal cord stimulator I hope to get off them. I started with Cymbalta and it is very difficult to reduce. You have to reduce it very, very slowly or go through hard withdrawal pain. But I am doing it. I really have been helped by my spinal cord stimulator but it’s a long process getting started and a lot of people don’t seem to realize this or don’t have good technical followup support. You have to work with a tech rep and go slow, waiting 48 hours before evaluating each change of settings. But it has helped me a lot and might help you too.

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I have been on Cymbalta and Lyrica after a car crash. It did help the pain some for a damaged nerve and I may have to go back to it. I was hoping I could get it fixed but as time goes on I am less hopeful and am looking to get it to a manageable level. Thanks for reminding me of the medication option and keep me informed on how the spinal cord simulator is working out, it may be the way I head. Wishing you the best.


@maddiemae, @heisenberg34
I am so sorry for all your pain. Only people who have had severe pain, whatever the cause, can understand. I really am helped by Lyrica and Cymbalta but since I’ve gotten my spinal cord stimulator I hope to get off them. I started with Cymbalta and it is very difficult to reduce. You have to reduce it very, very slowly or go through hard withdrawal pain. But I am doing it. I really have been helped by my spinal cord stimulator but it’s a long process getting started and a lot of people don’t seem to realize this or don’t have good technical followup support. You have to work with a tech rep and go slow, waiting 48 hours before evaluating each change of settings. But it has helped me a lot and might help you too.

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Hi. Thank you for your response, I've been taking Cymbalta for a couple of years which helps. I had a spinal cord stimulator implanted 2 years ago but it stopped working after a year so I had it removed last August. I had it implanted for CPS which caused intense burning on my skin. The skin is no worse than it was before the implant. Good luck.


My prayers are with you my friend I am going through a pain literally in my butt although I am a woman I understand that when you have pain in that area everything in your pelvic hurts my private shirt I feel like I have infection but I don't all I know is I cannot sit and nothing shows up on any CT scan I've had both hips replaced my posture is bad but this here is ridiculous I can't sit any where for long periods of time we will pray for each other that God heals us.

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I'm so sorry for your pain.
Yes, prayers for each other.


I feel your pain (pun intended). I feel while skiing back in '016. Landed hard on my lower back and buttocks. I have had all kinds if pain issues ever since,. I'll cut those out to save space. Ever since then, it has felt like I am sitting on something like a hockey puck in each buttock. No one has been able to diagnose or trat it. Believe me, I've been to more docs of every persuason... more than I can keep of track of. Spinal fusion. injections, nerve block, spinal cord stimulator (2). morphine pain pump, physical therapy, etc. Nothing has EVER touched this pain (I am feeling it right now, despite the pain pump and meds). I am seeing a new pain specialist who claims he can help me. I say "Ha!"! Talk is cheap. Show me results. Anyway, I hope your procedure helps you. Really.

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Please keep us updated I too am going through the same type of pain I feel like I'm sitting on something the CT scans don't show anything anyway long story I'm praying for healing I'll pray for you.


And I for you. What bugs me the most is that I've told every doc (too many to count) about this, and they just kind of shake it off... even when I say, "For every effect, there's a cause. My effect is this pain in the butt, for 7 years. So, what's the cause?". No real answer. Just more injections, meds, etc. These are like band aids on a gushing arterial wound. Really getting fed up with these so-called medical professionals who hardly have time for you except to grab your $$ before you get out the door. Sorry, feeling kind of cranky today. Pain tends to do that, I have discovered. Good luck on your search!


I have been on Cymbalta and Lyrica after a car crash. It did help the pain some for a damaged nerve and I may have to go back to it. I was hoping I could get it fixed but as time goes on I am less hopeful and am looking to get it to a manageable level. Thanks for reminding me of the medication option and keep me informed on how the spinal cord simulator is working out, it may be the way I head. Wishing you the best.

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Did going off Cymbalta cause a lot of pain? How long were you on it? Thanks.


I have been on Cymbalta and Lyrica after a car crash. It did help the pain some for a damaged nerve and I may have to go back to it. I was hoping I could get it fixed but as time goes on I am less hopeful and am looking to get it to a manageable level. Thanks for reminding me of the medication option and keep me informed on how the spinal cord simulator is working out, it may be the way I head. Wishing you the best.

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I think I posted my question to the wrong person. Anyway, how long were you on Cymbalta and did it cause extreme pain when you discontinued it? Thanks.

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