Sjogren’s Syndrome – Introduce yourself and meet others

Posted by cmtg @cmtg, Aug 20, 2016

I have been diagnosed with this and I'm in pain most days and would like to have discussions.

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I was browsing the Mayo Clinic website and came across a visual of the symptoms of Sjogren's. I have 5 out of 6 of the symptoms. How is Sjogren's diagnosed?


@dianaislooking. Don’t you just love it when you’re ‘the only one!’ You certainly have a great spirit and outlook on life.
How are you being treated?

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I am being treated with medication, followed by a neurologist. MRI as needed. They stopped PT due to not being able to control my movements. I twitch and jerk and cause more damage. I am sure they will try PT again as soon as they can get some of that under control. They tell me to avoid stress, eat balanced meals and drink Gatorade. They have me set up to be able to instantly message doctors and will set me an appointment asap if needed or make med adjustments over the phone. They just wait for the next thing to happen and try to come up with something. I actually have a team of doctors. A rheumatologist, a neurologist, an optometrist, a primary, a nerve doctor, a nerve surgeon, he does RFAs on my cervical where I have had 2 neck surgeries, one failed. And a physical therapist. I am sure there are ones I forgot at the moment. The hospital I go to has a big network in our area. St. Luke's.


I was browsing the Mayo Clinic website and came across a visual of the symptoms of Sjogren's. I have 5 out of 6 of the symptoms. How is Sjogren's diagnosed?

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Don't know if anyone has answered this. It is a blood test and then a lip biopsy.


I was browsing the Mayo Clinic website and came across a visual of the symptoms of Sjogren's. I have 5 out of 6 of the symptoms. How is Sjogren's diagnosed?

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@ateaseana Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I see that someone has already answered your question! Have you seen a doctor about your symptoms? Sjogren’s is usually best managed by a rheumatologist. Your primary care doctor can make a referral for you.
What symptoms do you have?


To Dianaislooking: Yes, please tell what they are doing for you. As a fellow Sjogren's fighter, and someone who has Sjogren's neuropathy, I want to know all you might learn. Nothing is too trivial. Some of us might follow in your footsteps. I read your story and I find it both scary and inspiring. Please share. I am currently doing IvIg. Have you considered doing that?


To Dianaislooking: Yes, please tell what they are doing for you. As a fellow Sjogren's fighter, and someone who has Sjogren's neuropathy, I want to know all you might learn. Nothing is too trivial. Some of us might follow in your footsteps. I read your story and I find it both scary and inspiring. Please share. I am currently doing IvIg. Have you considered doing that?

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Hi there also have Sjogrens lupus nueropathy and pots/ Dysautonomia. Have u found relief with ivig ?? That was what was suggested for me when I went to Johns Hopkins.


To Dianaislooking: Yes, please tell what they are doing for you. As a fellow Sjogren's fighter, and someone who has Sjogren's neuropathy, I want to know all you might learn. Nothing is too trivial. Some of us might follow in your footsteps. I read your story and I find it both scary and inspiring. Please share. I am currently doing IvIg. Have you considered doing that?

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What is Iving?


I would appreciate if posts would contain less acronyms (?)
I’m new to all this and have no idea of what you are talking about, sorry (:


I would appreciate if posts would contain less acronyms (?)
I’m new to all this and have no idea of what you are talking about, sorry (:

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To CBlue: I'm sorry, I have the same frustration at times, but that is what the medical people call it too. It is where they collect plasma from lots of people and only give you the gamma globulin which you then use to fight viruses etc. I was also IgG low at the time (my doc tested me) and felt I couldn't lose by being boosed I do feel pretty healthy for haveing as many diagnoses as I do but my neuropathy hasn't really "gone away". Maybe a tiny bit better when I'm haveing a good day pain wise. I ony have balance symptoms with my neuropathy, no sensory. So I am spared the pain and numbness, etc.


I am being treated with medication, followed by a neurologist. MRI as needed. They stopped PT due to not being able to control my movements. I twitch and jerk and cause more damage. I am sure they will try PT again as soon as they can get some of that under control. They tell me to avoid stress, eat balanced meals and drink Gatorade. They have me set up to be able to instantly message doctors and will set me an appointment asap if needed or make med adjustments over the phone. They just wait for the next thing to happen and try to come up with something. I actually have a team of doctors. A rheumatologist, a neurologist, an optometrist, a primary, a nerve doctor, a nerve surgeon, he does RFAs on my cervical where I have had 2 neck surgeries, one failed. And a physical therapist. I am sure there are ones I forgot at the moment. The hospital I go to has a big network in our area. St. Luke's.

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Thank you for that thorough accounting. You do have an amazing team of people involved with you. Please keep us updated as to how it goes. And your attitude and strength of purpose is an inspiration to us all! I was out yesterday getting my infusion with the IgG. It is thick stuff and slower than most other fluids. I was there most of the day. not painful, just tedious.

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