Thumping/drumming in one ear

Posted by kerryf88 @kerryf88, Mar 15, 2019

It started about a week ago, I was walking my dog and suddenly I hear this rapid drumming sound in my right ear, twice, it doesn’t match my heartbeat at all, the second time it happened I covered my right ear with a finger and it’s gone. And since then I’ve been having occasional rapid thumps (3-4 thumps) in the right ear, maybe once or twice a day or sometimes none in a day, no common trigger, just happens randomly during the day. I don’t know why? When the thumping happens it feels like that ear is partially blocked like under water.

I’m currently experiencing slight dizziness due to bad postures from a few weeks ago, which leads to sore neck and shoulder, not sure if this could be related?

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I bin seeing my ENT he knows what’s going on if my treatments don’t go well then he’s going to help me get on disability I’m also looking into a physiatrist as well..

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If your situation is debilitating as in like you described that you feel like a vegetable, in that case, you can talk to your ENT and discuss a cochlear implant. If it is too expensive you could consider offshore like Singapore or India. You might have to stay in that country for some time my guess would be 3- 12 months for therapy and to manage complications. It will be an emotionally traumatic journey for the first couple of years but then you can expect life to live more normally. Other choices would be to do resection surgery to decrease the impact I do not know how successful that would be. My sincere prayers for you. Keep us updated.


Has anyone had a CT Angio and CT Brain because of pounding/ thumping in ear. My ENT ordered that for me to eliminate the possibility that blood vessels in the brain might be the reason.


@zoomer925 and anyone else. I started acupuncture a couple weeks ago. I've only had two sessions. The first session was to address my acid reflux (its really bad) and the 2nd session I decided to mention my thumping. My acupuncturists english isnt the best, so I just mentioned middle ear. He did his thing. Now, something that was alarming was, when he put the needle in near my ears, I felt like the room was spinning for about 5 minutes. I do sometimes get that feeling for 30-seconds to a minute when laying down (before the acupuncture), so to have it stay that long was scary, however it went away. But good news! While my thumping is still here in terms of frequency, it is only a few thumps. Also, I'm used to the thumping coming on its own, however so far I haven't had any spasms except for when I yawn or burp or hiccup, and again its only a few thumps and then it stops. SWEET RELIEF! Again, not perfect but a vast improvement. I'm debating to have him do the ears again, and see if it improves even more, but so far its much more manageable. Truly if anyone hasn't tried acupunture yet, I urge you to do so. Its been two weeks since I've had it last for more than a few seconds each time. Granted it may not help everyone, but it certainly doesn't hurt to give it a try.


B12 cured my ear thumping

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My ear thumping returned and now I'm thinking it's more related to low iron than low B12


I have a very rapid thumping in my left ear that started in the last couple of weeks. When I cover or plug my ear it stops. It feels like pressure oscillations. It may start at any time and go on for an indetermined period of time and is constant. Not sure what to do about it.

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Hello. I wonder if your thumping noise has stopped by now? I have exactly the same problem in my left ear and stops when I put my finger in it. Really irritating like a pulsating thump. I don’t think it’s blood pressure. Did you get any resolve?


My ear thumping returned and now I'm thinking it's more related to low iron than low B12

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How long did it go away for?


How long did it go away for?

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I feel like it went away for about 4-5 months


I feel like it went away for about 4-5 months

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Ah ok, I'm sorry its back. Mines been nearly gone since March, I mostly don't worry about it but I do get the feeling it can come back at any time.


Ah ok, I'm sorry its back. Mines been nearly gone since March, I mostly don't worry about it but I do get the feeling it can come back at any time.

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Thanks. How did you get rid of yours?


I have been noticing a weird thumping/pulsating sound in my right ear. If cover the ear, it stops.
Also found that when I watch tv on my cell phone (LG Stylo 2), that is when the thumping occurs (Spectrum TV app). Doesn't happen with any of my other devices, nor with PlutoTV, TubiTV, YouTube, or Netflix.
But if I turned the program off, the thumping stops. I put an emf counter by my phone and it is emiting up to 24.4 while the other devices are emitting 15 on the high end.
So I am assuming WIFI plus using the video somehow is creating a sound wave that I have described.
I just wonder, why only the right ear?? Why not both ears??

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I have the same exact issue. I have a rapid vibrating in my ear that doesn't match my's a significantly faster rhythm as if there is jackhammer or an electric transformer station down the street (I checked, and there isn't). However, I can feel a physical vibration in my ear. I have also noticed that I get especially triggered when listening to videos or calls on my speaker phone. I also have a variety of high-end headphones, and I noticed that my headphones that cause it to spike the most are my planar magnetic headphones. So yeah, it does make sense that an electromagnetic field may have something to do with it and the weird electric pulsating.

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