Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) - Introduce yourself and meet others

Let's talk about living with rheumatoid arthritis.
As moderator of the Autoimmune Diseases group, I noticed that several people were talking about RA, but those conversations were scattered throughout the community. I thought I would start this discussion to bring us all together in one place.

Let’s grab a cup of tea, or beverage of choice, and let's chat. Why not start by introducing yourself?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Autoimmune Diseases Support Group.


Hello my name is Judy I am 76 years old, and I have RA along with other autoimmune related things, along with a type of blood cancer.
I am moving from Kentucky back to senior apartments in Sheridan, Wyoming. Needless to say I am hurting and exhausted from packing and cleaning. Enjoy seeing all your posts.

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I did the big downsize a year ago Judy so I feel your pain. Just pace yourself, ask for and accept help, and force yourself to rest. It will all get done.

Good luck!


I have been on Orencia almost 5 years. At one point I needed to go off for 5 months to accommodate a surgical procedure When I returned to taking it, it worked well again.

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You’re very lucky - it doesn’t always work that way.


Aw thanks. I appreciate your support. ❤️

Really interesting that your fibro gives you rib/diaphram tightness. Another data point!

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Yes, it surprised me too - I had the pain for years before anyone made a connection. Then I found a great myotherapist very knowledgeable about fibro and she was the one who joined the dots. Now her treatments (actually anywhere BUT my ribcage) keep everything under control so I am exceedingly grateful to her. Plus some gentle yoga/stretching seems to help. It's all an ongoing adventure, right? xx


Sharon. On methotrexate which works well for me. No side effects with shot. Get a flare up every once in a while. Believe my allergies do impact.

I’ve just started some PT and that also seems to be helping.


Sharon. On methotrexate which works well for me. No side effects with shot. Get a flare up every once in a while. Believe my allergies do impact.

I’ve just started some PT and that also seems to be helping.

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@nanilynn Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect! I love it that you just jumped in and joined the discussion! It sounds like your RA is well managed. How long since diagnosis?
If you don’t mind my asking, how did you find Mayo Connect?


Hi, This is Sue. I have had Fibro and RA for 41 years; many combinations of medicines and surgeries. Then came Sjogrens, Reynouds and Pseudogout. My constant companion is fatigue. Sometimes being nauseous tags along.
I try to pace myself and noticed that green tea calms my stomach. Anyone have any new ideas for fatigue and nausea?


Hi, This is Sue. I have had Fibro and RA for 41 years; many combinations of medicines and surgeries. Then came Sjogrens, Reynouds and Pseudogout. My constant companion is fatigue. Sometimes being nauseous tags along.
I try to pace myself and noticed that green tea calms my stomach. Anyone have any new ideas for fatigue and nausea?

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@luki 52. Just the fibro and RA are enough and now you have the others, too! Wow. You obviously aren’t a ‘spoonie’, yet. Members in this discussion group talk about managing their time and hints for dealing with fatigue.
I hope you will find some helpful tips!
Any special tips for how you’ve coped for so long?


Hi, This is Sue. I have had Fibro and RA for 41 years; many combinations of medicines and surgeries. Then came Sjogrens, Reynouds and Pseudogout. My constant companion is fatigue. Sometimes being nauseous tags along.
I try to pace myself and noticed that green tea calms my stomach. Anyone have any new ideas for fatigue and nausea?

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I’m Pam… think I introduced myself but I’m RA since 2012, sero positive now but didn’t start that way. I had an atypical acute onset. One day I was fine - 3 days later I couldn’t open a bottle of water or a door, use my hair dryer, write, walk, sleep, etc. The insurance company was trying to force me into a step up drug program which was having no effect. Long story but my boss used his muscle to get me into see an ace rheumatologist. I walked out of my initial visit on Humira and had dramatic response in days. I’ve been through Enbrel as well and now am on an anti TNF, Remicade.

You mentioned pseudogout.. I never heard the term, but I reported to my first Rheumatologist that I had gout a couple of years before my RA diagnosis. She thought it was more likely my first RA presentation.


Anyone have problems with doctor shrugging off your flare up (current labs CRP 16.2 and SED 54) and unable to reach doctors on a Saturday. I called and spoke to rheumatology office would only connect me to cover if an emergency. I called and spoke to cover for my pcp and stated I had stiff hands and shoulder with pain and told him my rheumatologist had given me prednisone in the past for an flare up and he put thru a prescription. The rheumatologist responded on Monday and said all my labs were fine (other ones also which were fine) and wait for appointment in February. My pcp had a kitten that I had asked for prednisone (which could have been denied) and I should only discuss with rheumatologist.
P.S. I responded to both emails explaining the situation to no avail. It appears no one is talking to me.

Should I have waited until Monday in the hope that someone would talk to me about this problem? Gone to the ER and pissed off my insurance company? Shot myself?

My doctors and hospitals are highly rated (in Chicagoland).


I was unable to breathe, general weakness. Went to the emergency room, they kept testing for heart failure, didn't find any problems there, put me on oxygen, although never was able to see a pulmonologist. Just got worse, live in Reno, NV, my daughter said you must come to Sutter Health in CA, saw a pulmonologist who said you don't have water on your lungs, you have nodules and scar tissue, did blood work, said I had a high RA factor, sent me to a Rheumatoid doctor who prescribed Orencia infusions once a month at their hospital. Am off oxygen, nodules have gone away per cat scan, have weakness, pain in feet, legs, sometimes hands. When I have a bad episode prednisone helps, but always taper off it as soon as possible. Take tylenol, folic acid, vitamins daily. Take OTC garlic capsules and RX rosuvastin for cholesterol. Use a walker, am 77.

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