Will I ever fully get over anxiety?

Posted by mylightshines @mylightshines, Oct 24, 2023

I am scared that I will never recover from this anxiety condition. A lot of it was brought on by the passing of my parents. I'm still dealing with a lot of grief issues from that. It's started when my Mom had her stroke in January 2016. I wanted more than anything to give her back her mobility and sight. She was never really the same after that. I have literally missed a lot of things involving my children ever since. That is the biggest regret in all of this. Will I ever recover?

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I also get on the floor on a mat and do floor/yoga exercises. I just keep moving.


You can recover. Are you seeing a therapist for anxiety? I’ve done some hypnotherapy and my anxiety has def improved. It’s hard to show up for others when dealing with anxiety. I wish you well. 🌺


Dear MyLight, There is always hope. And, with acceptance, comes healing. Accept where you are at and let it be okay. There is a book I would like you to consider: "The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself" by Michael Singer. It is available on Amazon. My thoughts and prayers are with you to find your light.


Not a big fan of "exercise." I do however walk with my tall walker, up and down my long hall in the house 50 times a day. Go to local hospital to PT room and ride a bike thing. Keep 2 lb weights and use them with my arms while I watch TV in the evening. Crawl around n d flower bes to weed and play t, cook some. In my mind keeping active is my exercise. I wear braces on both legs .

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Wow, you are already "exercising" with what you've described here. Nice work. You could try to just add a little bit more each day for a week to see if it helps. Instead of 50 times, go 55 then 60 / instead of 2 pounds, go up a bit or add more repetitions. Again, best wishes for your success.


I had terrible anxiety. I started just doing cardio like an elliptical. It may just be me but my whole personality changed afterword (so odd) I was talking (which I don’t) and doing things I would never do. It was the idk endorphins or seratonin, dopamine…idk what. But I was happy. And this was just after one workout I think everyone is different. I figured out I have to exercise and most people do to maintain a good feeling. It’s the oddest thing in the world. I feel drunk after I workout just the chemicals that are released are to me seem magical and it also helps
U lose weight. And I’m not a buff. I just know because i I couldn’t take my regualr Effexor and my panic came back. I thought I was done with it. I would wake up my heart beating fast and I’m sweaty. And I can’t go back to sleep cuz my heart is beating too fast. And I know what it is I thought I try not exercising…my dog died. I didn’t want to. I have a new pup now. I still don’t want to go. I’m signing back up to the gym 2 minutes from me.
I’ll use any excuse not to go. If
It’s far that’s perfect excuse. Good luck. U may not need my advice…everyone is different…but I have to not just walk but I need hard physical activity because I push and kick and sweat the problems out of my system.
And it works. For me. I feel like a different person. Just my thoughts.


What do you do for fun? If you don't know or had to think about it for a while, you may need to find something that occupies your mind and brings you joy. When you fixate on bad thoughts in your head, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Breaking that cycle is vital to your recovery. One poster mentioned exercise. That's good, but if you are physically unable to exercise, start with something simple like finding someone to talk with. Doesn't have to be a therapist, it might be a neighbor or a friend. Once you realize everyone has something they are going through -- not just you -- you will have a different perspective. Don't stay stuck in an unhealthy cycle.


Why did I after getting may apartment with 22 ponds of grocery (Good sale: 10 lb potato for under 2$ and 10 lb carrots for 5$ and nearly 2 lbs of old fort and mozarella cheese) walked another four floors? NOT for exercise; just for the heck of it, as in Hey, You Wanna see how far you can do this? Idid some dips on the way down, too.

This is what exercise (very bad name, call it fun exertion) is. Actually after leaving grocery in kitchen, I went to see HOW much more would be FUN. You see no thoughts about health or diseases, just experiencing a full bodily engaging state. That's what we need: a pleasure. We have too little of it in our lives, least of the pleasure in curios activities. Try some easy ones and progress. You'll feel good at your progress: YOU affirming your worth. Good luck friend!


I had terrible anxiety. I started just doing cardio like an elliptical. It may just be me but my whole personality changed afterword (so odd) I was talking (which I don’t) and doing things I would never do. It was the idk endorphins or seratonin, dopamine…idk what. But I was happy. And this was just after one workout I think everyone is different. I figured out I have to exercise and most people do to maintain a good feeling. It’s the oddest thing in the world. I feel drunk after I workout just the chemicals that are released are to me seem magical and it also helps
U lose weight. And I’m not a buff. I just know because i I couldn’t take my regualr Effexor and my panic came back. I thought I was done with it. I would wake up my heart beating fast and I’m sweaty. And I can’t go back to sleep cuz my heart is beating too fast. And I know what it is I thought I try not exercising…my dog died. I didn’t want to. I have a new pup now. I still don’t want to go. I’m signing back up to the gym 2 minutes from me.
I’ll use any excuse not to go. If
It’s far that’s perfect excuse. Good luck. U may not need my advice…everyone is different…but I have to not just walk but I need hard physical activity because I push and kick and sweat the problems out of my system.
And it works. For me. I feel like a different person. Just my thoughts.

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Sorry about your pooch. I lost a kitty two months ago and am still grieving.

I have to use dynamite to get my sorry butt out for a walk....just plain lazy. But, I can't ever remember a time where I wasn't glad I got the exercize. The endorphine release is always worth the trouble.

24 hours of feeling great for 1 hour of strain is a pretty good ROI.


The Psalmist David said, The Lord is my light and salvation. Whom shall I fear? Ps 27…The Psalms were written by the “ Man after God’s own heart.” He recorded a lot of the ups and downs that most of us encounter in our journey. Yea though I walk through the valley, I will not fear. Ps 23
I do fear, but find comfort and strength in reading these. Being a person of faith I’m rooting for you and believe you can be an overcommer to this anxiety and learn how to handle regrets you’ve experienced. I’m in a similar place and actually just posted on FB page this morning my feelings about experiencing and living with regret. That’s why in part, I decided to share my thoughts with you. Perhaps read the last section of Romans 8:28-35 and see if it doesn’t encourage you.

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