Anyone had oral surgery while on Evenity?

Posted by bruceandruth1970 @bruceandruth1970, Jul 20, 2022

I am taking Evenity injections. My dentist told me today that I need a tooth extracted. This is not recommended while on Evenity. Has anyone had oral surgery while on Evenity?

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Thank you Amanda for the suggestion to follow others in this discussion.
The problem with my tooth came up after I started Evenity. The oral surgery cannot be put off for a year. That is why I wondered if this had happened to anyone else.
Thank you again.

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I just had an old root canal removed by an oral surgeon. Several weeks ago, my old crown broke off. I am on Evenity/6th shot. I have had a prior total hip replacement many years ago, and I am a diabetic type 2. After discussing this situation with my prescribing physician and oral surgeon, we all agreed that this surgery must happen.

Yesterday, I had my followup on my oral surgery of two weeks ago. I had healed properly, and no infection. I had been given a premed, seven day of antibiotics, salt water rinses along with the RX mouth rinse. I had followed directions. Everything went great for me. Please note that I always see my dentist every six months for a cleaning.


I just had an old root canal removed by an oral surgeon. Several weeks ago, my old crown broke off. I am on Evenity/6th shot. I have had a prior total hip replacement many years ago, and I am a diabetic type 2. After discussing this situation with my prescribing physician and oral surgeon, we all agreed that this surgery must happen.

Yesterday, I had my followup on my oral surgery of two weeks ago. I had healed properly, and no infection. I had been given a premed, seven day of antibiotics, salt water rinses along with the RX mouth rinse. I had followed directions. Everything went great for me. Please note that I always see my dentist every six months for a cleaning.

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I understand that a jaw problem could be in the future but I am being heavily monitored by my oral surgeon.


I too am facing tooth extraction this week after 3 shots of Evenity discontinued a little over a month ago. Evenity was unhelpful but got the number of my osteoporosis doctor--who is still non-respondent after many calls. It's also been hard to get an appointment with my regular internist for this. My impression is that no one has any idea what the results will be because Evenity is so new. Any info would be very appreciated.


I couldn’t have extractions til I finished 12 months of treatment. Last injections were January 2023. Having the extractions March 30. Finally


I understand that a jaw problem could be in the future but I am being heavily monitored by my oral surgeon.

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I had oral surgery in January on a tooth that had a broken off crown and the part under the gum had to be removed to prevent an infection. I also had a total hip replacement many years ago. Infection in gum can travel to hip so the risk had to be weighed by two of my doctors. I am now at March and still having no problems.


I couldn’t have extractions til I finished 12 months of treatment. Last injections were January 2023. Having the extractions March 30. Finally

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I am not a medical person. My only advice is to watch closely your surgery area after it happens. I was given an antibiotic for seven days and used an Rx medical rinse from doctor. Also, used warm salt water rinse after so many days as suggested by my oral surgeon. That was in January and today is in March, so far so good.


I too am on Evenity for 5 months and now may need tooth extraction and implant. I would love to hear more current responses to those who are or have been in this position. Unsure how to move forward.
My endo. Says take 1 month break and go back. But 1 month is not enough time for an implant. Appreciate any feedback. Thank you


I too am on Evenity for 5 months and now may need tooth extraction and implant. I would love to hear more current responses to those who are or have been in this position. Unsure how to move forward.
My endo. Says take 1 month break and go back. But 1 month is not enough time for an implant. Appreciate any feedback. Thank you

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Sorry to say I had surgery for gum recession ( per my Dentist this is a side effect of Osteoporosis) while I was on Evenity and had poor results. This was my 3rd gum surgery and the only one that had bad results. If you really need the extraction/implant my advice would be to get several opinions before doing any oral surgery.


Sorry to say I had surgery for gum recession ( per my Dentist this is a side effect of Osteoporosis) while I was on Evenity and had poor results. This was my 3rd gum surgery and the only one that had bad results. If you really need the extraction/implant my advice would be to get several opinions before doing any oral surgery.

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Thank you. I am. This tooth has been a problem for over a year and I had a root canal before I started Evenity. But unfortunately pain has increased. Seeing more dentists.


I have learned so much from this support group over the past year – it is the first thing I read each morning with a cup of coffee. While I want to (eventually) write a longer post, I wanted to reply quickly to your question as I recently had an implant. I started on Evenity in January of 2023 and discovered that I needed to extract a molar (crack and infection) in May. My oral surgeon thought it would be fine without a pause in medication but I checked with my endocrinologist and the dentist checked with a colleague at the local university medical school (all three are affiliated). They all agreed so I went ahead with what turned out to be quite a difficult and lengthy extraction but I followed the advice to ice the area consistently. The jaw area was a little swollen for several days, but I needed only a little Advil. The bone implant grew without incident, in fact when he measured the bone density (not sure the name of the tool he used) the strength was “88-89” and deemed excellent. I just had the crown placed on the post. As we know, everyone is different but I wanted to let you know that I had a good experience while continuing Evenity throughout.

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