Overthinking and living in fear

Posted by desidawn @desidawn, Sep 26, 2023

I need help with fear and overthinking. Most of this fear centers around my health. How can I stop worrying so much about health issues. Today I have set paralyzed in fear over a medication I took. I read that it has put people in wheelchairs and ruined peoples lives. I am praying that this doesn't happen to me. Please if you have any advice for me, I will take it. I am 39 and have dealt with this since I was 16.

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I worry a lot and have a lot of fears about the future. My counselor told me that when I focus all my thoughts on worrying about something, I am throwing my day away, and throwing my life away. He told me to "live in the moment", meaning I just need to enjoy each day as much as I can and take one day at a time.

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Not that I do not 'worry' about what will happen to me when I get to be unable to be living by myself -- at 80 I am able to do all things I need including care for cat (or is it cat who looks after me with his calming and playful presence) BUT it's a fleeting worry as I know Just Worry is a sheer WASTE that is irretrievable. So I plan the healthiest lifestyle that will ensure my independence -- and give me a sense that I spent my 24 hrs As Best I cud.

Now I must do walking before I treat myself to dinner.
Good luck and keep posted.
P.S. Do u really wanna a regular 'support group' to nudge each other for keeping up? let me know.
I'd hate to see a fellow human falling back when going forward was so accessible.


If you put your faith in people, you will ALWAYS be disappointed. Put your faith in God -- and leave it there. The apostle Paul said this: "Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Sounds like you are reliving the past and that is never conducive to good mental health. Pastors (and their wives) are human. They get busy. They forget. Other things crowd into their schedule. God, on the other hand, always has time for you.

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Stay on a vigorous exercise schedule.. whatever you do, it is, 30 mins per day and brisk, pilates, yoga, a strong walk with your dog . I live in South America in the high Andes and this has saved me. More than positive thinking ...

Give yourself permission to weep when you need to and celebrate all GOOD DAYS! Not with ETOH,( booze).. STAY STRONG, your can obsess about staying strong!

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For me what helps to stay in good-enough shape is the reason Why I want to be in-shape: The Purpose in My Life. Without it it's often hard to motivate one to the exertion ...unless you've found the joy in movement. That is why we are slipping on this apparently Knowing it's good-for-us. Perhaps for humans what matters most is Meaningful life that we would feel good about deep down not just bcz I became rich, famous, NBA player....


I have suffered from anxiety and nervousness since I was 15 years old, and even at 29 years old I still have these it is complicated because it is difficult to try to lead a normal life, even so I try and see the positive.
Can you talk to someone here? make a friendship?


I have suffered from anxiety and nervousness since I was 15 years old, and even at 29 years old I still have these it is complicated because it is difficult to try to lead a normal life, even so I try and see the positive.
Can you talk to someone here? make a friendship?

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Welcome to Connect @karenina. I just arrived on this "screen" and saw your first post. I am so sorry that you have been suffering from anxiety. That has been a lifelong battle for me and I am 62 years older than you at 81.

This forum is founded on sharing. That is how we learn about medications, diagnoses, and treatments. And friendships seem to form quickly. I joined Connect when I was a caregiver for my life partner who had developed Prostate cancer. I didn't even realize that my health conditions might have value for others.

So....I did have a complete anxiety test and it demonstrated my issues with GAD quite well. I have tried some medications like Duloxetine and now Buspirone has been added as my mobility becomes more of a challenge.

What has really helped? Well.....I joined a Mindfulness and Meditation group of ladies around my age. We have been together now for about 10 years. I practice mindfulness every day and have specific meditation programs that are helpful.

So let's wait and get to know members who respond to your introduction post. Some of our members have actual groups of friends who share life experiences with each other. When you share on Connect many more folks are introduced to you. Some will respond and others will read and benefit from your discussions.

There is also a Private message section on Connect where you can share phone numbers and emails. Let me know if you need help finding it.

May you be free of suffering and the causes of suffering.


@artscaping I am very sorry about your life partner.
And I also hope that you are free from suffering and that you and your loved ones are well.
and I really appreciate your words, and I would like to talk to you more, I just don't understand how to use private messages?


I have suffered from anxiety and nervousness since I was 15 years old, and even at 29 years old I still have these it is complicated because it is difficult to try to lead a normal life, even so I try and see the positive.
Can you talk to someone here? make a friendship?

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People don’t realize what so many of us go thru,, our minds , life’s circumstances, 🙏🙏for u


@frouke What I will say here may not be something you want to try, with no expectations except that you think about it.

I have some severe health issues, that affect the quality of my life everyday. Even 5 years ago life was a lot different. What was sad for me was to feel there was little support, that I was alone in figuring out how to live. What has been important for me was to reach out to others who may feel they are in the same boat, and to help support them on their journey. Feeling alone can be the worst. Extending a helping voice, a shoulder to lean on, for me, is so rewarding. I use experiences and knowledge gained in my life to help where I can. And sometimes, just being there is the best thing. What I get back emotionally/mentally far outweighs what someone else may receive.

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Ginger, I admire you for helping to give others what you have so needed. That is what I desire to do with all this. You are right in saying it feels like you are alone. I feel like almost a burden with the things I struggle with. I would love to connect with you somehow. If it helps you emotionally/mentally to help others I would love to talk with you. It sounds like God has given you great strength and compassion to help others. Many blessings!



People don’t realize what so many of us go thru,, our minds , life’s circumstances, 🙏🙏for u

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For you too 🙏. I hope that there are good people by your side


@artscaping I am very sorry about your life partner.
And I also hope that you are free from suffering and that you and your loved ones are well.
and I really appreciate your words, and I would like to talk to you more, I just don't understand how to use private messages?

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To use private messages, click on the envelope (email envelope) at the upper right of the page and then click on "compose."

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