Post covid itch and hives

Posted by tania7 @tania7, Apr 4, 2023

I’m 11 months post covid and have been experiencing red, itchy skin for a couple weeks now. When I itch my skin I get hives. Antihistamines seem to work but then it comes back after a few days. Hot water and heat seems to aggravate the situation. Anyone else experience this and find something that works?

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I keep getting these rashes on every part of my body nothings been excluded. They’re telling me I have a fungal skin infection but I haven’t received any skin scrapings or other type of testing to prove that. It started right before my Covid symptoms started. It’s now almost 4 weeks later, and I’ve had no improvement in anything and as of two days ago I have a rash again.


I had Covid in February 23, it’s September. I’ve had itching and hives. Just had bloodwork done and my monocytes, eosinophils, basophils are elevated. My absolutes are in normal. Anyone else?

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What do you mean by "abosolutes"?


Try eating a very low to no histamine diet …..which is necessary for Mast Cell Activation which is what I have post covid…..I had a lot of itching as well as well as lesions all over my face. MCAS is a real by product of the nightmare of Covid and the Covid shots and booster which is the source of mine.

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I am starting a low histamine diet in addition to taking Pepcid/Zyrtec - but I find the low histamine food lists to be contradictory! It's frustrating and I wonder if there is a "definitive" source of low histamine foods from a reputable medical organization. Have you found such a thing?


What do you mean by "abosolutes"?

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An absolute eosinophil count is a blood test that measures the number of one type of white blood cells called eosinophils. Eosinophils become active when you have certain allergic diseases, infections, and other medical conditions. Blood is comprised of red blood cells, platelets, and various white blood cells.


Yes red with hives from the waist up!!
Dr gave me Zysal told me to take it until next March! Allergies are awful Sinuses are horrible!
I’m not well at all one year after having Covid!


Yes, hives. A few weeks after a March 17 positive Covid test, I developed an itchy pink/red rash encircling my got redder and spread, down to my upper neck and shoulders. After trying OTC creams, I saw an ophthalmologist re concerns about eye involvement; he diagnosed dry eye and blepharitis, sold me drops, scrubs and a microwave-heated compress to apply a couple of times a day. Everything got worse, so next I saw a dermatologist who said stop the heat, it was making it worse, that it was an allergic reaction to something, prescribed a steroid cream and an antihistamine. The cream could only be used for two weeks; the rash abated and then came back a bit and slowly remitted, over the course of the next few weeks, during which I used a variety of OTC anti-itch creams. He also said he has seen post-Covid rashes; not uncommon, and his theory is the body's immune system is a wreck and unable to fight allergens normally (it was hay fever season and I do have allergies, but never a rash.) So, it's anybody's guess, like a lot of these weird Covid symptoms, and the doctors I've seen in Chicago are just throwing Jell-O at the wall to see what sticks. Good luck finding relief, my rash has been totally gone for a few months.


Ask your doctor about MCAS and look up to see if it sounds like you. I have the same symptoms and more and have had some relief with treatments. MCAS, POTs both very common in long Covid cases


Yes, hives. A few weeks after a March 17 positive Covid test, I developed an itchy pink/red rash encircling my got redder and spread, down to my upper neck and shoulders. After trying OTC creams, I saw an ophthalmologist re concerns about eye involvement; he diagnosed dry eye and blepharitis, sold me drops, scrubs and a microwave-heated compress to apply a couple of times a day. Everything got worse, so next I saw a dermatologist who said stop the heat, it was making it worse, that it was an allergic reaction to something, prescribed a steroid cream and an antihistamine. The cream could only be used for two weeks; the rash abated and then came back a bit and slowly remitted, over the course of the next few weeks, during which I used a variety of OTC anti-itch creams. He also said he has seen post-Covid rashes; not uncommon, and his theory is the body's immune system is a wreck and unable to fight allergens normally (it was hay fever season and I do have allergies, but never a rash.) So, it's anybody's guess, like a lot of these weird Covid symptoms, and the doctors I've seen in Chicago are just throwing Jell-O at the wall to see what sticks. Good luck finding relief, my rash has been totally gone for a few months.

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I had a very similar experience. Steroid prescribed for two weeks, rash got better but dried my skin out terribly. And came back. A different dermatologist prescribed OTC Sarna Sensitive and it stopped itch and it cleared up. Episode lasted about 6 months. Once in a while it looks like it’s starting again but doesn’t.
Love the ‘throwing jello on the wall to see what sticks” comment. Gave me a chuckle- thanks. Crazy virus 🦠


I had a very similar experience. Steroid prescribed for two weeks, rash got better but dried my skin out terribly. And came back. A different dermatologist prescribed OTC Sarna Sensitive and it stopped itch and it cleared up. Episode lasted about 6 months. Once in a while it looks like it’s starting again but doesn’t.
Love the ‘throwing jello on the wall to see what sticks” comment. Gave me a chuckle- thanks. Crazy virus 🦠

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It's too serious not to laugh... good to know we got rid of at least ONE of our symptoms ...fingers crossed!


I have peeling skin all over my face and hives and raw skin all around my eyes. I am seventy-five and always looked at least 10 years younger. I had covid at the end of August and thought I was over it. In November I had a laser treatment on broken capillaries on my face. Instead of making my face look better, it seemed to trigger more rosacea. I was all broken out with acne the next day. Now my skin is mottled, keeps peeling and my eyelids and all around my eyes is raw and red, itchy and painful. I look like I am eight-five now. I don't even want to go out anywhere. At this point I just cry. The plastic surgeon who did the procedure and the dermatologist treat me like I am crazy. I am a widow so I have no support. The Rheumatologist believes I have long Covid and is the only one that treats me with respect.

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I’m so sorry. Aging is hard enough without extra help from Covid.
I have incessant itching that may or may not be from having two rounds of Covid. I’ve read the the Novavax 2023/24 vaccine has eased some long Covid symptoms for some people. I’m getting the shot today and I’ll report whether I’m lucky.
As I said, it might not be from Covid—I could just be cursed.
I hope you find a new dermatologist. Perhaps on this site? I am on Twitter and the Covid cautious community on there is very supportive. You might find a sympathetic and knowledgeable doctor.

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