Is it ok to vent a little bit?

Posted by jdnc2023 @jdnc2023, Oct 21, 2023

2 months ago, my rheumatologist prescribed 100mg hydroxychloroquine and 10 mg prednisone, tapered to 5 mg in the second month.

It turns out that he meant for me to take 300 mg hydroxychloroquine, but whoever transmitted to the pharmacy put 1/2 instead of 1 and 1/2. I found this out at my 2 month followup appointment.
My joints have gotten worse over these two months. It's the second time my prescription has been wrong, and also, I had to become a "Karen" when my first follow up appointment was canceled abruptly.
The doctor is very good, but his support staff apparently sucks.
Thanks for letting me vent!

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I used Enbrel. My pain was gone in 2 weeks and 20 years later, I have straight fingers. Ask. There may be a reason you can’t take it but it may just be they’re going with older treatments. The worst they can do is say no.

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It could be that he doesn't think my situation is that bad since my rheumatoid factor was negative. He had said that I'd have more joint damage if the RF was positive, since this started over 40 years ago.


You are so right!
I’m appalled with the healthcare I’ve encountered past few years now.
Is it the staff, the doctors, or the system?
Doctors are way too busy to help, nevermi d trying to schedule follow ups in a timely manner.
4 months is not a good follow up time when the doctor says I’ll see you in 2 mos.
When I mention to the staff, they tell me that’s all that’s available.
Very frustrating when you have medical issues such as I do.
By the time I get in, it’s been several months, and that’s not acceptable.
The staff in these offices need to do better also.
They don’t get back to you as promised,so u have to make another call to follow up,etc.
I just don’t get it, I was also in the medical profession, and worked in a doctors office, and that would never have gone on where I worked.
My bosses wouldn’t stand for it, and godforbid a patient complained to them.
You’d be questioned for it asap!

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I get enraged at how the medical staff is allowed to treat patients, also. At every monthly staff meeting, I would remind my staff that, in this profession, it is not just encouraged, but REQUIRED that they treat each patient with kindness, patience and compassion/empathy. I told them that if I received a complaint from a patient about a staff member treating a patient rudely, being impatient with them for any reason, or blatantly displaying a lack of compassion or empathy for the patient, that if investigation proved the complaint to be true, the employee would be subject to immediate termination. And, they knew this to be true. Often, [new employees] would complain that the patients themselves were rude, demanding< etc., and I would tell them that this goes with the job, that these patients are sick, or in pain, or both, and that the staff is to be always aware of this, and tolerant and understanding of the patient's behavior. And, I reminded them that without patients, there would be no job! Hey, I know I am old school, but this was my top priority with my staff and, I think because of it, I could count patient complaints over the YEARS I worked on one hand, or maximum two hands. This made me very proud. 😊


You are so right!
I’m appalled with the healthcare I’ve encountered past few years now.
Is it the staff, the doctors, or the system?
Doctors are way too busy to help, nevermi d trying to schedule follow ups in a timely manner.
4 months is not a good follow up time when the doctor says I’ll see you in 2 mos.
When I mention to the staff, they tell me that’s all that’s available.
Very frustrating when you have medical issues such as I do.
By the time I get in, it’s been several months, and that’s not acceptable.
The staff in these offices need to do better also.
They don’t get back to you as promised,so u have to make another call to follow up,etc.
I just don’t get it, I was also in the medical profession, and worked in a doctors office, and that would never have gone on where I worked.
My bosses wouldn’t stand for it, and godforbid a patient complained to them.
You’d be questioned for it asap!

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@harley22. @pkh3381 Yes, it can feel really good to vent and complain about the healthcare system. Just know that it’s only a fraction of healthcare. But the best thing for you is to do your venting on the discussions in Just Want to Talk discussion group. We want this group to be positive and to focus on helping each other with their autoimmune diseases. We, especially me, need to to feel uplifted every day so we have the right attitude to deal with the problem we have been handed. Does that sound OK with you?


@harley22. @pkh3381 Yes, it can feel really good to vent and complain about the healthcare system. Just know that it’s only a fraction of healthcare. But the best thing for you is to do your venting on the discussions in Just Want to Talk discussion group. We want this group to be positive and to focus on helping each other with their autoimmune diseases. We, especially me, need to to feel uplifted every day so we have the right attitude to deal with the problem we have been handed. Does that sound OK with you?

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Becky, yes that's ok with me. Unbeknownst to you, I assume, is a posting I made about Mayo in which I stated that I have TOLD nearly every person I have encountered in my many appointments for testings and with Drs that, "there must be an employment requirement for all Mayo staff, and that requirement must be KINDNESS". This comes from my heart because I have encountered so many kind people at Mayo. So, yes, I vent about the problems I have encountered, which I still maintain should not be happening, but Becky, I am also posting positive comments, too. I just want others who are venting that I certainly understand what they are going through because I have encountered similar. Just saying......


@harley22. @pkh3381 Yes, it can feel really good to vent and complain about the healthcare system. Just know that it’s only a fraction of healthcare. But the best thing for you is to do your venting on the discussions in Just Want to Talk discussion group. We want this group to be positive and to focus on helping each other with their autoimmune diseases. We, especially me, need to to feel uplifted every day so we have the right attitude to deal with the problem we have been handed. Does that sound OK with you?

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Thank you for this. It ended up being very helpful. I'm not really upset about it, just rolling my eyes because the only thing a doctor has ever helped me with was a broken arm, baby delivery and tubal ligation. All others have gaslit, ridiculed or been dismissive of issues I have had the past 40+ years.


Does anyone have info on how long you have to be on Methotrexate,I was diagnosed with lacrimal duct sarcoidosis 6 years ago. Last Catscan showed no further swelling?


Sorry you have endured these errors on your prescriptions. Scary stuff!
And sure... go ahead and vent.. it's very healthy to do so! This is the best group to do so with. No doubt, there are many of us with similar events.
My doctor uses her commuter for notes and sending prescriptions, right while she is with me. It is easy to ask for a copy.
But the 'old way' of writing it down works perfectly too. Doctors usually like when a patient takes notes while they are giving their statements... shows their patients are invested in care and are wanting to co-operate. Glad you have a doctor you trust- that is priceless.
Your 'team of two' is a solid one.
Hope you feel better having vented and getting encouragement in return.
All the best to you!


It's happening all through our medical system. I'm concerned when I age more and my own mind is not as sharp missing their mistakes that could cost my life.


Does anyone have info on how long you have to be on Methotrexate,I was diagnosed with lacrimal duct sarcoidosis 6 years ago. Last Catscan showed no further swelling?

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@barscr2 You’ve asked a question that might get better answers in the Eye Conditions support group.
What has your doctor explained about your recent CTscan?


Hello there. I’m glad that you spoke up here. I know just how you feel I’m having similar issues with two of my doctors. I find the best way to deal with it is to have the pharmacy to contact the doctors office. Sorry that your having these issues I know how frustrating it can be.

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