Severe numbness in hands from neuropathy

Posted by tessie63 @tessie63, Apr 8, 2023

I have such numbness in my fingertips and pins and needles in my hands. They are slippery when handling things and they feel like they have bumpy nodules all over them. We tried increasing my pregabalin but this made no difference. Does any one else have this issue and if so what can help this. I am dealing daily with the mental aspect of this. It never goes away and this is so discouraging for me. While I am not in pain with this other than some burning discomfort at times, it affects other aspects of my life. I do hope someone is out there who can help me.

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Does anyone have it in their hands? The burning , searing pain is un bearable some days, but all the information I find is about it in the feet. I get so frustrated that somedays it brings me to tears just trying to do something simple like type this post...I need to get treatment soon because my mental functions are starting to get uncontrollable. Can anyone steer me in the right direction?? thank you

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Have all of you been diagnosed with a specific neurological problem/disease? If none was found make sure you have a cervical spine MRI. Pins and needles in my hands was how symptoms began with some neck stiffness. Within 4 months my gait began to be affected, pulling to the left, and my symptoms exploded from there. The p & n’s became intense and started in the soles of my feet. Next came the feeling of wide tight bands around my arms, shoulders, abdomen, hips etc. My hands lost all control with no ability to use them. My PCP was pretty useless but I was able to get a same day appointment with a muscular neurologist due to a cancellation. Three weeks until given an EMG(no small fiber diseases found) so dismissed and directed to their spine center(no appointment nor MRI made for me). Researched their neurosurgeon’s specialties & made an appointment for the next month with the PA of the best neurosurgeon). Also scheduled a cervical MRI for 2 weeks(order placed by the muscular neurologist). By this point I had to use a cane. MRI showed multiple cervical problems including severe nerve compression & neurology PA appointment bumped up to immediate appointment with head PA & orders for thoracic and lumbar MRI’s. Had c3-c6 surgery a few weeks later at which point could barely use a walker and body function deteriorating daily.Almost a year later still have p & n’s in hands 24 hrs/day but can function again. Moral: don’t wait to get help and keep pushing for testing and the right specialist until you get answers. Sorry so long but still trying to deal with how quickly it progressed and metal hypersensitivity due to the nerve damage that developed post surgery.


Does anyone have it in their hands? The burning , searing pain is un bearable some days, but all the information I find is about it in the feet. I get so frustrated that somedays it brings me to tears just trying to do something simple like type this post...I need to get treatment soon because my mental functions are starting to get uncontrollable. Can anyone steer me in the right direction?? thank you

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My right hand is very numb, and I have trouble holding things without dropping them.
I try to use my left hand whenever possible, but it doesn’t always help.
I cannot write anymore,because I can’t hold on to the pen.
There’s so much I can’t do now because of my numb hand.


I have it in my hands. Since I can’t feel them I am constantly cutting myself when I cook. My husband has had to take me to the emergency room three times in the last month. I will look down and my hands are bleeding. The other problem I have is sharp nerve pain in my hands that curl them up. My husband has to pull my fingers back into place and message it. It truly hurts like the dickens I just sit and cry

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I have the same symptoms as you.
My fingers do also curl when I’m holding something like a fork, and I have to pull them back in place.
I have also hurt my knuckles on my hand, and didn’t feel it.
I might’ve even burned my hand on the stove while cooking.
It took forever for the skin to grow back after that.


Does anyone have it in their hands? The burning , searing pain is un bearable some days, but all the information I find is about it in the feet. I get so frustrated that somedays it brings me to tears just trying to do something simple like type this post...I need to get treatment soon because my mental functions are starting to get uncontrollable. Can anyone steer me in the right direction?? thank you

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Hello @hwn67 and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Your symptoms reminded me of another discussion, so you will notice that I have moved your post here:
- Severe numbness in hands from neuropathy:

I see members @artscaping @artemis1886 @lauraboo and @seeker03 have all joined you already.

Have you been seen by a neurologist for your symptoms? What have you tried so far?


After burning and cutting my fingers a few times I had to stop cooking. Also broke at least one as I had no control of them, especially on the left hand, and would catch them on things. Surgery helped a lot with regaining agility.As annoying and painful as the pins and needles can be my neurosurgeon said they’re a sign that the nerves are still alive and can (very slowly:( regenerate. Still waiting!


Tessie, I am so sorry that I am only seeing this now. I just got five notifications that people have been reacting and replying to my post. I don't know why there was such a delay. I hope you are doing okay. As for me, I had my surgery on April 17th as planned it's now a little over 6 months later. Dr. Celestre and his team saved my life. They did laminectomy and fusion at my C3 C4 C5 and C6. I woke up and discovered that other than surgical site pain, I was completely pain free in my neck and all of the pressure that I have been feeling was gone. I used prescribed oxycodone for a couple of months combined with CBD and ended up only taking about 2/3 of the narcotics that were available. I was able to come off of it cold turkey without any withdrawal. I have been wearing a cervical bone stimulator 4 hours a day for 180 days. 22 days to go! 30 days after the surgery I began physical therapy in home. Over a period of 3 months I met all of my goals. I now go to physical therapy twice a week on an outpatient basis. Progress really is not measured day today, it's more like week to week and month to month. It has required a tremendous amount of effort and perseverance on my part. In this time I have gone from wheelchair to Walker to Cane to walking freely on my own. My balance is still not 100% and that is the focus of my current PT. My hands are taking the longest to improve and I have been told to be patient because it will take up to a year to realize whatever gains I'm going to see. I can say that immediately after surgery the sensation of touch returned to my fingers. Still numb, but being able to differentiate textures is a big improvement. I do have periods throughout the day where my hands seem to return to 90% normal. They tell me this is because everything is waking up. I honestly believe that by the end of one year of recovery I will have normal feeling in my hands and zero balance problems. You have to believe! Bottom line for me is that I am so happy I went forward with the surgery and the results have honestly been beyond any expectation of anyone. For me it really is a miracle. Please let me know how you are doing!


Tessie, I am so sorry that I am only seeing this now. I just got five notifications that people have been reacting and replying to my post. I don't know why there was such a delay. I hope you are doing okay. As for me, I had my surgery on April 17th as planned it's now a little over 6 months later. Dr. Celestre and his team saved my life. They did laminectomy and fusion at my C3 C4 C5 and C6. I woke up and discovered that other than surgical site pain, I was completely pain free in my neck and all of the pressure that I have been feeling was gone. I used prescribed oxycodone for a couple of months combined with CBD and ended up only taking about 2/3 of the narcotics that were available. I was able to come off of it cold turkey without any withdrawal. I have been wearing a cervical bone stimulator 4 hours a day for 180 days. 22 days to go! 30 days after the surgery I began physical therapy in home. Over a period of 3 months I met all of my goals. I now go to physical therapy twice a week on an outpatient basis. Progress really is not measured day today, it's more like week to week and month to month. It has required a tremendous amount of effort and perseverance on my part. In this time I have gone from wheelchair to Walker to Cane to walking freely on my own. My balance is still not 100% and that is the focus of my current PT. My hands are taking the longest to improve and I have been told to be patient because it will take up to a year to realize whatever gains I'm going to see. I can say that immediately after surgery the sensation of touch returned to my fingers. Still numb, but being able to differentiate textures is a big improvement. I do have periods throughout the day where my hands seem to return to 90% normal. They tell me this is because everything is waking up. I honestly believe that by the end of one year of recovery I will have normal feeling in my hands and zero balance problems. You have to believe! Bottom line for me is that I am so happy I went forward with the surgery and the results have honestly been beyond any expectation of anyone. For me it really is a miracle. Please let me know how you are doing!

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Robert, I am so happy to hear that your surgery was a success. Wow, you have certainly been through a lot and it is wonderful that it is paying off for you. I am, and probably always, still dealing with the numbness from neuropathy. While I deal with the difficulties this brings it is better than being in pain all day like some endure. My main problem is being unable to walk or stand alone. I can’t live without my walker and being handicapped for the first time I realize what the disabled go through in a day. I’m managing though and dealing with this in the most positive way I can. Life goes on. I wish you all the best in the future and it sounds like you are on your way to a much happier and healthier life. Thank you so much for responding to my late message. Hugs


Thank you for the info that works for you. I live in Canada and as far as I know we can’t get the gummies with enough of the the thc to make a difference I tried what I could get and they did nothing for me. I bought this massager for my hands. It works while I’m using it but once I finish my hands go back to the way they were. I wish you all the best and if I encounter a remedy for this I will let you know.

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I make small packages of rice that I can carry in a pocket to keep my hands warm when I am out shopping. I just put them in the Microwave for a minute or two and I am ready to go. The sporting stores also sell hand warmers which will work for a longer time.


Numbness in feet from Neuropathy. Anyone know of a treatment? Thanks.


My right hand has been getting pins and needles, and is very numb now.
I can’t pick anything up with it, that includes even a pen to write with, or a fork or spoon.
I’m trying to use my left hand more now, but sometimes it just won’t work for me,since I’m right handed.
I’m curious if anyone has the same, and how they have been helped,if they have.

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