ANCA Vasculitis: Side effects of 60 mg of prednisone a day?

Posted by joroy @joroy, Sep 25, 2023

Is anyone else having side affects from taking 60 milligrams of prednisone a day? I’ve been on it for 2 months, seems to be effecting my memory and not acting myself.

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My husband is the one with the issues. They did a kidney biopsy to determine the ANCA Vasculitis. They just lowered the prednisone from 60 mg to 40 mg. He has no energy, can’t sleep and what scares me is that his thought process is not there, has a really hard time concentrating. Did you have that issue? Hope and pray it gets better as he starts tapping more off of prednisone. He also has gotten shots of rituximab and is now getting a shot every week of epoetin

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No energy is a classic side effect endured by most vasculitis patients and it goes on and on and on. An internet search on “spoon theory” comes up with lots of helpful explanations to help us cope with this and explain it to others.


If you do an internet search on side effects of prednisone, you’ll see you’re not alone. Unfortunately. Have you asked your healthcare provider about drugs with similar benefits but less toxicity?


Thanks for your response and link. Don't understand where a doc would must be driven by physical location symptoms. One can't do imaging tests for the whole body.

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You’re right and many doctors don’t know where to start bec they have no idea what they’re dealing with. In my case, the primary symptom was a horrible, hacking cough that went on for 6 months, masking the impending kidney failure. The pulmonologist ran every test he knew of and even repeated some before throwing his hands up. My primary said I know you’re sick but I don’t know even where to refer you. There are some broad blood tests that help doctors narrow down the search for the problem. They just need to know which tests to ask for. It’s a problem.


You’re right and many doctors don’t know where to start bec they have no idea what they’re dealing with. In my case, the primary symptom was a horrible, hacking cough that went on for 6 months, masking the impending kidney failure. The pulmonologist ran every test he knew of and even repeated some before throwing his hands up. My primary said I know you’re sick but I don’t know even where to refer you. There are some broad blood tests that help doctors narrow down the search for the problem. They just need to know which tests to ask for. It’s a problem.

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wow. it is really hard to diagnose it seems. Other than the ANCA blood tests, and maybe the inflammatory ones (CRP and ESR) are there other blood tests that help determine? It seems awful that one has to resort to organ biopsies, etc.. to diagnose.


After the blood test indicating I was ANCA positive, 23 !!! vials of blood were drawn to help narrow down the location and extent of damage. I think the biopsy is to confirm a diagnosis and, in the case of kidney involvement, to assess the amount of damage. The GFR number indicating percent of kidney function. Mine was down to 15%-17% at diagnosis. Much lower and it quits functioning. Was lucky to get referred to a medical school in which people in Rheumatology were familiar w vasculitis and could call on specialists in Nephrology to determine extent of the problem and help develop treatment plan.


No energy is a classic side effect endured by most vasculitis patients and it goes on and on and on. An internet search on “spoon theory” comes up with lots of helpful explanations to help us cope with this and explain it to others.

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I’m hoping once they reduce the prednisone he will get some energy back and start feeling better. I will have to look up spoon theory


If you do an internet search on side effects of prednisone, you’ll see you’re not alone. Unfortunately. Have you asked your healthcare provider about drugs with similar benefits but less toxicity?

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They have drugs comparable but far less toxic but I suppose reserved for “certain” individuals? I asked the question, directly to a Health Professional administering that deadly concoction to my sister before her untimely demise. He was so caught off guard that he hesitated, then referred me to someone else. I can only suppose that the consciousness of him got the best of him and the very next encounter between he and I, erupted the subject and he said Yes, there definitely is an alternative drug, used for what Prednisone is given, WITHOUT the dreadful side effects. Btw when she decreased the amount in her own, without doctors direction, during treatment, she did much better. Blessing to you in your journey.


I’m hoping once they reduce the prednisone he will get some energy back and start feeling better. I will have to look up spoon theory

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@joroy we just happen to have a discussion on The Spoon Theory!
It’s very good and can help you to pace your day.
Try it!


It is a nasty drug. So sorry.

WhenI was diagnosed with ANCA Vasculitis -Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis, I was only on 60 mg of Prednisone for 2 weeks before starting to taper down. 60-50-40-etc.

I was also on Rituxan infusions almost immediately. I wonder why your Rheumatologist isn't trying to get you off Prednisone more quickly... it's worth asking the question,,, or getting another opinion.

This is not a disease where one can be passive. Question everything.
Sorry for what you are going through. With the right treatment it gets better.

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When you tapered down did you start feeling better?


When you tapered down did you start feeling better?

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Yes. Absolutely! At 20 mg daily I started to feel normal. 10 was even better. I have never gotten off completely. On 2.5 mg for past 2 years. Has not had any noticeable effects on bone mass which is good for my age. Best of everything to you on this journey.
PS The Vasculitis Foundation just published a paper on low dose steroids (with Rituxan) as effective as high dose. Just read it today.

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