Worse Neuropathy After EMG Test?

Posted by joslyn @joslyn, Jan 8, 2022

I had an EMG test done four days ago, and my neuropathy pain has been MUCH MUCH worse the last three days. Anyone else? Suddenly, none of my creams, meds, and devices work to reduce the burning and tingling. What can I do???

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Is that med the same as cymbalta? Why did you take an EMG? Isn’t it very painful? It sends electric shocks through your body?

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Yes, duloxetine is Cymbalta. I had my EMG several years ago and it did not cause me any pain or after effects. No electric shocks noted.


Wow! Glad you didn’t have any pain. I know a few people that have had EMGs and they said the pain is excruciating.


Did you find that the EMG test is extremely painful?
It’s electric shocks thru your body to find nerve damage?

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The only pain I experienced from the EMG test was needle poking through my skin. My pain threshold is very low though and I don't like needles so I tend to be very sensitive to it. Afterward I had several bruises on the skin where the needles were inserted but they went away after a few weeks.


I didn’t find it painful. I expected much worse as the neurologist’s warning was pretty extreme.


Peripheral neuropathy both feet. Has anyone had experience with Duloxitine? And if so, what kind of results did you have? Looking, hoping, praying for some kind of positive results. Thank you all for all of your information. Hot day in Colorado here.!!

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Good morning @bcool123 .....I just noticed the reference to Duloxetine. And yes, I have been taking it for several years predominantly for a diagnosis of pretty severe anxiety (GAD). My dosage is 120 mg every morning to try to stay cool, calm, and collected during the day.

Recently, another Rx was added when the anxiety began to be a bit frightening. That is Buspirone morning and evening. Since anxiety leads to pain, and pain then leads to more anxiety...the goal is to control the anxiety.

I cannot imagine handling my current situation without the help of these medications.
Are you beginning to notice some relief yet? I am also working with a behavioral therapist to do a better job of what is called Executive Function.

May you be safe, protected, and free of inner and outer harm.


Good morning @bcool123 .....I just noticed the reference to Duloxetine. And yes, I have been taking it for several years predominantly for a diagnosis of pretty severe anxiety (GAD). My dosage is 120 mg every morning to try to stay cool, calm, and collected during the day.

Recently, another Rx was added when the anxiety began to be a bit frightening. That is Buspirone morning and evening. Since anxiety leads to pain, and pain then leads to more anxiety...the goal is to control the anxiety.

I cannot imagine handling my current situation without the help of these medications.
Are you beginning to notice some relief yet? I am also working with a behavioral therapist to do a better job of what is called Executive Function.

May you be safe, protected, and free of inner and outer harm.

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Didn’t start the Duloxitine because of its side effects. But thank you so much for caring enough to respond wishing you a peaceful day.


I didn’t find it painful. I expected much worse as the neurologist’s warning was pretty extreme.

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Creo que no siempre ponen las agujas.Me niego a hacerlo y me han dicho que me lo harían sin las agujas.No se,pero de todos modos no me convencieron a pesar de decirme que sería muy baja la intensidad de la descarga Es una medición no un tratamiento.No me interesa.


I’m retired from nursing. I had an EMG of legs, right arm, and right hand yesterday. I normally have numbness in fingertips but today I’m having increased pain and numbness all over right hand but not in legs or arm. However, the neurologist said my carpal tunnel had advanced to 9/10 and that I need surgery on that hand. I’m just hoping it eases up and surgery will still help.


Did you find that the EMG test is extremely painful?
It’s electric shocks thru your body to find nerve damage?

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I’ve had EMG’s done 2 times and at different places and they were both painful. I wish I had a higher pain tolerance.

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