Multiple Autoimmune Diseases & Post Covid

Posted by mamafluh @mamafluh, Jan 7, 2022

Has anyone else been having pain levels of 8-12 not normal. Things in pain, cognitive, insomnia, nerve issues, etc since having Covid?

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Sorry so late to respond. The vaccine got me too. I’m 2.5 years in. I’ve tried so hard to keep going. I haven’t responded to any treatment. It seems to make it worse. In the beginning, even when I was told this was all in my head, they questioned MS too. I have given up everything except work. But I’m only working because I can work at home. I’m self employed (accountant too) and just do what I can. If I had to go to an office, it wouldn’t happen. I said that I would never consider disability. But am rethinking it. I’m in so much pain despite pain meds that I don’t know how much longer I can pull it off. I originally found this group when I did a google search. Despite never being around people with the exception of doctors and always masking, I got covid earlier this year. Due to my poor health, they put me on paxlovid. The poor health from the vaccines - but for the 5 days that I was on it, my inflammation and pain reduced significantly. That is something that needs to be addressed. I found another person here who had the same response. I don’t don’t know how to manage being on the brink of disability and I have defied death twice. I’m tough, but there are no answers here. I’m sure you feel the same way. I decided that I would travel anywhere, somehow, to get help. I just don’t know where to go. Please let me know how you are doing now. Lisa

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Hello @lidajade4mayo! I think this sounds like my husband and why I came to this page. He got the second dose of vaccine in Match/April of 2021 and he has not been the same with chronic pain intermittent from levels 4 to 9 and he has had so much lab work and testing done and the doctors are baffled. I just don't know where to go or what to do for him or where to go.


Although it may not hold true in this case, some pain markers show serious without Covid. I must consume a heavy dosage of painkillers daily although I have never tested positive for Covid. However, MDs have prescribed a total of about 55 pills and drinks and inoculations each day. Much of my load is autoimmune, or accidental, or environmental. But please do not think I am complaining, for I was born a "floppy baby", doomed to death from radon and CMD and some other stuff before three years age. I am now 83. Just be sure to enjoy what life you have. And do wash your own dishes.


Yes! My husband has and doctors are baffled. He has had do much lab work done, testing, MRIs but they can't understand it. He has stopped working at this point. We are at a loss🥺

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@tandd Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. We have many members here who probably had or have similar symptoms. I’m sure you will hear from some of them. Are you seeing a rheumatologist? You may want to give this group a call. They have lots of information and resources. It’s the Genetic and Rare Diseases organization. They can even help you to find a good rheumatologist.
Will you call them tomorrow and let me know what you learn?

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