Gut and Mac Lung

Posted by meadows @meadows, Sep 29, 2023

Gut and Mac Lung. Have you noticed weight loss from having had MAC Lung and not being able to digest foods well? Thanks

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I’ve had GERD for decades. I even had Barrett’s esophagus (small area) years ago. After that diagnosis, I did a lot of research and stopped eating and drinking the known problem foods/drinks. Chocolate, mint, tomatoes, spices, chewing gum, coffee, caffeine anything, citric acid, etc…and also did not eat or drink anything g three hours before bed. Also, got an adjustable bed to raise my head. In 2003, I had Nissen Fundoplication surgery, to tighten the area where my stomach connects to my esophagus. That’s a whole other topic!! Several years after that, I had to start taking Prilosec once a day. I didn’t want to take a PPI , but I was having some break through GERD. My pulmonologist s have told me that often people with GERD will have MAC. In fact, the GERD can sometimes cause the MAC. I can see how that might happen.

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I've had GERD for decades too - I guess over time it can really affect loads of stuff. I think getting the adjustable bed is a great thing to do. (I don't have one.) I'd love to hear more about the Nissen procedure and how that went. It sounds like perhaps not too well. I've often wondered about the influence of GERD on MAC - I'm thinking rather than causing MAC perhaps it mostly makes one more susceptible. hmmm.


Thanks so much for taking the time to write. I bought some DGL today - what timing. I'll be trying the aloe vera juice soon as others I know have mentioned it too. I use Life Extension for some of my supplements. That one that blows up sounds wild - almost creepy! Thanks again for writing.

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@meadows Yes, I guess "blows up" is a little's more like the Esophageal Guardian foams up to form this little pillow or doughnut (without the hole) or inner tube once it gets down into your stomach. I'm sure there is a more scientific term for it! 😉 Nan


@nannette I also have bronchiectasis and a small hiatal hernia. I don't feel so alone now! Lol. Thanks for sharing info about DGL Plus tablets and Esophageal Guardian tablets. I haven't heard of them before but it is helpful to know these additional natural remedies also help if you plan to eat a big meal. I try to avoid overeating as I have MVP (mitral valve prolapse) and when I overeat, it seems to trigger the MVP. Also, I was incorrect in my previous post, I take 1 oz of aloe vera juice (not sure why I was thinking tablespoons!) 20 minutes before a meal.

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@benniej23 Also, I forgot to say that DGL comes in different forms...I've taken the both the tablets that you chew up and I also have the capsules. Nan


I've had GERD for decades too - I guess over time it can really affect loads of stuff. I think getting the adjustable bed is a great thing to do. (I don't have one.) I'd love to hear more about the Nissen procedure and how that went. It sounds like perhaps not too well. I've often wondered about the influence of GERD on MAC - I'm thinking rather than causing MAC perhaps it mostly makes one more susceptible. hmmm.

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The Nissen surgery went very well. I did have trouble a few days after surgery with not being able to swallow much of anything, including water. I had to go back into the hospital and had esophageal stretches done. Felt better. I ended up having 13 out patient stretches over the next several weeks. Was much, much better after that. The only other problem continues.. you really can not throw up if you are nauseated or have a stomach virus. There is pretty serious pain and burning in the chest area when your body tries to get rid of stuff and runs into the roadblock. I was told that before surgery by someone who also had Nissen surgery. But, I keep a prescription of anti-nausea pills, which works pretty well. Please consider that the first problem, needing stretches is probably NOT common. I tend to have weird stuff happen with meditation or surgery. The other thing is common. But, I was fine for years. It’s only more recently that my doctor wanted to start me on Prilosec, as I was having some break through and reflux on occasion. My surgery was in 2003. I was told this surgery does not last forever. If you are considering it, talk to your doctor and ask questions. I am still glad I had mine. I do think it was worth it. Good luck to you!

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