Has anyone ever tried Nerve Control 911

Posted by blm47 @blm47, Aug 24, 2023

Hi everyone my name is Barney. I'm new so not to sure how get the question and answers, but I'm hoping to get some help on how or what to treat nerve pains in shoulders and arms. Dr's. Are trying to feed me Gabapentin or pregabalin. I don't like the sounds of the side effects. Has anyone heard of or tried, Nerve Control 911 ? ? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuropathy Support Group.

I have Left foot nerve pain and looking for treatment option.


Hello @lynno7 and @pipp1, Welcome to Connect. It sounds like you both have neuropathy and are looking for answers and treatments to provide some relief. While you wait for members to respond, you might want to look through the list of discussions on neuropathy and what other members have found helps. Here is a list of discussions found by searching Connect using "neuropathy +what helps" -- https://connect.mayoclinic.org/search/discussions/?search=neuropathy+%2Bwhat+helps.

Have you been diagnosed with neuropathy?


I have Left foot nerve pain and looking for treatment option.

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in reply to @pipp1 My older sister has the same problem you have described and has been told by her podiatrist that the nerve in her foot is damaged. She will be having an EMG test to confirm the extent of the damage, and treatment options include, but are not limited to, removal of the nerve that is causing the pain. She has opted not to have any surgery, but once the EMG test is completed she will have a better understanding of what is going on with her. I understand, at least from my sister's point of view, that this can be a very painful problem. She has tried just about everything to help with the pain which keeps her awake at night, but so far has not found just the right thing to alleviate her suffering. Best of luck.


Hi Barb.
This is my first time on here.
How us Nerve pain911 working?

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It gives me a little extra sleep: 3 hours instead of 2 with Tylenol.


Same here Barney. I have tried everything under the sun and I am in pain as soon as I get up in the morning. I am new to this site to see if someone has the miracle cure for this awful disease.

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There is no cure. I thinks Lipitor Acid seems to help, along with a pain pill and an anti depressant pill.
I seem to get some relief from ibuprofen also at times because it reduces the swelling in my back which is causing the neuropathy.


Hi everyone this is Barney. I read a news article the other day about how all the sharks on the Shark Tank TV show invested millions into this newly invented product by the name (Earth Med CBD Gummies ) these Gummies are supposedly able to stop all types of nerve pains including static nerve, arthritic, spinal, ect. They claim it will stop the pain immediately and permanently. I didn't have the extra money to try it or I would have . I just figured that if all those millionaires invested in the product there must be something to it. Has anyone in this group tried it or know anyone who has ? ?


in reply to @blm47 While I am a firm believer that "living through chemistry" is the best way for me, I remain dubious about any product that promises miracles, especially if I see it on a television show. I have given medical marijuana a try now and then if I need sleep, and that is very helpful.
It's funny, the other day I was talking to my sister who had a college roommate who drank Geritol like it was soda pop. I am not kidding. She died prematurely and my sister paused when I mentioned the fact that I remember her roommate buying this crap by the case. We were talking about it because I have iron deficient anemia and was trying to think of the name of some liquid iron that another person had posted on this site, but could not recall the name of it. My sister told me to go find some Geritol, but I said, "no." That company was heavily fined by the FDA way back when making fraudulent claims. Remember that slogan? "Geritol, my wife, I think I will keep her." LOL I am sorry, it is my birthday today and I have literally been laughing all day.


In website my wife bout of buying this Nerve Control 911 for me. Here’s was a bad if this: I have a TBI with a ton of anti-sezuire every morn… and added this NC911 pills… my brain-problem - early in the morning - I could not - 60 minutes - take care of my morning doggies, breakfast to them, and sitting down my brain to weird things close to a seizure sorta.

So, I’m adding this NC911 at night well after my eve medicine. I don’t need it to sleep at night, but I wanted to use it for pain. After my TBI 12 years ago from a bicycle accident, just about 2 years ago, I fell out in my garage when my wife was slowing down from my eye doctor. He gave me a dark sunlight when she was driving. I hit my butt - both butts - and slammed me. That killed my ability to (1) Get my grass every 4th day, (2) walking outside from by doggies, (3) helping my wife to moves boxes/bags like Food Lion, (4) standing startup to work inside or outside. Now my balance is killing me and falling down to easy. I know us a hand rollatorc(sp?).

And yes, I’m trying to use this NC911 for a coming 2 weeks… we will see…


I have been on it for 2 months. I stopped having burning and tingling in my feet hands and shins. I recently stopped to see what happens and just last night only after about 5 days without, it has returned. I just ordered another bottle, if the sensation goes away, I will continue to order 911.


I have been on it for 2 months. I stopped having burning and tingling in my feet hands and shins. I recently stopped to see what happens and just last night only after about 5 days without, it has returned. I just ordered another bottle, if the sensation goes away, I will continue to order 911.

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What is this you guys are talking about 911 please let me know thank you

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