Has anyone ever tried Nerve Control 911

Posted by blm47 @blm47, Aug 24, 2023

Hi everyone my name is Barney. I'm new so not to sure how get the question and answers, but I'm hoping to get some help on how or what to treat nerve pains in shoulders and arms. Dr's. Are trying to feed me Gabapentin or pregabalin. I don't like the sounds of the side effects. Has anyone heard of or tried, Nerve Control 911 ? ? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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A product called Nerve Savor Has a long winded ad on the internet with lots of glowing testimonials. It even mentions. The Mayo Clinic. One bottle costs $69. Is this another scam?


A product called Nerve Savor Has a long winded ad on the internet with lots of glowing testimonials. It even mentions. The Mayo Clinic. One bottle costs $69. Is this another scam?

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Lots of this type of product on the market all making similar claims. Looking at the ingredients, it does contain supplements and vitamins that have shown to help with nerve pain. I'm a little cautious as to the quality of the ingredients they use in their proprietary formula. What makes me even more cautious is the advertising around the product and the miracle claims being made.

Most of the ingredients listed on several different websites advertising Nerve Savior are listed on the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy on the list of complementary and alternative treatments here (shown at the end of the document) - https://www.foundationforpn.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Complementary-and-Alternative-Treatments-Revised-2020-final.-1.pdf.


I have had pain in my arms and hands for 3 years now this month post covid. Trileptal helps w burning in my finger tips. The upper arm pain and inner arm pain, swollen forearms, i have no idea whats causing all this. I did notice taking lipitor helped turned down the intensity of pain in upper arms, but then my liver ALT is 55 now I have NASH. I have had multiple EMG getting another next month. IT feels like my arms are getting squeezed

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Several years ago my Dr. prescribed Atorvastatin 40 (generic Lipitor) and at the same time he prescribed Potassium Chloride ER 20 and my ALT runs between 35 and 39. I believe the ALT is kept down with the PotCl. You might want to ask your Dr. about that. My doctor is a cardiologist.


I just wrote in with the same question re Nerve Control 911. My son ordered it for me, and I've been using it every night. It helps me to sleep longer than any other pain relief, such as Tylenol. The ingredients are all plants, such as marshmallow root, cactus powder, etc.


I just wrote in with the same question re Nerve Control 911. My son ordered it for me, and I've been using it every night. It helps me to sleep longer than any other pain relief, such as Tylenol. The ingredients are all plants, such as marshmallow root, cactus powder, etc.

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I haven't, but interesting. Always looking for an aid to help sleep. I take melatonin, 2 Ibuprofen, and rub peppermint oil/socks over and sleep for 6-8 hours. Not a sound sleep, as I am aware of my feet all night.


Thanks! I've never tried Melatonin, and I take a Gabapentin plus Tylenol at 2 am, Nerve Control 911 at 4 am, and another Gabapentin at 7 am. Small breaks for sleep in-between.


Thanks! I've never tried Melatonin, and I take a Gabapentin plus Tylenol at 2 am, Nerve Control 911 at 4 am, and another Gabapentin at 7 am. Small breaks for sleep in-between.

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I take melatonin (5-10 mg),gabapentin also for neuropathy of many years, and tylenol for rheumatism. Can I help? Norma5


Hi Blearyeyes, this is Barney. I agree with you 100% , it's crazy how greed can make people prey on others for money, especially when they know were hurt, sick , and suffering . I've been down hundreds of gopher holes looking for anything that might work without insane side effects, and no results yet.

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Same here Barney. I have tried everything under the sun and I am in pain as soon as I get up in the morning. I am new to this site to see if someone has the miracle cure for this awful disease.


Same here Barney. I have tried everything under the sun and I am in pain as soon as I get up in the morning. I am new to this site to see if someone has the miracle cure for this awful disease.

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Not a miracle, but at night, I take all the b’s in a liquid form, take two OTC neuropathy pills you pick lol, two magnesium pills, 1-2 Primal Sleep (order sleep aid online), 100 mg of gab. I also juice beets (small to medium sized, big ones taste like dirt) and improve flavor by 1-2 apples, a peeled lemon, a whole cucumber. Taste pretty good. Also at night, I stretch, spray feet with magnesium spray (at drugstore) and rub into hands. I use a cold pack wrapped in a dish towel for my feet/hands and read in bed while my feet are cooling down . I also ride a bicycle for exercise, walking makes my feet neurop-out so later at night I can’t sleep. Some nights I can’t sleep anyway. I also have the Calm app and listen to sleep stories at night which takes my brain off focusing on my discomfort. I am learning how to meditate to alleviate the mild anxiety that this disease sometimes creates. Am I winning? Probably not, but I am succeeding in making myself more comfortable. I realize there are people who are much farther down the path than I am at this time. I am just doing what I can trying to avoid increasing the narcotics. I have peripheral neuropathy as a result of sports injuries over the years. Hope this helps someone.


I just wrote in with the same question re Nerve Control 911. My son ordered it for me, and I've been using it every night. It helps me to sleep longer than any other pain relief, such as Tylenol. The ingredients are all plants, such as marshmallow root, cactus powder, etc.

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Hi Barb.
This is my first time on here.
How us Nerve pain911 working?

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