Which specific kind of doctor looks into thrombocytopenia?

Posted by rubles @rubles, Oct 3, 2023

I was never told by my doctors that thrombocytopenia is a blood cancer? Doctors do little to help me and tell me nothing. They did say thrombocytopenia causes bleeding that won't stop, but blood stops, and my blood platelets are always low
Also thyroid ,kidney are serious, but do tors do nothing and explain nothing

Is there a specific kind of doctor that looks into this? Thank you for any suggestions

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A hematologist would be the specialist. My doctor is sending me to see one. My platelets are 89,ooo. What are yours?


Are you sure this is a blood cancer.? I did not think so.


My platelets were 1. Now they are 154.


Hello @rubles Thrombocytopenia is a condition where you have a lower than normal amount of platelets. They’re crucial in controlling bleeding. If they get too low, you can experience excess bleeding from a cut, injury or internal bleeding. It’s a condition that warrants watching closely. You may not have a problem now but if this continues to get worse, you may start noticing more bruising or bleeding.

Here’s a little information about Thrombocytopenia for you:


It’s very frustrating for you to not be getting all the information you need from your doctor. If you have a blood condition the best doctor to help make a firm diagnosis for you and any treatment you need would be a Hematologist. This is a doctor who specializes in blood diseases.

You also mentioned you’re having thyroid issues and a serious kidney condition. Have you been diagnosed with a thyroid disease? How about your kidneys…what problem are you having?


Hello @rubles Thrombocytopenia is a condition where you have a lower than normal amount of platelets. They’re crucial in controlling bleeding. If they get too low, you can experience excess bleeding from a cut, injury or internal bleeding. It’s a condition that warrants watching closely. You may not have a problem now but if this continues to get worse, you may start noticing more bruising or bleeding.

Here’s a little information about Thrombocytopenia for you:


It’s very frustrating for you to not be getting all the information you need from your doctor. If you have a blood condition the best doctor to help make a firm diagnosis for you and any treatment you need would be a Hematologist. This is a doctor who specializes in blood diseases.

You also mentioned you’re having thyroid issues and a serious kidney condition. Have you been diagnosed with a thyroid disease? How about your kidneys…what problem are you having?

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Thank you for your response. I do have thyroid problems but as I stated the doctors do nothing as they can't agree on treatment and torture me with repeated tests. All this started years ago and was too young for all this. Also Insurance issues are serious. I need answer regarding surgical scissors as these scissors are for illiostomy use and don't need prescription etc


I sent my comments and need of illiostomy scissors in wrong


Doctors don't explain and have no time to explain and I don't get told if any physical issues are serious and more


Hello @rubles Thrombocytopenia is a condition where you have a lower than normal amount of platelets. They’re crucial in controlling bleeding. If they get too low, you can experience excess bleeding from a cut, injury or internal bleeding. It’s a condition that warrants watching closely. You may not have a problem now but if this continues to get worse, you may start noticing more bruising or bleeding.

Here’s a little information about Thrombocytopenia for you:


It’s very frustrating for you to not be getting all the information you need from your doctor. If you have a blood condition the best doctor to help make a firm diagnosis for you and any treatment you need would be a Hematologist. This is a doctor who specializes in blood diseases.

You also mentioned you’re having thyroid issues and a serious kidney condition. Have you been diagnosed with a thyroid disease? How about your kidneys…what problem are you having?

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Problems with all. What causes all this, old age?


Problems with all. What causes all this, old age?

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@rubles, it’s difficult to know what is causing your thrombocytopenia. As we age, our bodies can pick up random mutations on certain genes which can create a health problem. There are so many factors that can increase our risk of developing an illness besides our age such as stress, environmental exposures, inflammation, toxins, or even other illnesses.

I’m really sorry to hear that you’re not getting the information you need from your doctors. If you haven’t already, it might be helpful for you to find a hematologist, a doctor who specializes in blood disorders.

I found a discussion in the forum with Tips on how to get the most out of a visit with a new specialist. This may be helpful for you in the future so that you can get the help you need.
One thing that’s helped me the most with my medical treatments is that I always have a little notebook with me or make notes on my phone. That way the doctor and I can stay focused and go right down my list to get the questions answered.

Have you been able to make an appointment with a hematologist?


A hematologist would be the specialist. My doctor is sending me to see one. My platelets are 89,ooo. What are yours?

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I live back in the woods so transportation is a big problem. I.did see Hemotologist but out of network and I can't afford all the docs I need to see but they are afraid to touch as they told me treatment for one problem may make other worse and docs can't agree on what to do and told i.need surgery but again they are making my life miserable to say the least. Thank you

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