Collagen for osteoporosis?

Posted by cpb @cpb, Jul 26, 2021

My friend's medical doctor has her take collagen for her bones. I decided to try it and wondered if anyone knows more than I do about this.

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Thank you for the information Lynn.
I was finally ready to take either Tymlos or Forteo as recommended by my doctor. Just found out Tymlos is not covered by my Medicare supplement and Forteo is $1500 a month. I will change my drug plan in December but have not found a plan yet that covers either one adequately? Would you have a suggestion as to how to find one? I am in Southern California.
Thank you for any help you can provide.

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Medicare supplements do not pay for prescription drug coverage. However, you can purchase a standalone PDP (Medicare Part D) on the website independently. Insurers and states don't like offering them without a Medicare Advantage Plan (Medicare Part C.) If you prefer to keep your original Medicare, and not enroll into a Medicare Advantage plan, because you want to keep your option of healthcare outside of your community, this could be a resource.

The Medicare website offers a tool where pharmacies can actually bid for your dollars, and you need to have been on the drug at least two years before it will be offered as coverage. Finally, if you did not enroll in Medicare Part D when you enrolled in Medicare, you could be charged a penalty up to 10% per year you were not enrolled. I personally have my PDP payments deducted directly from my SSA monthly benefit as a convenience.

There are other programs as well, that may assist you with costs for your treatment. Talk to your local Council on Aging in your community.
Lynn B. Brooks, Licensed Agent, GA, NC, SC


good to get this kind of feedback. I've also been taking the 5 types of collagen each am with my coffee...adding this into all the aleloritive changes I'm making. One has to do their own homework there are a lot of these products out there..and some are pure hype. I've been doing the collagen for about 4 months now and I can see a difference in the skin on my hands..smoother. well as the skin on my hands in general. Not looking for miracles here...just wanting to aid in what I'm lacking to be a better 'me' at 76 1/2....
Anyone else taking collagen now?....or whatever you're doing that you feel is important...please share. Thanks you.....hugs.....

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Would love to get some info on the best collagen products or sources. Thanks



I have been using the Live Conscious since it was called Live Well…the grass fed bovine for several years. My daughter who is a nurse practitioner researched that way back then and we all take it. I take mine in my coffee…no taste or smell…dissolves in hot liquid…..19 amino acids. I order it from their website…the more you buy at one time, the cheaper it is. I’m not a fan of buying health products from Amazon. I don’t use their scoop …probably just half of what they recommend. The amount doesn’t matter on a daily basis after a while.
I can attest to shiny healthy hair, nails like a Rhino and good skin.
I had a Dexascan several years ago….teensy bit better in some areas and the same in other areas. Since I eat healthy, go to Senior gym classes and walk daily, it’s the lifestyle and diet ….wouldn’t consider taking any osteoporosis drugs.
It works for me and, at 82, I feel great. I think this brand is a good choice. My daughter sometimes sprinkles it over salad.

FL Mary

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I am 82 and diagnosed with osteoporosis (negative 3.8 in spine); Evenity was prescribed and approved by my insurance but I have asked for a six month delay in starting it. I have resolved to do exercise/resistance training Bone Builders classes,. My GP recommended the classes and they are offered here at many senior locations. I am going to try your recommended Collagen peptides also. Thank you for sharing your experiences


Before you purchase a large quantity, you may want to try a small amount. I took only a partial recommended amount and had to stop due to intestinal upset.


Good Morning~
I'm proud of you for doing all you can do on your own to build your strength and better bone density. Getting involved in our own health issues, that feel right for us is most important to do as well as listening and learning from professionals as well.
I have been using Codeage collagen for months now...I've noticed better nails, for sure as well as having fuller I've always had very thin hair. I'm 79 and seeing improvements in my health
picture that I feel. I haven't had another DEXA since I started taking it's been over a year since my last test. Seeing almost immediate changes in my nail quality and hair growth as well as better skin.. faded 'old' spots on my hands and face have kept me using this product daily. The product you mentioned that you're thinking of taking does look good and scores well on independent surveys. There seem to be a lot of choices these days. I went for one that I could afford and that had as many 'types' as possible with excellent ingredients as well. Live Conscious
looks like a good one. The codeage has 62 servings...I get it from Vitacost when it goes on it comes to about 36.00 for a 2-month supply. I applaud your desires to do more for yourself. I'm going to do that as well, as working out at home isn't the same as being educated and guided towards the right kinds of exercises to strengthen our bodies. I wish you the best!


I’m just beginning to take collagen peptides. I’m not comfortable with the usual drugs, so I’ll try this supplement. Lots of info on the internet.


Thank you for the information Lynn.
I was finally ready to take either Tymlos or Forteo as recommended by my doctor. Just found out Tymlos is not covered by my Medicare supplement and Forteo is $1500 a month. I will change my drug plan in December but have not found a plan yet that covers either one adequately? Would you have a suggestion as to how to find one? I am in Southern California.
Thank you for any help you can provide.

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I have Medicare with Part D . I had to pay $1500 for the first month. $ 1000 for the second. After that $ 233 for the rest of the year. I’m planning to have to start over in December.


I’m just beginning to take collagen peptides. I’m not comfortable with the usual drugs, so I’ll try this supplement. Lots of info on the internet.

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I’ve started taking collagen peptides too. I hope it helps.


I am 82 and diagnosed with osteoporosis (negative 3.8 in spine); Evenity was prescribed and approved by my insurance but I have asked for a six month delay in starting it. I have resolved to do exercise/resistance training Bone Builders classes,. My GP recommended the classes and they are offered here at many senior locations. I am going to try your recommended Collagen peptides also. Thank you for sharing your experiences

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Which collagen peptides are you taking.


Where can Fortibone be purchased? I need to try something.

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