Foot neuropathy: What gives you relief?

Posted by kathrina @kathrina, Nov 5, 2019

It seems if I get enough activity/exercise daily I don’t have pain; if not, am awakened from sleep and must get up (even in the middle of the night). What’s going on & what more should I do to avoid rest-disruption?

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Let’s start a list.

Your symptoms of foot neuropathy

Treatments which provide relief or ease if symptoms.

I have been diagnosed with foot neuropathy. My feet are cold especially when at rest and at night. When I walk in exercise my feet get stingy and moist. They can get painful.

I use 600 mg of alpha lipoid acid and topical creams like lidocaine and CBD (no thc) cream, arnica cream or oil. I do foot massage.

I wear wool socks and frequently warm my feet with a heated rice bag or warm water.

Seems like there is some level of discomfort throughout the day.

Help me find other things to try.

Best wishes to all who suffer.

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My feet now are very numb with shooting pain off and on. Tingling also. Sometimes cold sometimes feet, legs and knees feel very hot inside body. Hands also numb and tingling. Sometimes my touch feels like things are grainy.
Feet and legs are worse at night. I use Baclofen a prescription for muscle/nerve relaxer am and pm. Also use Susan’s CBD Super Salve stick. It’s a push up stick you use to apply the product. Rub it all over my feet top and bottom and toes then put long footies on to sleep. Pricey but works and lasts. Helps me get to sleep and stay asleep. Find it online
Try a treadmill at short intervals. Recliner helps. Seems like 2 hrs then I have to get up from chair or bed to readjust body. My knees hurt on and off but I have fibromyalgia as well so it’s hard to tell which is going on. Susan’s CBD works on both thank goodness. Tried gabapentin but it made me feel bad and did nothing for my feet. Then had low dose methadone for several months then the Baclofen which gives me no side effects. I used to cry and walk the floor at night but found the right meds and Susan’s CBD and I manage now. I also use a cane due to balance issues. Also use toe socks and sketcher brand shoes. I am learning from you all. Hope these suggestions might help you. Keep trying to find what works for you!!


I’ve been using thiamine tablets (Vitamin B 1). Has relived night feet cold and tingling. Been taking it for 3 Yrs. OTC, Naturemade, B Complex

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Benfotiamine is a better, body usable form of B-1


My feet now are very numb with shooting pain off and on. Tingling also. Sometimes cold sometimes feet, legs and knees feel very hot inside body. Hands also numb and tingling. Sometimes my touch feels like things are grainy.
Feet and legs are worse at night. I use Baclofen a prescription for muscle/nerve relaxer am and pm. Also use Susan’s CBD Super Salve stick. It’s a push up stick you use to apply the product. Rub it all over my feet top and bottom and toes then put long footies on to sleep. Pricey but works and lasts. Helps me get to sleep and stay asleep. Find it online
Try a treadmill at short intervals. Recliner helps. Seems like 2 hrs then I have to get up from chair or bed to readjust body. My knees hurt on and off but I have fibromyalgia as well so it’s hard to tell which is going on. Susan’s CBD works on both thank goodness. Tried gabapentin but it made me feel bad and did nothing for my feet. Then had low dose methadone for several months then the Baclofen which gives me no side effects. I used to cry and walk the floor at night but found the right meds and Susan’s CBD and I manage now. I also use a cane due to balance issues. Also use toe socks and sketcher brand shoes. I am learning from you all. Hope these suggestions might help you. Keep trying to find what works for you!!

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All good comments. I’ll try some. Thank you.


I take cinnamon pills, 2/day, for 15 years with few events - works to prevent tingling pain in my feet.


I take cinnamon pills, 2/day, for 15 years with few events - works to prevent tingling pain in my feet.

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Welcome @cotuit, Thanks for sharing what helps you. Have you been diagnosed with neuropathy?


How much cinnamon per pill.
How were you diagnosed if I may ask. I think I had symptoms for years just calling it cold or sweaty feet. A neurologist did a nerve test and said neuropathy but only gave gabapentin as med. it was not for me.


I take cinnamon pills, 2/day, for 15 years with few events - works to prevent tingling pain in my feet.

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Can you say brand and dosage? Thank you.


Capsaicin .1% cream rubbed on the bottom of my feet provides pain relief for me for up to 8 hours. I use disposable vinyl gloves to apply it.


Has anyone else had Vit B6 toxicity like me which is believed to be the cause of their neuropathy? I’ve been taking supplements for years with B6 in it and my neuropathy was labeled idiopathic bc no cause was determined. I had the blood test done to check this number and it was off the charts! I quit the supplements 3 weeks ago and am hoping once I get this high value out of my system, that I will heal. They say it is quite slow. I urge those with idiopathic neuropathy to get their B levels tested and, if high, to read up on this. Apparently it is a “thing.” At last, hope !

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Absolutely! I was drinking one "5 Hour Energy Drink" years ago for the caffeine boost in the morning. Used it about a year. In 2014 went to Neurologist. He asked whether I took anything with B-6 in it and I said I would check. The 5 Hour Energy Drink has about 3000% of RDA, so I stopped immediately. It stayed in my system, as it is the only B vitamin that does not excrete and high doses are, as you say, toxic, and kill fine motor nerve cells (so I've read). My PN is also idiopathic. Of course my neuropathy in both feet has not stopped, to this day, pain level 4, 24/7, even on Lyrica, Gralise and Hydrocodone. Experimenting with CBD and THC now; just got registered here in VA. Trying to get approved for the Medtronic spinal stimulator, but so far can't get it approved.


Absolutely! I was drinking one "5 Hour Energy Drink" years ago for the caffeine boost in the morning. Used it about a year. In 2014 went to Neurologist. He asked whether I took anything with B-6 in it and I said I would check. The 5 Hour Energy Drink has about 3000% of RDA, so I stopped immediately. It stayed in my system, as it is the only B vitamin that does not excrete and high doses are, as you say, toxic, and kill fine motor nerve cells (so I've read). My PN is also idiopathic. Of course my neuropathy in both feet has not stopped, to this day, pain level 4, 24/7, even on Lyrica, Gralise and Hydrocodone. Experimenting with CBD and THC now; just got registered here in VA. Trying to get approved for the Medtronic spinal stimulator, but so far can't get it approved.

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Good evening @jpi......and a big welcome to Connect. With your response above, I can see that you are diving right into some important issues about vitamins. Thanks for the feedback. I also noticed that you are experimenting with medical cannabis. I find the tinctures and topicals to be extremely valuable for my situation of SFN -- small fiber neuropathy. It does require studying because you will be the prescriber as well as the patient. Many of the dispensaries have special cannabis pharmacists that can help you. It has now been 10 years since my first "experiment" and I depend on my selections to help keep the pain under control.

The other treatment that reduces the pain in my battle with SFN is MFR, Myofascial Release therapy. There is a discussion on Connect for MFR. Here is the link.

Do you have numbness? Who does not approve of your spine stimulator? I am going to reach out for my mentor colleague @jenniferhunter who has much more experience than I do with spine details.

May you be safe, protected and free from inner and outer harm.

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