Have Diabetes 2 taking Jardiance for kidney

Posted by franco39 @franco39, Sep 25, 2023

I am an 84 year old male with diabetes 2 - and have recently been looked at by a Nephrologist for my kidney functions . He has given me Jardiance to take 10 mg a day - to help protect the kidneys and flush out sugar through my urine therefore peeing more often. I am on my 10th day and notice peeing more and sometimes an odour with it. So far i have no side effects. Does anyway have this same routine or can tell me more about Jardiance as apparently it can be a life long medication. Thanks Frank

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My spouse been on it for ten years no apparent side effects. He does not discuss much about his diabetes 2 nor triple heart bypass operation or cancer of bowel a few years ago, and I just read him your enquiry. Typical of him, does not know why on this medication along with SIXTEEN others! Believe me! He doesn't even read the insert pamphlets just does what doctors tell him to. Whereas I am constantly on Internet checking... so sorry am of no help to you but just to show you a different perspective! He is also on water pills re heart and peeing constantly!! Does appear to be a life long med. though... best of luck with it. Although I have different health issues am wondering if your diabetes can be controlled by diet? Probably not. Take care, J.


Hi J
thank you so much for your reply - i appreciate it fully. Glad your spouse has not had any side effects. I so far have not but only on them for 10 days so far. Peeing a lot more which is good to get the sugar out of my system. No problem we dehydration at this point and must be careful there. Wow 16 meds your spouse is on that is a lot. I am on only on 5 - BP/(2 pills) metformin - Lipitor for cholesterol and now this Jardiance. I am 84 and in pretty good health considering. I have only had one surgery in my lifetime for prostate - area in 2014 and fine every since - fingers crossed. I did for many years ( i was diagnosed with diabetes 2 - 4o years go so doing well in that area) and at the time did a lot of exercise/jogging/workouts and had personal trainer for many years and ate pretty sensibly and health which we still do and smaller portions now. I Thank you for that very nice of you take care and have a nice day.
Frank in Toronto


Hi J
thank you so much for your reply - i appreciate it fully. Glad your spouse has not had any side effects. I so far have not but only on them for 10 days so far. Peeing a lot more which is good to get the sugar out of my system. No problem we dehydration at this point and must be careful there. Wow 16 meds your spouse is on that is a lot. I am on only on 5 - BP/(2 pills) metformin - Lipitor for cholesterol and now this Jardiance. I am 84 and in pretty good health considering. I have only had one surgery in my lifetime for prostate - area in 2014 and fine every since - fingers crossed. I did for many years ( i was diagnosed with diabetes 2 - 4o years go so doing well in that area) and at the time did a lot of exercise/jogging/workouts and had personal trainer for many years and ate pretty sensibly and health which we still do and smaller portions now. I Thank you for that very nice of you take care and have a nice day.
Frank in Toronto

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Welcome, @franco39. In addition to @lacy2, I'm tagging fellow members @peggylm @cekkk @wadelmanpt @joepringle @merryfield who also have experience with Jardiance (empagliflozin) and can share their experiences.

You may also be interested in this related discussion:
– Who else is living with Diabetes (TD2) and kidney disease (CKD3)? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/diabetestd2-with-ckd3/

Are you stilly leading an active lifestyle and working with a personal trainer?


Welcome, @franco39. In addition to @lacy2, I'm tagging fellow members @peggylm @cekkk @wadelmanpt @joepringle @merryfield who also have experience with Jardiance (empagliflozin) and can share their experiences.

You may also be interested in this related discussion:
– Who else is living with Diabetes (TD2) and kidney disease (CKD3)? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/diabetestd2-with-ckd3/

Are you stilly leading an active lifestyle and working with a personal trainer?

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I swim every other day, sometimes also on off days. About 25-30 minutes nonstop. Unfortunately I can't freestyle but some of the time and snorkel most of it. I am going to post a question about pool temps. I believe the Guardians is helpful with my kidneys, but what really helps with glucose levels is this intermittent fasting. Even though I haven't lost any weight, maybe a pound or two in over 3 weeks now, my morning glucose levels, well, this morning it was 118. I haven't had readings in the teens and twenties for 4 or 5 years.


Hi J
thank you so much for your reply - i appreciate it fully. Glad your spouse has not had any side effects. I so far have not but only on them for 10 days so far. Peeing a lot more which is good to get the sugar out of my system. No problem we dehydration at this point and must be careful there. Wow 16 meds your spouse is on that is a lot. I am on only on 5 - BP/(2 pills) metformin - Lipitor for cholesterol and now this Jardiance. I am 84 and in pretty good health considering. I have only had one surgery in my lifetime for prostate - area in 2014 and fine every since - fingers crossed. I did for many years ( i was diagnosed with diabetes 2 - 4o years go so doing well in that area) and at the time did a lot of exercise/jogging/workouts and had personal trainer for many years and ate pretty sensibly and health which we still do and smaller portions now. I Thank you for that very nice of you take care and have a nice day.
Frank in Toronto

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Hi we are in Ontario Frank. I could list the meds he is on, hard to believe he is still walking around. He also has occasional alcohol and smoking. I had to devise a page showing both am and pm meds, the am meds and the pm ones and what was in my opinion critical these days and keep forgetting to mention it on Mayo - if you have a list of medications you carry around may be a good idea , as we have, ,to put down the name of the drug prescribed and also the alternate name if generic or ? It was very very confusing soothing this out and even now saw the list and realized it also has another name (such as mine was Rivotril/Clonazepam and in USA called Klonopin. Even my nurse was going to prescribe another pill from my anti diarrhea one and it was the same medication only a different name... am sure this could lead to confusion in an emergency.


@franco39 Jardiance is a very common med for diabetes. I’m a bit confused / concerned because you said your nephrologist prescribed it for your kidneys. Do you have a provider for your diabetes? Did s/he concur with the Jardiance prescription?


I swim every other day, sometimes also on off days. About 25-30 minutes nonstop. Unfortunately I can't freestyle but some of the time and snorkel most of it. I am going to post a question about pool temps. I believe the Guardians is helpful with my kidneys, but what really helps with glucose levels is this intermittent fasting. Even though I haven't lost any weight, maybe a pound or two in over 3 weeks now, my morning glucose levels, well, this morning it was 118. I haven't had readings in the teens and twenties for 4 or 5 years.

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@cekkk I’m responding to your post in the discussion about Jardiance medication and kidneys.

You mention swimming and a “question about pool temps”. I s that supposed to be in a different discussion?

You mention “Guardians”. Do you mean Jardiance? Did auto correct spelling get to your post?

You mention glucose levels and 118. That is a pretty good glucose level. But you said “I haven’t had readings in the teens and twenties for 4 or 5 years”. If you are still talking about glucose levels, you shouldn’t. Teens and twenties is way too LOW for glucose levels! Normal is 80 - 120 ish. This can vary for individuals depending on other medical conditions and medications. Has your provider given you a glucose level range recommendation?


@cekkk I’m responding to your post in the discussion about Jardiance medication and kidneys.

You mention swimming and a “question about pool temps”. I s that supposed to be in a different discussion?

You mention “Guardians”. Do you mean Jardiance? Did auto correct spelling get to your post?

You mention glucose levels and 118. That is a pretty good glucose level. But you said “I haven’t had readings in the teens and twenties for 4 or 5 years”. If you are still talking about glucose levels, you shouldn’t. Teens and twenties is way too LOW for glucose levels! Normal is 80 - 120 ish. This can vary for individuals depending on other medical conditions and medications. Has your provider given you a glucose level range recommendation?

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Yes, which is why I said I was going to post a question about pool temps.

You said this can very for individuals. Did you mean this can vary for individuals?

When I was first diagnosed with type 2, my doctor suggested I not eat until I got glucose level down to 130. On my next visit he suggested 120.

High glucose levels result in high hemoglobin A1c, numbers, do they not? I do understand that at my age a higher fasting glucose level is permissible, but is not a lower one healthy?

I'm not one to put much stock in feelings, but I do feel I have been trolled just a bit.


@franco39 Jardiance is a very common med for diabetes. I’m a bit confused / concerned because you said your nephrologist prescribed it for your kidneys. Do you have a provider for your diabetes? Did s/he concur with the Jardiance prescription?

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Hi @cehunt57 Yes my Nephrologist prescribed Jardiance for my kidneys to be protected with my diabetes 2. It makes you urinate more however it washes out extra sugar. It is 10 mg 1 per day - i also take 2 metformin one in the morning and one at night. Yes i have a Provider for my Diabetes at a diabetic clinic -and my on personal Dr. and they agreed with the specialist. Tonight i am feeling so so tired and lethargic going to take my bp and blood sugar. Also have a bit of a stomach ache with gas not sure this is related. I will go to the pharmacy in the morning and talk to them. I hate new medications but we have no choice.


Hi we are in Ontario Frank. I could list the meds he is on, hard to believe he is still walking around. He also has occasional alcohol and smoking. I had to devise a page showing both am and pm meds, the am meds and the pm ones and what was in my opinion critical these days and keep forgetting to mention it on Mayo - if you have a list of medications you carry around may be a good idea , as we have, ,to put down the name of the drug prescribed and also the alternate name if generic or ? It was very very confusing soothing this out and even now saw the list and realized it also has another name (such as mine was Rivotril/Clonazepam and in USA called Klonopin. Even my nurse was going to prescribe another pill from my anti diarrhea one and it was the same medication only a different name... am sure this could lead to confusion in an emergency.

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Hi lacy
Thanks for your follow up- i feel like crap tonight dont know if it is the Jardiance meds as i am on it now 10 days and it is making me pee often although sometimes it is not alot of urine coming out of me. I drink water - tea - no juices with sugars - only 1/2 cup coffee a day - drink water with lemon juice for the dehydration aspect. I will go to the pharmacy in the morning since it is a Sunday and will chat with the parmacist about it. I hate taking new meds - and as you may remember taking 2 - 500 ml of metform as well. Today my stomach us upset gas and bloating. Not sure if that is a side effect i could not find it on google at all. I did get second opinion with my own Dr. before i ordered the Jardiance and he said it is the best and newest to help with kidney protection and to take sugar out of my system. Where are you in ONtario - we are in Toronto. I have not smoked for 45 years now - and i dont drink - possibly a beer every two or three months or less. I do have all the meds i take 5 in all in my wallet if asked at anytime.. good idea to do that just in case.. Yes Americans are quite different in names of meds and it gets very confusing for sure - we always have to look these things up. But i was shocked by the cost of purchasing Jardiance in the USA when we dont pay for it here at all. We wont visit the USA anymore we have not been there since just before covid when we wintered in Palm springs 2019 that is it over and out. Not a good place anymore for us. I am sorry about your husband and hope he helps himself as we must do that for ourselves as well.

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