GI Disorder and Internal Shaking

Posted by gigiraj @gigiraj, Feb 15, 2019

Hi all. I'm a 21 year old South Asian female and I have been having GI issues for about five years--mainly along the lines of constipation. I do have bowel movements every day but it takes a long time & I am rarely fully cleared out. These GI issues are always accompanied by other health issues (gas, pressure in head, etc). Recently, some scary new conditions have manifested: In the past few weeks, there have been times where my heart starts beating wildly and very fast. Sometimes, when I'm tired and constipated, my entire body feels like its vibrating internally; the shakes aren't visible but it feels like all my muscles are quivering. At this point, I feel a constant shaking/quivering within my body, especially in my heart cavity.

I have had TWO EKG's and both came back normal. All lab tests for diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol, etc came back within normal limits. I am very concerned about this internal shaking. My dad says he found something about how GI disorders can impact muscoskeletal system and since the heart is a muscle, it's contracting and being affected. But I wanted to know if anyone here can help!!!!!!! If anyone knows anything at all please please please let me know!!!!!

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Try 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda mix with 1/2 glass of warm water instead of the meds . It helps and it is safe.

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Baking soda is not safe for use for long period of time. It is made from GMO corn. All corn were sprayed with Round Up, unless you find non-GMO baking soda. I was on baking soda, until found out make me more acidic. You have to know how much baking soda to add or to reduce, so balances your gut PH. Please talk to your doctor and do your research. This is just my experience with baking soda.


Please try finding out if you have SIBO. You will probably have to find a functional med dr. to test you or find a lab & pay for the test. It is a test that is based on your breath. Normally regular doctors won't test for it because they either do not know enough about it or their labs will not test for it. I am going to have this test done & also for parasites, It's crazy that M.D.'s do not want to test for either - I don't think they know enough about either. I have these weird shakes in the middle of the night & lots of different foods affect it also.


is it posting i don't see my post?


Hello i'm new here sorry about the previous post i wanted to make sure it would post before writing i'm also sorry in advance for my bad writing and spelling and long post 🙂 anyways i have been going through the same stuff for over 10 years too i don't know how to make 10 years into a short post and i dread to even type but let me start of saying how and around the time this started i just bought my house i was doing work to it i was also taking care of my terminal dad that had cancer i kept falling down i thought it was from running jack hammers ect i have nerve damage from my back later after my dad died i found out i had kidney cancer i also got real bad acid reflux i was put on acid reflux medicine and this is when the real nightmare started within 2 months of being on it i started developing all kinds of scary symptoms i thought it must be caused by my cancer but i found out that was not true later i started realizing the medicine was doing things to me i was scared of all ppi after this i read the reviews and a lot of people developed these symptoms after being on them later i found out like most of u i think it was just me maybe reacting to it maybe or maybe it even caused it who knows? i have so many symptoms in the past i would not wish any of this on my enemy and it was the internet that helped me i was told to stay away from it thank god i did not listen anyways things that helped me to lesson the symptoms like most of you say was watching what i eat also a year in i found out what made me totally normal for a few years was high dose vitamin d i was found to be low and they started me on 50,000 iu once a week and it took a month and half for it to start working but boy when it did i was so happy it was like nothing ever happened but soon as i stopped it they all came back i also tried to break 50,000 iu down to lower doses and take daily but that made me worse so only the one time mega dose helped me when i got my level up i switched to taking it once every 2 weeks mostly for awhile to once a month depending when i felt the symptoms coming back and my what my level is right now my level is at 82ng i like to keep it no higher then 70-75 so i been slacking off it trying once every month and half i managed my symptoms with vitamin d for years and i still take it 10 years later don't just go do this talk to your doctor first and monitor your vitamin d levels as they say you can take too much one day i was with my cousin and he drinks i use too but when i had these symptoms i stopped i could not think of even doing it i had enough to deal with anyways i was already doing good with the vitamin d i could eat anything with no symptoms then one day i started drinking and it helped me too which i found strange i could not make the connection why they both would help but i would do anything just to keep the symptoms away i dealt with daily all day so with people mentioning you could over dose on vitamin d i stopped the vitamin to let my levels come down and started drinking i drank for a long time i don't suggest you to do this i lost my license ended up jail payed a lot of money spent a lot of money i got to drinking a 30 pack some days and averaged around 20 beers to half of a half gallon of whisky a day for years at the end i was drinking half a gallon of whiskey a few times and one day i drank 3/4 of a gallon and ended up in the hospital for 5 days drinking will destroy your life your family your body it will kill your liver and kill you in many ways so don't do this i woke up one time my arms jerking 3 foot movement so please don't i'm just telling my story maybe someone can make the connection why it might have helped me anyways before i got so bad on the drinking i tried to stop it and go back to the vitamin d i found it no longer helped me like it did so that's when i went back to the drinking i then found the the drinking did not help me either like it did before but they both did help some and kept some of the worse of it away so i continued with both i got my dui about a year ago that's when everything started getting worse like it was not already worse i could not think of anything ever being worse then what i was already dealing with but i guess it can my hair started to fall out every time i touched it my eyebrow hair too not clumps but strands i also have internal tremors like if you watched walmart mix the gallon of paint the machine that shakes it that how fast and hard they were i woke up with them and they lasted all day i had them every day i thought it was withdraw from the beer i started drinking again they actually went away so i was sucked in to drinking again after trying to quit 2 times now until about 3 weeks ago i started waking up the day after drinking with high heart rate 125 beats a min while resting with high blood pressure and shakes till around 6pm it would calm down it was awful i never had hang over symptoms so i thought that was strange so i read it could be not drinking enough water and drinking so i tried to drink more water when i drank that did not help and then it lead into feeling like i was having a heart attack with chest arm pain tingling in hands and bottom of feet and lips and i think even my tongue so remember i can't drive so i had to call the ambulance over this already 3 or 4 times very scary they even had hooked the thing that restarts your heart up on my be case it quits very scary the last time i drank 1 beer and my heart jumped to 125 just with one i have not drank in about 3 weeks now my heart done this even with out drinking just from walking i felt it while out i find sitting down and trying to stay calm is best being up makes it worse and takes longer but if i sit 45 minutes to hour it calms down at least it seems this is new to me i hate going to hospitals and after i got my cancer it really woke me up i think it is corruption and a money scheme i hate it anyways i will make a new post below with some of my symptoms i have dealt with over the 10 years


i have gastroparesis too when i read that food could cause my symptoms i been dealing with that's when i was reading about leaky gut i'm like i wake up with it and i get worse after and i not even eating i found out even my toothpaste was making me worse i think it was the corn sorbitol some of my symptoms were brain fog i could not add 1 + 1 foggy brain and vision heart palps as i was falling asleep burning joints at so bad it feels like the flu hang over burning inside everywhere head and face tightness rashes and hives muscle jerks and twitching red stinging eyes and stinging burning mouth stroke like symptoms internal tremors heart attack symptoms racing heart ice cold feet and body chills hot flashes vision loss hair falling out tingling hands and feet left ear ringing insomnia erectile or low sex drive short of breath on exertion low oxygen at night restrictive pattern on lung function test balance issues skin seems to be flaking off dry skin? bad bad back muscle pain like someone beat me with a base ball bat bone and arm pain fatigue i get real sleepy after eating certain food like i have been drugged my eyeballs seem to have tremors too muscle wasting my arms would get real tired easy just swinging a hammer a few times i would go a month without pooping sorry acid reflux abdominal pain diverticulitis lever spleen and kidney pain i think this is because of the drinking i'm sure there is more i am not mentioning things like pork chops pasta eggs cereal maybe it the milk sugar high fructose stuff fruits pizza salami vitamin c asorbic acid are some of the things i have problems with little ceasers pizza and pasta use to give me the worse breathing problems after eating i have tried anxiety meds they make me worse i was thinking of trying them again but after reading sites i really think this is some kind of food digestion gut or something issue i'm lost as avoiding food helps but not take all the symptoms away but is not the cure i tried leaky gut stuff too and it made me worse i even tried i think it was naltrexone i had to order overseas ect and 10 years later i still have problems i am lost and all doctors blame it on anxiety when i quit smoking and drinking coffee my burning eyes and mouth and face tension seem to have went away i started back after my dui how stupid i was anyways there some stuff for anyone to read about seems all i do these days feel free to comment i will try to bookmark the page and come back


Sounds like it could be Gallbladder and Pancreatic related health issue...Have your doctor check if you have GALLSTONES and/or Gallbladder function (HIDA scan)..If you do, continue with your diet and avoid alcoholic, sugary foods/drinks and processed refined carbs for few months...Don't wait until you get a gallbladder attack (Biliary Colic Attack)...Wish you the best🙏

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This is an old thread but I've just found it again. Thanks for your suggestions! I haven't had HIDA scan but I had abdominal ultrasound several times and an MRCP. All clear, no gallstones, pancreas found normal.


This response nails exactly my belief and sxperiance as well. I get pressure due too gas, causes a little brain fog, and nothing serious until every once in a while I feel a build up with some constipation and a full stomach and notice a five to fifteen minute really mild internal tremor through my body that starts “always” in the stomach/gut and radiates to the rest of the body, my neck gets stiff and my muscles get sore. (These usually happen after big weeks of hardwood floor work, which hits my neck and arms the hardest) and whenever the shake starts my soreness radiates more. I take a famotadine or Pepcid and usually subsides. Neck remains sore a stiff but I have had quite a bit of work related pain and accidental injury’s towards my neck. My bowel movements are daily and usually one large movement in the morning before the day starts and rarely do I experiance much constipation. I am only 28 and see constipation and more gut-brain shakes in the future so I’m preemptively searching for small OTC solutions. It’s been probably 6 months since I did a 14 day omeprazole and I’m thinking that would put my gut-brain back in check as I have a hard time sometimes sleeping while digesting snd keeping my acid down I try to avoid taking anything and usually just elevate myself a small bit or use a nose strip to breathe better so my body can fix itself while sleeping. Reading all these comments and responses and even ALL the article posted in the feed about autism spectrum and nephrological connections between gut and health ive come to better understand my body. My father has Parkinson’s and has had it for 8-9 years now. It’s a horrible disease and bless those that have it so u can imagine my worry when I get a small bit of heart pain or tight chest then feel a vibratory/internal tremor happen. It stops me from what I’m doing and causes me to get up and walk the dog or get some fresh air to calm my nerves. I’m glad to see the Prevacid helps with u guys, as I may try that here soon just a small 12 day cycle and be back to feeling my great 28 yr old spirit and energy.

Another question? Has probiotics helped with your issues at all is that something in my young age I could take for a month or a year to avoid the Pepcid/omeprazol reoccurrences? Just want the best gut-Brain connection I can. I see how much this digestion and gut-brian health correlates to the nerves and body. My blood work is always good ive checked last time I felt like this and it is rare i would say a few times per year it kicks up and feels like my stomachs fighting me and not doing it’s normal in and out routine. My solution this time is to keep the pressure down and out and not up in my gut and head since that’s where it all starts. Probably take a famotadine when this occurs and the worry sets in. If I need anything more than a small Pepcid or famotadine I will try the Prevacid/PPI 14 day thing and get back to u guys. I can live with a little pressure around the neck head and jaw but the shakes add more stress than it’s ever really worth and that’s the main focus to me. Thank you guys so much for the feed and thread. If it was 20years ago we’d all just have to suck it up or try some over the counter stuff to see what works and what doesn’t and we’re all blessed to be able to share our stories and our history with each other to better treat ourselves. Much love to you all and I will be back on here checking and reading and posting if I find the Prevacid helps, or if I’ll even need it. I’ve noticed working out and doing little runs almost works the pressure out everytime and reconnects those core muscles together to the brain helping the full motion and fluidity of my intestines to gut and helps relieve pressure after workout is done

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Have you considered food allergy? I have discovered that I am gluten intolerant and get much the same pain, etc when I eat gluten. It is difficult to move bowels ( and painful) next day after eating gluten. Remedy - don't eat gluten! I have also found a product - Gluten Free (capsule). It helps the day after bowel movements. Just because it does work for me, doesn't mean it would for everyone. But I tried it. Others I have told about it won't try it. They prefer to take meds from Dr. Your choice. I cannot tell you more than it helps me, but I have not discussed either pain after eating gluten or Gluten Free with any Dr. This is only my experience, not a recommendation for anyone else. T


Hi folks, this post is from a few months ago but I'm suffering from the same symptoms. I've been suffering daily from gas, a twisting feeling in the abdomen, head pressure, tension headache, fatigue, brain fog, internal shakiness, heart palpitations, chest tightness, shortness of breath. It feels like my body is falling apart but all lab reports came back normal after numerous tests.

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Hi did you figure out the cause ? Are you better now? I’m same


Hi did you figure out the cause and how are you now?

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