Gabapentin side effects?

Posted by Sundance(RB) @sundance6, Apr 13, 2019

I am a regular on the Mayo Board! I don't know what I would do without it! Our doctors don't want to discuss openly the things about illnesses and side effets of drugs and other things. Anyway, my question to all of you is Gabapentin and it's side effects. I have been on it now for 6 months. My doctor raised me from 100mg. to now I am on 400mg. three times a day.
The problem is my tiredness! I happen to be in a friends office yesterday and she was taking some medicine. She said she was taking Gabapentin. I asked why and she said she had, had shingles back when and it still helped with the pain. I know the drug is percribed for many things that is why I take it for my issues.
I told her I had been taking it for about 6 months. She asked if I had been tired all the time, just out of the Blue. OF COURSE I SAID YES! She said it took her a year before she got out of the tiredness.
Let me know if any of you have experienced the same thing. Also let me know at what dosage you may be on? I know this is all confidential!
Again Thanks to The Mayo Clinic and Everyone who is kind enough to be open with their lives!

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I have been using gabapentin since 2018 for fibromyalgia pain and it's been more helpful than the duloxetine I used prior. 1200 mg daily. It also helped with things that often go along with fibromyalgia besides the pain, like restless leg syndrome. And I do sleep a lot better. I'm tired and have memory/cognitive issues at times, but that's just part of fibro and doesn't change all that much. As far as side effects I think I've been lucky, as I've had far less side effects with the gab than I did with the duloxetine, with which I was practically suicidal. I did read someone's comment about bone spurs and that does concern me as I've developed some during the time I've been using the gab. Doesn't mean they're related, I'm seeing the doctor tomorrow about it so will see what I can find out.


I am on Gabapentin 3x a day 300 mg each capsule for a total of 900mg/day. I do take it before bed and it definitely helps with sleep. I started on it for implementation in both knees. I am on 4 different meditations and I have noticed the memory loss side effect. I’ve been diagnosed with Central Pain Sensitization. So we’ll see how things go. Lots of pain in body that Gabapentin cannot help.

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I'm on 1200 mg Gabapentin 3x/day. Changing to Pregabalin (Lyrica) 50 mg 3x/day. I hope decreasing 1 tablet Gabapentin every 3 days will not be too difficult. I get really bad migraines and have bad neck pain; had 3 neck surgeries.


I'm on 1200 mg Gabapentin 3x/day. Changing to Pregabalin (Lyrica) 50 mg 3x/day. I hope decreasing 1 tablet Gabapentin every 3 days will not be too difficult. I get really bad migraines and have bad neck pain; had 3 neck surgeries.

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Thank you for sharing. Good luck. It’s always good to try someway if the
end goal is to reduce the amount you’re taking. Take care.


I have had no pain in either of my 2 knee replacements since they were done in 2016. Thank God. I do have diabetic neuropathy and gabapentin takes away most of pain.


My dr prescribed Horizant which is a long acting form of gabapentin. I can actually take less of it because is slowly and continually released in my system. It has worked well for me with fewer side effects. But when self paying is expensive. I believe there are 2 pharmacies that provide it at a reduced cost. It has made it affordable for me.


I have been on gabapentin for a year for neuropathy pain. Also by 5PM apply liquid any brand Lidocaine to feet and legs up to knees. Taking Ropinirole for the Restless Legs Syndrome which seems to be triggered by the neuropathy pain. RLS predates the neuropathy but until it surfaced as cause of poor sleep I never needed treatment as it only happened when sitting constrained in theater seat for movies/etc. Now taking 4 (100 mg)gabapentin and 4 Ropinirole(o.25mg) doses between 5 and 11 pm. Sleep better but have tired feelings sometimes during day. Doctors originally suggested taking doses during the day but the sleepy effects made me not do that. Currently hoping to get off the gabapentin soon via an inserted SCS device which successfully relieved my neuropathy pain for 5 days. Both extreme heat and cold affect the neuropathy , as well as the lying down. Winter cold numbed my feet and hands and triggered RLS at midday. Hopefully less medication will enable more active physical days to help control blood sugar levels that cause neuropathy.


I am on Gabapentin 3x a day 300 mg each capsule for a total of 900mg/day. I do take it before bed and it definitely helps with sleep. I started on it for implementation in both knees. I am on 4 different meditations and I have noticed the memory loss side effect. I’ve been diagnosed with Central Pain Sensitization. So we’ll see how things go. Lots of pain in body that Gabapentin cannot help.

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I am on Gabapentin 300 mg X 4 . I take 2 hours before bedtime for peripheral neuropathy. Without it I can no longer go to sleep at night.

It also helps my trigiminal neuralgia.



I've just happened upon this post & found I can weigh in. I'm not sure if its relevance is still helpful, but perhaps my response may help at least 1 other person at any time.

I've been on Gabapentin primarily for mental health diagnoses for many years. Due to the diagnoses & ailments I'm on it for, I'm on the max dose of 3600mg/day (1200mg 3x day). I don't experience any of the tiredness fortunately; however, many do with varying degrees of resolution after the body adjusts.

Side effects of Gabapentin can vary from person to person, and they may not always correlate directly with the dose. The occurrence and severity of side effects depend on individual factors, including a person's sensitivity to the medication, their overall health, and any other medications they may be taking.

I'm not surprised you've received several responses - I hope you're finding others' experiences helpful. I used to say there must be a Groupon for Gabapentin as it's so commonly prescribed and for such a wide array of issues. I also was put on it for addiction (I'm a recovering alcoholic) as it does help with some of those concerns & it's considered a much safer alternative than many addictive meds. Given Gabapentin is used for pain (neuropathic pain, Fibromyalgia & Restless Leg Syndrome), it's thought to be a safer option than opiates like Oxycodon/Percocet/Vicodan. For anxiety, it's much safer than Benzodiazapines like Xanax.

The unfortunate thing for me is that Gabapentin is used as first line treatment for issues I struggle with that are not mental health as noted. I also have chronic pain, Fibromyalgia, Restless Leg, neuropathy, anxiety, migraines & Chronic Fatigue which are just not touched at even the max dose (again prescribed for mental health).

As noted, Gabapentin is a medication primarily used to treat various medical conditions, including:

1. **Epilepsy**: Gabapentin can help control seizures, either as a standalone treatment or in combination with other anti-epileptic drugs.

2. **Neuropathic Pain**: It is often prescribed for neuropathic pain conditions like diabetic neuropathy, postherpetic neuralgia (shingles pain), and peripheral neuropathy.

3. **Fibromyalgia**: Gabapentin may alleviate the widespread pain and discomfort associated with fibromyalgia.

4. **Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)**: It can relieve the uncomfortable sensations in the legs and the urge to move them that characterize RLS.

5. **Anxiety**: In some cases, Gabapentin is used off-label to manage anxiety disorders.

**Dosage for different ailments**:
- For epilepsy, the dosage typically starts low and gradually increases. It varies based on the patient's age and weight, but a common starting dose for adults might be 300 mg three times daily.
- For neuropathic pain conditions and fibromyalgia, the dosage usually starts low as well and increases over time. For example, it might begin with 300 mg per day, then increase to 300 mg three times daily until properly managed.
- Dosages for RLS and anxiety can also vary widely, often starting with lower doses and adjusting as needed.

**Features and Benefits**:
- Gabapentin can effectively control seizures in epilepsy patients, improving their quality of life.
- In neuropathic pain conditions, it can help reduce pain, burning, and tingling sensations.
- For fibromyalgia, Gabapentin may provide relief from widespread pain and improve sleep quality.
- In cases of RLS, it can alleviate the discomfort that interferes with sleep.
- As an anxiolytic, it might help manage anxiety symptoms.

**Potential Risks**:
- Gabapentin can cause dizziness, drowsiness, and coordination problems, so it's important not to operate heavy machinery or drive until you know how it affects you.
- Some people may experience side effects like nausea, weight gain, or mood changes.
- In rare cases, Gabapentin can lead to severe allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts.
- Long-term use can result in physical dependence or withdrawal symptoms if discontinued abruptly.
- It may interact with other medications, so it's crucial to inform your healthcare provider of all the drugs you're taking.

It's important to note that not everyone will experience resolution of symptoms or the side effects, and many individuals tolerate Gabapentin well, even at higher doses. Therefore, it's crucial to work closely with a healthcare provider when using Gabapentin to monitor and adjust the dosage as needed and to report any concerning side effects promptly. If you or someone you know is taking Gabapentin and experiences severe or unusual side effects, it's essential to seek immediate medical attention or contact a healthcare professional. They can provide guidance on whether a dosage adjustment or discontinuation is necessary.

Always consult a healthcare professional for proper dosing and to weigh the benefits against potential risks, as individual responses to Gabapentin can vary.


I use roll-on pain relievers after my knee replacement. Like
Icy Hot, Biofreeze, and two more. I do not like taking pain pills.

This way I can use the roll-on when I have pain that is intense, rather than taking pills everyday for possible pain, and maybe never have pain each day.

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I would be willing to pay a substantial amount of money if roll on or any topical medicine would relieve my pain.
Those with low level pain in only 1-2 areas don't realize how fortunate you are.
I have thought about filling a wet suit with Lidocane in addition to daily pain meds, anti-inflammatories, cannibis and whiskey just to somewhat feel like living.


I would be willing to pay a substantial amount of money if roll on or any topical medicine would relieve my pain.
Those with low level pain in only 1-2 areas don't realize how fortunate you are.
I have thought about filling a wet suit with Lidocane in addition to daily pain meds, anti-inflammatories, cannibis and whiskey just to somewhat feel like living.

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I have high levels of pain throughout my body. I use all types of roll-on pain relievers at times on my knees, lower back and hips.

I also go to a Pain Management Center who have been giving me spinal blocks which relieves pain for a while.

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