Red Plaque Spots 1 mo after having COVID 2/23

Posted by melatonin @melatonin, Sep 16, 2023

I was just doing some research to see if anyone has reported my symptoms I’ve never had anything like this before so I will blame it on Covid since it came 4 weeks after I had Covid. and I had no problem with the Pfizer two-part vaccine in 4/21. It is non-itchy, but looks bad and starting to take over my body. My MD prescribed some cream but didn’t know what it was. I went to the dermatologist she did a biopsy.. All good except there’s no answer as to what it is I’m supposed to use this cream and It could take months.

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Did you have full blood work performed? Your skin eruptions are not normal skin changes. I think you should know what your prescription is and why you were prescribed it. Obviously you are being treated for *something.* The answer to your question will start to be revealed by understanding your prescription. My guess is that it's an anti- inflammatory skin product but I'm just guessing. I'm glad you're not having itching or peeling or other similarly troublesome symptoms. But only a doctor or Advanced Practice licensed professional can diagnose what you have. I hope you're using your prescription as directed. Hope you have a good resolution.

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I did have all blood work done as was the reason for my visit. Spots were secondary issue. The cream prescribed is a topical corticosteroid.


Similar….one month after a round of prednisone for the respiratory part. Was put on prescription hydrocortisone for months with no improvement, then oral prednisone for this skin issue and it got way worse. Dermatologist didn’t biopsy it but just said it was psoriasis and put me on Clobetasol cream. Big improvement but just got COVID again 3 weeks ago and it’s a little flared up. I’m a healthcare provider and also no issue with the vaccines but second time now with COVID. Only on lower legs and right forearm. Never had any sign of psoriasis before and I’m 43.


Similar….one month after a round of prednisone for the respiratory part. Was put on prescription hydrocortisone for months with no improvement, then oral prednisone for this skin issue and it got way worse. Dermatologist didn’t biopsy it but just said it was psoriasis and put me on Clobetasol cream. Big improvement but just got COVID again 3 weeks ago and it’s a little flared up. I’m a healthcare provider and also no issue with the vaccines but second time now with COVID. Only on lower legs and right forearm. Never had any sign of psoriasis before and I’m 43.

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I'm 61 and never had any skin problems til this COVID crap! Ugh!


I never had Eczema in my life until Covid last year. I have it on the outside of my ears. It is finally going away after a year. The Dermatologist put me on a strong prescription steroid for it. I'm so sorry you all are battling much worse than what I can even imagine. Blessings & Prayers to you all....


Similar….one month after a round of prednisone for the respiratory part. Was put on prescription hydrocortisone for months with no improvement, then oral prednisone for this skin issue and it got way worse. Dermatologist didn’t biopsy it but just said it was psoriasis and put me on Clobetasol cream. Big improvement but just got COVID again 3 weeks ago and it’s a little flared up. I’m a healthcare provider and also no issue with the vaccines but second time now with COVID. Only on lower legs and right forearm. Never had any sign of psoriasis before and I’m 43.

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I haven’t been getting plaque spots. I’ve been getting those blood moles really bad. Hundreds of them all over my body.

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