Tightness back of head/neck

Posted by breithauptj @breithauptj, Sep 15, 2023

Hi there I have been having tightness in back of my head and by base of skull and tight shoulders and I feel like its starting to affect me differently like some dizziness or vision problems nothings working i did chiropractor a while then something changed where now my neck is always tight and dizzy and affect vision im not sure what to do? I tried PT for a while it did not help! I don’t have headaches or pain or its a dull ache more and just tight … has anyone had this????

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@breithauptj I’m not a doctor, but it sounds like something I also experience.
Occipital Neuralgia. It causes those problems and more. When I first started with it, I had headaches, face pain, ear, teeth, jaw pain. My scalp was very sore.
In the beginning I had pain around one eye, and lost vision in that eye temporarily.

Occipital Neuralgia is caused by a misalignment of the neck and skull.
For me, I had purchased a new pillow that was too high. It put my neck and skull out of place.

My neurologist sent me for physical therapy. There I learned exercises for my neck.

I hope this helps you.


I have this. I had a lidocaine injection that made it worse. There is a chiropractor in my area who does very subtle adjustments for this. I have a baclofen and methylprednisolone prescriptions. I have gone to PT for 10 months but they only do massage. My neuro wrote a note saying I cannot bend my head back at all.

Believe it or not what helps me the most is Ben Gay, massaged in with plastic bags on my hands.


I have had Occipital Neuralgia several times, but it only affected me scalp, as I remember. It has been awhile. At least I think so..... My dermatologist has been treating me for a scalp condition ineffectively, which causes severe itching and some "pistules", what I call them anyway. Little sores that ooze when I scratch my scalp. I will have to check into the ON symptoms again [I am old and have no memory! LOL!] to see if maybe this is what has been going on. The reason I responded to this post about head and neck is to see if it might relate to what I have been going thru. But, my problems are different. I told my PCP a couple of years ago that I was concerned about the area at the top of my spine, at my neck, on my back. It had started swelling every night, feeling feverish, and hurt and itched badly. I asked him if I was going to be one of those old people hunched over with a big lump on my back at that area. He said probably so and never did any further questioning or investigating. It has gotten much worse and really hurts and now I recently started having a "neck-ache" that I suspect that may be related. I am uncomfortable all the time. Has anyone else had something like this? I am really getting concerned.
I hope you get your problem resolved!


I have this. I had a lidocaine injection that made it worse. There is a chiropractor in my area who does very subtle adjustments for this. I have a baclofen and methylprednisolone prescriptions. I have gone to PT for 10 months but they only do massage. My neuro wrote a note saying I cannot bend my head back at all.

Believe it or not what helps me the most is Ben Gay, massaged in with plastic bags on my hands.

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@windyshores @pkh3381 hi, there are videos on YouTube about Occipital Neuralgia. Some show neck exercises that really do help. Also, I find that wet heat feels good.

I like Bio-Freeze on my aches because the smell fades away quickly…


@breithauptj I’m not a doctor, but it sounds like something I also experience.
Occipital Neuralgia. It causes those problems and more. When I first started with it, I had headaches, face pain, ear, teeth, jaw pain. My scalp was very sore.
In the beginning I had pain around one eye, and lost vision in that eye temporarily.

Occipital Neuralgia is caused by a misalignment of the neck and skull.
For me, I had purchased a new pillow that was too high. It put my neck and skull out of place.

My neurologist sent me for physical therapy. There I learned exercises for my neck.

I hope this helps you.

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Thank you It helps to know im not alone😢


@windyshores @pkh3381 hi, there are videos on YouTube about Occipital Neuralgia. Some show neck exercises that really do help. Also, I find that wet heat feels good.

I like Bio-Freeze on my aches because the smell fades away quickly…

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Thank you i will check them out!!!


I have this. I had a lidocaine injection that made it worse. There is a chiropractor in my area who does very subtle adjustments for this. I have a baclofen and methylprednisolone prescriptions. I have gone to PT for 10 months but they only do massage. My neuro wrote a note saying I cannot bend my head back at all.

Believe it or not what helps me the most is Ben Gay, massaged in with plastic bags on my hands.

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Thank you i will try ben gay! My dr gave me some serious pain med made up especially and i dont want to take bc of the ingredients


BioFreeze is good too. The pen is strongest but I use the roll-on too. But Ben Gay works better for me.

Tai chi and Quigong help too.


@windyshores @pkh3381 hi, there are videos on YouTube about Occipital Neuralgia. Some show neck exercises that really do help. Also, I find that wet heat feels good.

I like Bio-Freeze on my aches because the smell fades away quickly…

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