Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Small Fiber Neuropathy: What helps?

Posted by jeanniem @jeanniem, Mar 15, 2021

I read an article recently about the possibility that CFS is connected in some way with SFN. I find this interesting because my first dx was CFS and I recently had two punch biopsies done that both showed SFN. I am 95% certain my CFS was triggered by some horrible virus I had (3 rounds of antibiotics didn't touch it and I couldn't go back to work full time for a good 6 months even after I was "better"). Would this indicate that neuropathy could be triggered or "woken up" by a viral infection? Anyone know any good research articles on this topic? Inquiring minds. 🙂

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I’m 50 and have been diagnosed with autonomic dysfunction and small fiber neuropathy and am non diabetic. I feel my condition getting worse but the fatigue is ruining what little bit of enjoyment I have left. What can I do to help this?

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I also have SFN with autonomic dysfunction. Have you been tested for rheumatology issues? You may also have an immune issue that is causing extreme fatigue. I had the same issue and found I have RA, Sjogren's, and CVID on top of the SFN which caused me great distress. I would suggest seeing your Primary to have further testing to see if there is something else. Like me, the drs were looking for one problem but I actually had multiple problems.


I also have SFN with autonomic dysfunction. Have you been tested for rheumatology issues? You may also have an immune issue that is causing extreme fatigue. I had the same issue and found I have RA, Sjogren's, and CVID on top of the SFN which caused me great distress. I would suggest seeing your Primary to have further testing to see if there is something else. Like me, the drs were looking for one problem but I actually had multiple problems.

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Yes they’ve tested for that. I forgot to mention I have dystonia also. I was misdiagnosed with MS at first. Then like you they found out it was several diseases not just one.


Yes they’ve tested for that. I forgot to mention I have dystonia also. I was misdiagnosed with MS at first. Then like you they found out it was several diseases not just one.

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I also have been extensively tested for multiple demyelinating illnesses such as MS, NMO, CIPD etc. Still could be a possibility for me. Going through this yet again:( Good luck to you!


I’m 50 and have been diagnosed with autonomic dysfunction and small fiber neuropathy and am non diabetic. I feel my condition getting worse but the fatigue is ruining what little bit of enjoyment I have left. What can I do to help this?

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Thank your for your reply’s. Good luck to yourself.


I’m 50 and have been diagnosed with autonomic dysfunction and small fiber neuropathy and am non diabetic. I feel my condition getting worse but the fatigue is ruining what little bit of enjoyment I have left. What can I do to help this?

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Hello @chungaz and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I am sorry that your fatigue is impacting your life so significantly.

You will notice that I have moved your post into an existing discussion on a similar topic:
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Small Fiber Neuropathy: What helps?:

What course of action/treatment has your neurologist suggested following diagnosis?


I was just recently diagnosed with SFN. Non-diabetic and no autoimmune disorders found so far. I have been dealing with this for approximately 5+ yrs. My first thought was I had MS because of the brain fog, fatigue, dizziness, sweating, leg and feet pain, tingling, and numb sensations. My brain MRI revealed scattered lesions, but remaining spine was clear and so was Lumbar Puncture. My neurologist said the lesions were not indicative of MS. Some of the blood test came back with some abnormalities but my neurologist doesn't seemed concerned. I had to discontinue working because of the chronic fatigue, and getting worse. This is so NOT me. I want to do projects around the house, watch my grandkids and enjoy retirement. I just don't have the energy! I do one thing after getting up in the morning and 2 hours later I need to take a nap. And its like 3 or 4 hour nap.
Just want to know is this normal with SFN? Does anyone else experience this? Should I get a second opinion from a different neurologist?
Thank you for listening and any advice would be greatly appreciated.
God bless you all!

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I deal with this same fatigue. I can even set and sew. The concentration isn’t there. I just been said I have SFN with trying to get answers for 12 years.

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