Natural high levels of B12 and B6

I have PN - and continue to determine the cause. Current blood work show elevated levels of B12 and B6 (I take no supplements or vitamins or drink energy drinks, etc). My neurologist is not concerned and suggested that I start taking B12 1000mcg daily - I know that your body disposes B12, but she could not answer or seemed concerned that both were elevated. I have read the value of B12 for nerve damage, but am hesitant to start this vitamin. Comments please.

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Hi, Debbie (@dbeshears1), Patricia (@patriciaschulz1950, zav (@zav)

I saw the phlebotomist yesterday and asked point-blank about getting a B6 level. His answer was so convoluted that, as I drove away, I realized I knew no more heading home than I knew before the appointment. Now, the mystery is: Will the lab report (which I should have on Monday) say anything about B6? Something tells me it won't. In which case, the pursuit goes on. Either way, I'll let you know.

Ray (@ray666)

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Ray you can order your own b6 blood test or any other blood test through Walk In Labs. It does not require a doctor's orders you pay out of pocket about $69 for b6. However, excess b6 gets stored in muscles if you take supplements then if you quit supplements b6 level in blood goes down in just 2-4 weeks. But it could still be in your muscles and other tissues. All this is explained in website "understanding b6 toxicity using western medicine"


Good morning, zav–– The University of Colorado, eh? We must live in neighboring zip codes. UCHSC at Anschutz had been my go-to medical facility until I retired. I expect I'll get the results of my labs later today. I doubt I'll see any mention of B6––and if I don't, I'll resume the pursuit. ––Ray

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Ray you can get your own b6 blood test through walkin labs without a doctor's orders. Cost is about $69. However if a person stops b6 supplements the amount in blood goes down in few weeks. Excess b6 could still be stored in muscles and other tissues which does not appear in your blood test. Many people diagnosed with idiopathic small fiber neuropathy could have b6 toxicity from past supplements. Even 10-20 mg over time can build up in tissues. Half life of b6 is long compared to b12.


How high was your b6 and what was the normal range for b6?


How high was your b6 and what was the normal range for b6?

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Here was my test..


How high was your b6 and what was the normal range for b6?

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@bb0753, @patriciaschulz1950

I've yet to receive a report on the labs I had done last Friday.

Ray (@ray666)

In reply to @patriciaschulz1950 "Here was my test.." + (show)

Here was my test..

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My b6 test was much higher from taking 20mg which was in the melatonin I took for over 2 years. I have feet tingling and bottoms of feet feel like im walking on rocks, otherwise no balance problems and no pain. What are your symptoms?


My b6 test was much higher from taking 20mg which was in the melatonin I took for over 2 years. I have feet tingling and bottoms of feet feel like im walking on rocks, otherwise no balance problems and no pain. What are your symptoms?

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I take 5mg of melatonin every night - no one has said anything about it- damn! Another thing on my “to ask the doctor list”
Tingling , burning or freezing in feet and calves. Tired and balance not as good. Chair yoga helps but some positions are painful and balance just isn’t there.


I take 5mg of melatonin every night - no one has said anything about it- damn! Another thing on my “to ask the doctor list”
Tingling , burning or freezing in feet and calves. Tired and balance not as good. Chair yoga helps but some positions are painful and balance just isn’t there.

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Not all melatonin has b6. The one I took did and I didn't read the bk label or know b6 is a neurotoxin

In reply to @patriciaschulz1950 "Here was my test.." + (show)

Here was my test..

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Good morning, Patricia (@patriciaschulz1950) (also @bb0753, @zavantem
I just received my lab results. I was surprised to see B6 is included, but the numbers puzzle me. My level (to my untrained eyes) appears to be off-the-chart: 99.4 (range of 3.4–65.2). The last time my results referenced B6 was 5/3/2021 when my level was a within-range 34.3. What do you think? Should I spend today making sure all of my affairs are in order? ( LOL! How will spend the day is making sure that all of my doctors see these results.) –Ray (@ray666)


Good morning, Patricia (@patriciaschulz1950) (also @bb0753, @zavantem
I just received my lab results. I was surprised to see B6 is included, but the numbers puzzle me. My level (to my untrained eyes) appears to be off-the-chart: 99.4 (range of 3.4–65.2). The last time my results referenced B6 was 5/3/2021 when my level was a within-range 34.3. What do you think? Should I spend today making sure all of my affairs are in order? ( LOL! How will spend the day is making sure that all of my doctors see these results.) –Ray (@ray666)

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Making sure all your docs see the results sounds like a plan Ray! Not so sure about getting your affairs in order. Hey, you are a guy like me and we have all the time in the world or so we think.
I'm still working on that myself.

A really good source of info on B6 if you haven't already seen it:
--- Linus Pauling Institute » Micronutrient Information Center: Vitamin B6:

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