Natural high levels of B12 and B6

I have PN - and continue to determine the cause. Current blood work show elevated levels of B12 and B6 (I take no supplements or vitamins or drink energy drinks, etc). My neurologist is not concerned and suggested that I start taking B12 1000mcg daily - I know that your body disposes B12, but she could not answer or seemed concerned that both were elevated. I have read the value of B12 for nerve damage, but am hesitant to start this vitamin. Comments please.

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That's interesting, zav (@zav). As I told my PCP the other day, I have NO idea what my B6 level is: high, low, or what, and because of its potential toxicity, I'd like to know. It's important. And besides, I'm now 2/3rds of the way through my 90-day experience taking EB-N5. ––Ray (@ray666)


My B-6 reading is the highest a neurologist has seen in his career. Labs were done in July to be repeated in September. Taking nothing with B-6 in it, including the 10 mg of it in a daily vitamin.

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Was your neurologist concerned? Mine are high too without ever taking supplements or vitamins. My neurologist just brushed it off.


Two neurologists, one a university professor, were concerned. Excess B-6 can cause symptoms as does too little. But who knows? Both said to avoid it in muti-vitamins, sports drinks, and any product that identifies its contents.


That's interesting, zav (@zav). As I told my PCP the other day, I have NO idea what my B6 level is: high, low, or what, and because of its potential toxicity, I'd like to know. It's important. And besides, I'm now 2/3rds of the way through my 90-day experience taking EB-N5. ––Ray (@ray666)

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Not taking mine. Is it helpful? Burning better, worse? Pain level?


Two neurologists, one a university professor, were concerned. Excess B-6 can cause symptoms as does too little. But who knows? Both said to avoid it in muti-vitamins, sports drinks, and any product that identifies its contents.

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Yes, I don't do vitamins or sports drinks, flavored waters etc. I will test my blood again in 2 months..


Not taking mine. Is it helpful? Burning better, worse? Pain level?

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Hi, zav. I'm not able to say if the EB-N5 is helpful, not yet anyway. Unless I find that my B6 level is unacceptably high and that alarms my neurologist, I plan to continue with the EB-N5 to the end of its 90-day trial, which just happens to be the last of this month, 9/30. Oddly enough, I've never had any pain or burning with my PN (so far!), only poor balance and walking difficulty, symptoms that have not changed much since I received my PN diagnosis a little over a year ago. ––Ray


Good morning, Debbie (@dbeshears1), Patricia (@patriciaschulz1950

As far as my blood work and B6 go, Fate stepped in, so I've nothing to report this morning. With just enough time to get to yesterday's lab appointment, I skipped out to my car (well, that's an exaggeration; no one with PN ever really "skips," LOL) only to find I'd a flat tire. So I've got a fresh appointment for this afternoon. Maybe tomorrow I'll have something to report?

Ray (@ray666)

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Hi, Debbie (@dbeshears1), Patricia (@patriciaschulz1950, zav (@zav)

I saw the phlebotomist yesterday and asked point-blank about getting a B6 level. His answer was so convoluted that, as I drove away, I realized I knew no more heading home than I knew before the appointment. Now, the mystery is: Will the lab report (which I should have on Monday) say anything about B6? Something tells me it won't. In which case, the pursuit goes on. Either way, I'll let you know.

Ray (@ray666)


Hi, Debbie (@dbeshears1), Patricia (@patriciaschulz1950, zav (@zav)

I saw the phlebotomist yesterday and asked point-blank about getting a B6 level. His answer was so convoluted that, as I drove away, I realized I knew no more heading home than I knew before the appointment. Now, the mystery is: Will the lab report (which I should have on Monday) say anything about B6? Something tells me it won't. In which case, the pursuit goes on. Either way, I'll let you know.

Ray (@ray666)

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Hi Ray. My blood draw for B6 is Tuesday. Results in maybe a week. Even the University of Colorado labs, which are substantial and amazing, send the B6 samples out to a lab of some specialty. I wonder if it is not a wild goose chase of the unknown.


Good morning, zav–– The University of Colorado, eh? We must live in neighboring zip codes. UCHSC at Anschutz had been my go-to medical facility until I retired. I expect I'll get the results of my labs later today. I doubt I'll see any mention of B6––and if I don't, I'll resume the pursuit. ––Ray


Good morning, zav–– The University of Colorado, eh? We must live in neighboring zip codes. UCHSC at Anschutz had been my go-to medical facility until I retired. I expect I'll get the results of my labs later today. I doubt I'll see any mention of B6––and if I don't, I'll resume the pursuit. ––Ray

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