Skin squamous cell carcinoma (recurring)

Posted by annabach @annabach, Jul 2, 2023

Anyone else battled on-going outbreaks of squamous cell cancers? I have had dozens on my legs in the last two years. One required a swim graft. Three were MOHS procedures. A dozen were excisions with sutures. The rest were small and frozen. I just had an aggressive one removed the had quickly extended all the way to muscle. Who did you see? Are there other treatment options besides continued surgeries? I have at least six more that have popped up in the last week. It feels as though this will never end!

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Ugh! I will hope with you! Let me know what you learn. That’s such a sensitive area to deal with. Best wishes for a simple procedure!

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Thank you so much! The biopsy seems to finally be healing. I had it done last Monday and still have not heard any results. The paperwork that they gave me said that if I have not heard at the end of two weeks, to call. I’ll give it a few more days and maybe make that call by the end of the week if I haven’t heard from them. I am hoping for you that your MOHS surgery went well and that you can go on that trip of a lifetime free of worry! All my best to you with that surgery!


I am also going through what you are going through unfortunately. It all started 5 years ago, all of the dermo's say it sun damage done 60 years ago, I have blond hair, blue eyes, fair skin, and you?
This year I have had 7 surgeries, all on my legs and arms, and 4 biosopies just came back yesterday as squamous.
One of them was because my car hit my leg, and 2 of them are reactive squamous's per my surgery done end of June this year.
I am doing blue light on my face and chest as a preventative, used to do 5 FU but my face is now too sensitize to that. I am also going to start immediately using 5 FU on my arms and legs as a preventative.
What are you doing for preventative measures?


I have had over 5 scc's: behind ear, forehead, nose crease, upper lip (had one bow removed w/mohs), chest, eyebrow and biggest on my forehead at hairline. I didn't recognize that one as it was smooth raised flesh colored and finally developed a hole that bled and stung. It was removed by mohs but w/4 passes to get it all. Took all day! huge hole in my forehead w/incisions radiating out. It's taken 2 months to close up to a small scab. I have just started 4 weeks of adjuvant radiation therapy to reduce chances of return. It had gone into nerves but not bone thankfully. I feel very guilty that I didn't act on it sooner as I have on others that I recognized. And, that I see a
dermo on a regular basis but it wasn't noted. Oh well, I hope to be more vigilant and catch what comes next as
I'm sure it will. I cover up but seems like being outside at all is a risk and I love gardening. I am so grateful to have my dr. at Mayo in Jacksonville. And, I have also explored Libtayo as a future option if I get many more scc's.


I have seen an oncologist about Libtayo an imunotherapy infusion that is successful for scc's that are inoperable. He also told me that if one has already had radiation treatment, you are eligible for Libtayo. It is an option I will pursue if they keep interfering with my facial features.


I have had over 5 scc's: behind ear, forehead, nose crease, upper lip (had one bow removed w/mohs), chest, eyebrow and biggest on my forehead at hairline. I didn't recognize that one as it was smooth raised flesh colored and finally developed a hole that bled and stung. It was removed by mohs but w/4 passes to get it all. Took all day! huge hole in my forehead w/incisions radiating out. It's taken 2 months to close up to a small scab. I have just started 4 weeks of adjuvant radiation therapy to reduce chances of return. It had gone into nerves but not bone thankfully. I feel very guilty that I didn't act on it sooner as I have on others that I recognized. And, that I see a
dermo on a regular basis but it wasn't noted. Oh well, I hope to be more vigilant and catch what comes next as
I'm sure it will. I cover up but seems like being outside at all is a risk and I love gardening. I am so grateful to have my dr. at Mayo in Jacksonville. And, I have also explored Libtayo as a future option if I get many more scc's.

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Good afternoon @louisejewell Thank you for posting your experience with scc's. You have really been introduced to numerous situations. I have only had one on my chest. I found it and went to my dermatologist to see what it was. She asked how I noticed it and I shared that my Dad was bald and a gardener. He had numerous actinic keratoses which he knew could turn into scc. Do you think I inherited his "attraction" to these patches because I grew up in CA?

May you have happiness and the causes of happiness.


I have seen an oncologist about Libtayo an imunotherapy infusion that is successful for scc's that are inoperable. He also told me that if one has already had radiation treatment, you are eligible for Libtayo. It is an option I will pursue if they keep interfering with my facial features.

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I wish you all the best as you pursue treatment for you SCC. I am so sorry you have further challenges ahead, but I pray the treatment brings you healing and freedom from further pain!

My last three excisions on my right leg are still draining, but appear to be healing (slowly) and not to be infected (yet), but I’m still on antibiotic. Please believe with me that when these are gone, I can have cancer-free skin for as long as possible. It’s been a long two years. Like you, I just want this issue to be resolved. Let me know how you fare!


I have had over 5 scc's: behind ear, forehead, nose crease, upper lip (had one bow removed w/mohs), chest, eyebrow and biggest on my forehead at hairline. I didn't recognize that one as it was smooth raised flesh colored and finally developed a hole that bled and stung. It was removed by mohs but w/4 passes to get it all. Took all day! huge hole in my forehead w/incisions radiating out. It's taken 2 months to close up to a small scab. I have just started 4 weeks of adjuvant radiation therapy to reduce chances of return. It had gone into nerves but not bone thankfully. I feel very guilty that I didn't act on it sooner as I have on others that I recognized. And, that I see a
dermo on a regular basis but it wasn't noted. Oh well, I hope to be more vigilant and catch what comes next as
I'm sure it will. I cover up but seems like being outside at all is a risk and I love gardening. I am so grateful to have my dr. at Mayo in Jacksonville. And, I have also explored Libtayo as a future option if I get many more scc's.

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Louise, I am so sorry for your struggle. How unfortunate that not even your dermatologist recognized the danger of the lesion on your forehead. I understand the love of gardening. I am much more willing to wear hat, long sleeves, and long pants than I once was. We must take care!


I just found this conversation and I thank you all for your posts. I too, am struggling with SCC and have had several excisions on my legs with two more coming up in two weeks. I also just found one on my forearm and am having it removed as well. I am highly active and do not appreciate all the stitches. But being fair skinned and a childhood with too much sun, as someone previously posted, this is the price we are now paying.

My derm tried to convince me to do the RT route but insurance wouidn't pay for it and it would be $12,000 out of pocket so I opted for the old fashioned way...excision. After reading all of the comments, I am glad I did not go the RT route!

Good luck everyone and pass the sun screen!


I just found this conversation and I thank you all for your posts. I too, am struggling with SCC and have had several excisions on my legs with two more coming up in two weeks. I also just found one on my forearm and am having it removed as well. I am highly active and do not appreciate all the stitches. But being fair skinned and a childhood with too much sun, as someone previously posted, this is the price we are now paying.

My derm tried to convince me to do the RT route but insurance wouidn't pay for it and it would be $12,000 out of pocket so I opted for the old fashioned way...excision. After reading all of the comments, I am glad I did not go the RT route!

Good luck everyone and pass the sun screen!

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Curious. What is the RT route?


I just found this conversation and I thank you all for your posts. I too, am struggling with SCC and have had several excisions on my legs with two more coming up in two weeks. I also just found one on my forearm and am having it removed as well. I am highly active and do not appreciate all the stitches. But being fair skinned and a childhood with too much sun, as someone previously posted, this is the price we are now paying.

My derm tried to convince me to do the RT route but insurance wouidn't pay for it and it would be $12,000 out of pocket so I opted for the old fashioned way...excision. After reading all of the comments, I am glad I did not go the RT route!

Good luck everyone and pass the sun screen!

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I hope you have successful treatment.

I was just like you, very active and the info about SRT seemed so painless. I found out the hard way and had a full year of wound care and HBOT treatments. I know Mohs may have healing complications - in my case the damage from radiation made it even more difficult to heal.

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