Body vibrations when falling asleep or waking?

Posted by cricketlips @cricketlips, Jun 2, 2022

After many google searches for the reason I feel vibration in my head, shoulder and arm just before falling asleep and waking, I found nothing that satisfactorily explained it. Of course anxiety seems to be a common explanation but there was nothing specific enough to help me. I am currently reading Incognito by David Eagleman. It discusses the functioning of the brain as an organ. This morning, going through my routine to get ready for work, I thought of a way to understand the vibrations. Similar to the hypnic jerks we experience occasionally just before we fall asleep, I think the vibrations are intended to arouse me to stay vigilant. Which is the fight or flight mechanism in action. So there is the anxiety connection. Originating in the amygdala. I was thinking Parkinson's or MS but my symptoms don't indicate those conditions, thankfully. It seems counterintuitive to be anxious and sleeping at the same time but the brain can do that. The cerebral cortex sleeps but the life support systems of the brain must stay online, obviously. If you thought you were in danger, sleeping would put you at risk but at some point sleep becomes absolutely necessary. I think the vibrations I have been experiencing are caused by my sympathetic nervous system and not a neurologic disease. Thankfully !

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I have the herniated discs in back and neck also. I suggested that to my pain doctor at my appt last week and he said it could be. I had the vibrations last night at about a level 3. I went 4-6 nights with none. I started back taking my gabapentin because my neurologist gave me a pediatric dose of Fycompa to take but I read up on it and decided not to take it. My pain doctor did search about it while in office and said it's similar to gabapentin and Lyrica. I even switched from my atenolol beta blocker back to the metoprolol because it seems to not have made a difference. I told cardiologist that since metoprolol crosses the brain barrier and atenolol does not, maybe going back to atenolol will help but I'm having the heart palpitations worse on the atenolol than metoprolol. I can't win for losing. LOL
I'm seriously beginning to think it's from the back but the timing is off. I've had issues with back for 20+ years. My thighs get numb during night sometimes or if I stand still too long. Was in hospital last year for 2 days for pain control in legs. I've been having them since 2019 and that's when I think I injured my phrenic nerve taking medication one morning. I swallowed a huge gulp of air and had pain at end of esophagus for 2 days. That's when my internal vibrations started. I had endoscopy but failed to tell Dr to see if he could see injury to nerve if it was visible. All I know is they are driving me crazy. So many people have them but then they all different reasons but the underlying reason should be the same. What is going on inside the body to cause the vibrations? It's got to be the same for everybody although the cause is different. Baffling to say the least.

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Just updating but since I have been taking 1 400mg gabapentin, I haven't had vibrations for over a month. There was 1 morning they were just beginning but were at a level 1-2. I'm very satisfied.


Hello All, I now have my MRI and lumbar xrays. My neck and spine doctor explained the images to me and have evaluated that I have problems in my neck just at the base of my skull. I have spurs and degeneration problems with my C4,5, and 6. I also have compression and narrowing of my spine in the L areas. I also have a mild scoliosis. Dr. Ross Hauser has a video in Youtube that really explained these internal tremors and my case is exactly what he presented in the video. I did not take any medication and the vibrations has diminished significantly. I just exercise and stretched everyday.
I myself too almost went to the emergency room because when I feel the vibration, I have a panic attack
that aggravates the symptoms. Now when I feel the vibrations, I try to relax and do the deep breathing exercise to calm myself down because when you panic you feel like you are going to have a heart attack.
Please go on Youtube and watch Dr. Ross Hauser's video : " Internal Tremors, whole body vibrations, & the connection to neck instability and spinal cord tension"


I am having a very similar condition. About 9 months ago I started having a vibrating sensation in my upper chest around the area of my collar bones. It would only happen when I was just drifting off to sleep, when briefly waking up during the night, or when waking up. It would never happen when I was awake. It scared me at first so much that I was afraid to even go to bed but over time I realized it didn't seem life threatening and just accepted that it would happen. It happens every single night with no exception. Sometimes it is continuous all night long or comes and goes throughout the night. Having some medical background I ruled out a heart problem (EKG, Stress Test and Chest X ray); most medical issues (normal Hemotology, Chem, B-12 , Blood Glucose an Blood Pressure) and any supplements or medications. I have seen my Doctor and he doesn't know what it is. It happens no matter what position I am in. It always it is same rate but intensity varies during the night and night to night. I can reduce the intensity by stretching and changing position but it only goes away completely when I am fully wake up. I am a female 74 years old, still playing soccer so active, retired veterinarian and not under any stress. Got my third Covid vaccination shortly before signs started and have never had Covid that I know of. I would love to find out what this is and be in any study if one was available.

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Hi, Just come across your post from August 2022.

I really sympathise with you and can relate to all that you are experiencing!

Although by this time I hope your symptoms have improved!

My symptoms (same as yours) started after my 3rd Covid Vaccine - I had two Pfizer but the last one was Moderna.

I had a particularly bad session on waking this morning - so much so that I checked my heart via pulse oximeter. I felt the vibrations/inner tremors were making my neck pulse. Heart readings were all good - which is a relief - but this still need a diagnosis as to what is happening to me. It's not painful and subsides about 15/20 minutes after I am up and about in the mornings BUT I would just like some answers!

I am female, 69 years old and fairly active and healthy - other than these internal vibrations.

Got a doctors appointment tomorrow to check out my bloods - just would like a definite answer as to what is going on!

Take care!


Hi, I already posted a message in this thread, so it's just an update (and again sorry for my mistakes I'm french :-))
I'm not sure everybody talks about the same exact problem but it's great to have this place to talk about it. I'll talk about my condition, the MRI scans I had, the drugs I take and what I think it could be for me (but even the doctors don't know so who am I :-))

Let me try to explain my condition :
- Vibrations in the back of my neck, sometimes arms and face. No pain at all but it wakes me up at the moment I fall asleep. It can be every 20 minutes during all night. When I'm lucky, it's only in the morning. Some good days and some bad, is it a cycle ? I try to find out if it's related to what I ate, drank or did the day before (sport, video games, etc... ?) but it's not clear. Maybe few drinks can make it worse but I'm not sure 100%, I don't drink every day 🙂
I just have to move my neck, turn my head on the pillow to make it stop almost immediatly but it can quickly come back.
I have this condition before COVID so it's not related to the virus nor the vaccin.

Maybe it's not related but the condition appeared when I was cured for cervical herniation with Amitriptyline (Laroxyl) and Gabapentin (Neurotin) and sleep apnea (15 by hour, not severe), yes in the same time. The vibrations intensity was high and very scary, I felt it even in my eyes ! Ever since the intensity declines. One thought was that my muscles were too stiff because of the hernia and that they loosened up thanks to the drugs, and that the vibrations came from that. But I'm not sure now that the herniation is gone and the vibrations go on.

Scans :
MRI scan : in 2019, cervical herniation, cured. It was not there anymore in the last MRI scan.
And something very common (I'm 50 y.o by the way) : C6-C7, global osteophytic disco prominence with bilateral foraminal narrowing (thanks google translate).

Drugs :
I always take one pill of Gabapentin every day in the evening and my neurologist swaped Laroxyl with Rivotril (klonopin). For me Rivotril is a good temporary solution (addictive drug, but for me 7 drops are fine and I didn't notice addiction when I stopped it progressively). My neurologist said after 5 or 6 months with Rivotril to stop taking it and to take it again only if I need it.
I had several weeks without vibrations at night, or just in the morning. But sometimes one night they wake me up 2 or 3 times, and the night after is worse. So when I feel that they come back, I take some Rivotril and it's like the vibrations are present but in a damper (not sure of this word 😉 : like a damper pedal), and I can go back to sleep more easily.

So my guess ? I think it's related to the foraminal narrowing : "the tunnel in wich is the nerve is narrowing". I hoped that it could be a muscle problem (muscle fasciculation) but I'm afraid it's neurological. My neurologist said that the only thing I can do with osteoarthritis (it's a kind of osteoarthritis) is to slow it down with muscle-strengthening (kinesitherapy). Surgery can be done but only in severe condition.
With the help of rivotril I can sleep pretty well but I don't want to take it every day.
A good thing : it makes me eat healthy, have a physical activity, muscle-strengthening almost every day, the only weapons I have against this condition. And during the day I have no problem at all. Sometimes I just don't sleep well, life could be worse,..

I have an appointment with a rheumatologist in september, maybe another update !
Hope my english is not too hard to understand !

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My neurologist thinks internal vibrations are coming from the brain and associated with central nervous system. The 400mg gabapentin daily seem to be helping. Haven't had them for a month. Maybe 1 or 2 at a level 2 out of 10. Tolerable.


Hi, Just come across your post from August 2022.

I really sympathise with you and can relate to all that you are experiencing!

Although by this time I hope your symptoms have improved!

My symptoms (same as yours) started after my 3rd Covid Vaccine - I had two Pfizer but the last one was Moderna.

I had a particularly bad session on waking this morning - so much so that I checked my heart via pulse oximeter. I felt the vibrations/inner tremors were making my neck pulse. Heart readings were all good - which is a relief - but this still need a diagnosis as to what is happening to me. It's not painful and subsides about 15/20 minutes after I am up and about in the mornings BUT I would just like some answers!

I am female, 69 years old and fairly active and healthy - other than these internal vibrations.

Got a doctors appointment tomorrow to check out my bloods - just would like a definite answer as to what is going on!

Take care!

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HI Thanks for responding. My symptoms have improve but the vibrations are still there when I sleep on my side. My vibrations are positional or as they call postural. When I am awakened by the vibrations, I shift my position and it goes away. When I wake up and stand up, it is gone. I really have no pain but sometimes when I lift heavy things I get spasms and I just take Aleve. Before I use to panic when I feel these vibrations which literally made it worse. Now I am calm and it is not that bad. I stretch and exercise, walk and do breathing exercises that really helps. My neck and spine doctor also prescribed me 8 sessions of PT which I will start next week. I only had the first 2 vaccines (Moderna) and I did not have those boosters. I had COVID last December of 2022. I have done extensive research on this and one of the causes could be sudden drop of estrogen at our age. I am 66.5 yrs old. I will not take hormonal replacement. Dehydration can also be one cause and of course the neck and spine degeneration. I have not take any neuropathic pain medication or any medication. I sometimes take GABA if I am nervous or stressed to calm me down. Kindly also post what you will find out from your doctor. thanks,


My neurologist thinks internal vibrations are coming from the brain and associated with central nervous system. The 400mg gabapentin daily seem to be helping. Haven't had them for a month. Maybe 1 or 2 at a level 2 out of 10. Tolerable.

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Hello Carol, I take every evening 1 Gabapentin 100mg and two drops of Rivotril (Clonazepam) and I sleep well. Some light vibrations when I wake up or during the night but that's all.
Thanks to @ddt2d : very interesting video, and as I had a cervical hernia and a bad posture, stretching my neck is a good advice, doing it every day.
I don't know if I'll soon see results but at my age (50) stretching is good for arthritis.


This is interesting reading as I have been having many of the symptoms reported here. I was very active & in good health before taking the Covid shots. Since shortly after taking the first shot, followed by the other three, I have had many problems. First new onset A fib, hearing loss, & vibrations at night. My hearing happened pretty quickly over about a two year period. The A fib also happened over a fairly short time but with increasing regularity. The problems with vibrations began around the same time as the other, gradually more noticeable. Sometimes they are severe & at other times not so strong. It took me a while to figure out just when all these problems began, but I finally noticed, after re- checking doctor & hospital visits, it was about the time I started on the covid injections. I was never diagnosed or had any virus symptoms. I have always been in relatively excellent health. I am older so it could be a combination of things. I was relieved to know it wasn’t only me with these symptoms. So it is a puzzle.


Hi Everyone, I got all my lab and imaging results and analyzed by my neurologist and neck and spine doctor. I have not brain problems except he saw white dots in my brain signifying high sugar. I am pre=diabetic but my a1c is only 5.8 so my doctors did not put me in diabetic medication yet. I am really watching my diet. My neck MRI showed cerebral disks depleted. My lumbar is almost losing its curve... so was my neck. These are pressing on my neck nerves and spine nerves now. My doctors said these can cause some feeling of vibrations because of core instability. I was advised NOT to lift heavy stuff to avoid further damage in these areas. I have been going to PT and the buzzing have almost ceased. At PT they also found a big muscle knot deep inside my shoulder blade on the left and the PT is trying to release that knot but it is very painful and my shoulder swelled the next day.
When he release and tried to deep massage to break the know the pain ran to my jaw, ears and head--- this then fixed my tinnitus. I am now still continuing my PT to correct my bad posture and spine.


Hey there, @edornton . I'm a 31 M, and I had a bad reaction to the Covid vaccine myself. I recieved my first dose in June, 2021. Within 24 hours I began experiencing severe spine pain, numbness over the whole of my right-upper back, and sharp chest pain which led me to go to the E.R. Since then, I've developed a long list of new symptoms, many of which are neurological. One of the neurological symptoms being the vibrating when falling asleep and waking up. I've been experiencing this symptom every day for atleast a year now. For me, it's a rapid, rhythmic pulsing sensation I feel going from in my head through my arms and legs.

I've been seeing a neurologist for about 9 months now. Based on some imaging, my neurologist identified that I have a high levels of neuro-inflammation in my brain. They didn't find any lesions or growths.

I imagine the vibrating is either due to the neuroinflammation; whether that be a disruption or damage to my nerves, brain, or maybe a disruption in dopamine production.

Under the guidance of my neurologist, I've been taking a pretty hefty list of supplements and medications to help reduce neuroinflammation. At this point, most of my symptoms have either disappeared or significantly improved. The vibrating when falling asleep/waking up still persists, along with severe brain fog 24/7, but hopefully it will all stop with time and as I continue to work to reduce inflammation in my body.

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This has really helped me, I have had epilepsy since birth. I feel like I had a target on my back as far as getting some type of reaction to Covid from it. I started getting the vibrating in bed it last all night, I really is unsettling because it starts and stop. It will go fast then slow it starts playing with your mind. It also does it while I'm awake,working at my desk. I'm going to request some brain scans from my neurologist, I also smell phantom smoke every so many days. It all makes you feel crazy.


Hello All, I now have my MRI and lumbar xrays. My neck and spine doctor explained the images to me and have evaluated that I have problems in my neck just at the base of my skull. I have spurs and degeneration problems with my C4,5, and 6. I also have compression and narrowing of my spine in the L areas. I also have a mild scoliosis. Dr. Ross Hauser has a video in Youtube that really explained these internal tremors and my case is exactly what he presented in the video. I did not take any medication and the vibrations has diminished significantly. I just exercise and stretched everyday.
I myself too almost went to the emergency room because when I feel the vibration, I have a panic attack
that aggravates the symptoms. Now when I feel the vibrations, I try to relax and do the deep breathing exercise to calm myself down because when you panic you feel like you are going to have a heart attack.
Please go on Youtube and watch Dr. Ross Hauser's video : " Internal Tremors, whole body vibrations, & the connection to neck instability and spinal cord tension"

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Can I ask what specific exercises you did for your neck that improved your symptoms?

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