Vitamin B12 deficiency and small fiber neuropathy

Posted by mikeg0822 @mikeg0822, Sep 23, 2022

Hi everybody,
I was hoping to possibly connect or receive advice. Has anybody been diagnosed with small fiber neuropathy caused by a vitamin B12 deficiency? I'm 28 years old and have always been healthy otherwise. I've never smoked, always maintained my fitness level, and have always had a relatively healthy diet. My B12 deficiency went unnoticed for 13 months, and I finally began getting treated for it about eight months ago. Doctors are hopeful I can recover but aren't sure. Does anybody have any experience with this? Any advice would be welcome. Thank you!

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Vitamin B 12 injections was a real game changer for me. My B 12 level was low normal. My neurologist prescribed vitamin B 12 supplements years ago, they didn't do much and I stopped taking them. My primary care doctor suggested I take B 12 injections, I take one every 1 to 3 weeks with some very good results. It's not a cure by any means, however, it's made life much easier. I had espisodes in the past where the pain was deep as if the bone was being broken and crushed, it could last for hours. It was almost impossible to walk. I rarely have that level pain since taking B 12 injections and never for such long periods of time.


Has anyone out there tested positive for Bartonella and linked it with burning pain in the feet? I’ve had neuropathy for 19 months. At month 12, it was discovered I had low B12 and have been doing supplements. Things have gotten better but I still have very bad days. I went to see a functional medicine doctor and had a positive Bartonella test which she says caused burning pains in the feet. I’m on my 6th month of herbal treatment with her, but my neurologist thinks it’s a waste of time and money. He preaches patience and recovery through B12 supplements. Has anyone had a similar story? Thanks!

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A neurologist told a friend I ran into that she had too much B6 in her system which was causing neurological issues. Some supplements just go through our system, our bodies use what we need and surplus goes through the bowels. Excess Vitamin B6 stays in the tissues for months or years. That’s why a good provider looks at our bloodwork and puts in our records all the supplements we take


Check allergy to Gluten!

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