Vitamin B12 deficiency and small fiber neuropathy
Hi everybody,
I was hoping to possibly connect or receive advice. Has anybody been diagnosed with small fiber neuropathy caused by a vitamin B12 deficiency? I'm 28 years old and have always been healthy otherwise. I've never smoked, always maintained my fitness level, and have always had a relatively healthy diet. My B12 deficiency went unnoticed for 13 months, and I finally began getting treated for it about eight months ago. Doctors are hopeful I can recover but aren't sure. Does anybody have any experience with this? Any advice would be welcome. Thank you!
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Vitamin B 12 injections was a real game changer for me. My B 12 level was low normal. My neurologist prescribed vitamin B 12 supplements years ago, they didn't do much and I stopped taking them. My primary care doctor suggested I take B 12 injections, I take one every 1 to 3 weeks with some very good results. It's not a cure by any means, however, it's made life much easier. I had espisodes in the past where the pain was deep as if the bone was being broken and crushed, it could last for hours. It was almost impossible to walk. I rarely have that level pain since taking B 12 injections and never for such long periods of time.
A neurologist told a friend I ran into that she had too much B6 in her system which was causing neurological issues. Some supplements just go through our system, our bodies use what we need and surplus goes through the bowels. Excess Vitamin B6 stays in the tissues for months or years. That’s why a good provider looks at our bloodwork and puts in our records all the supplements we take
Check allergy to Gluten!
Hi, may I ask how you are doing now did the B12 help? I'm having all these symptoms and I'm very scared. This has progressed all over my body with tingling and weird sensations of numbness. I would love to hear back from you. Thank you so much.
How are you doing now? Any updates?
How are you doing now?
I also had deficient in vitamin B 12 and have Neuropathy. I have numbness all over by body there is no feeling anywhere and is been 1 1/2 years ago and the numbness is still there. I took vitamin B12 under the tung how do you spell tongue, tongue, my tongue until it came up to normal. It didn’t work I was to far gone.
I’m sorry I hope it comes back for you.
Hi @shordae, I'm sorry you're experiencing nerve issues . It's understandable that you're scared from feeling odd symptoms through your body. I remember feeling the very same way when I started having nerve sensations
- numbness, electric shocks, tingles, skin burning. Fear is a natural response to something that you've never felt before and it's normal to have concern if you feel you are in harm. It's the good old fight or flight mode.
I was diagnosed with small fiber neuropathy from a B12 deficiency so the first thing I did was begin B12 shots weekly and after a few months I was able to go to a oral supplement. Neuropathy can in some cases be slowed down or reversed by supplementing B12 but a neurologist would be the best to explain to you how long something like that would take or if it was reversible. I take nerve medication now and I'm doing better. Have you seen a neurologist yet?
Yes, I have a positive biopsy but they don't know what's going on. They're trying to move up my neurology appointment. I have a vibration buzzing, feeling all over my body.
So your whole body is numb and you cannot feel it at all? And you had small fiber neuropathy? If you did have a confirmed biopsy, was it length dependent or non-length dependent?