Numbness in feet: Any suggestions for relief?

Posted by missbutterfly2be @missbutterfly2be, Sep 2, 2023

I have numbness in my feet after exercise or when I lie or sit down. No pain but my legs feel weak. Any suggestions for relief?

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Hi @missbutterfly2be, You mentioned in an earlier post that you have Parkinson's Disease. While we wait for other members to respond, I thought I would share a couple of articles that might provide some suggestions for relief.

--- Tackling Neuropathy, Fatigue and GI Issues in PD:
--- Numb Feet & Toes: What's Causing It & How Do I Treat It?:

Have you tried any over the counter treatments or topicals to see if they help?


Have you seen your doctor? I have numbness in my feet/legs also. I went to a Neurologist and found out I have neuropathy this year. He suggested using Lidocaine 4 percent no menthol. Hopes this helps. But be sure to get in to see someone soon! Patl


Exercise helps too. Water aerobics, walking, biking,and strength training 💪 are a few.
Choose your exercise as you can tolerate. Exercise helps return blood from your limbs to your heart ❤️. Which is very helpful. Don't have much money? Do walking. Outside as the weather allows. Inside at a store or mall as the weather permits. Pat


Exercise helps too. Water aerobics, walking, biking,and strength training 💪 are a few.
Choose your exercise as you can tolerate. Exercise helps return blood from your limbs to your heart ❤️. Which is very helpful. Don't have much money? Do walking. Outside as the weather allows. Inside at a store or mall as the weather permits. Pat

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I walk a mile per day but it doesn't help.


I walk a mile per day but it doesn't help.

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Walking or any activity that places pressure on the bottom of my feet worsens the pain and numbness at night for me (recovering from sensory and motor peripheral neuropathy due to the Covid vaccine). Instead, you might try stimulating the nerves in the bottom of your feet with a Neuro Ball purchased from Naboso. That might promote nerve regeneration. My outstanding peripheral neurologist thinks it's a good idea.


@missbutterfly2be You’ve receiver lots of helpful tips here. Have you been able to try any? What does your doctor say about your neuropathy?


@missbutterfly2be You’ve receiver lots of helpful tips here. Have you been able to try any? What does your doctor say about your neuropathy?

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My neurologist thinks its from my PD but I don't have any pain and my neurologist doesn't know why I have it just when I exercise. She said to try B12 but I have been doing that for six months and there isn't any difference. My chiropractor told me to try frankincense and myrrh so that is my next try. I get no relief from massage..


I walk a mile per day but it doesn't help.

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Try water aerobics. My Neurologist recommended this for me!


I walk a mile per day but it doesn't help.

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Thank you. I will try to walk more.


I have no feeling in my feet. Total numbness. Any suggestions? Thanks.
Posted by Berk @gba, 1 day ago
I have neuropathy. Scrambler has reduced pain almost completely.

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