CPAP Intolerance

Posted by Bax @tbaxter33, Feb 20, 2018

Over the years, I have had two separate sleep studies. Both were absolutely horrible experiences. I have insomnia anyway -- since childhood -- so that equipment simply made it horrible. I was freaking out. I think about 4:30 AM on the last one, they broght me some ambien, so I may have dosed a little bit between 5:00 and 5:30 AM, at which time they annoucned the study was over. Both studies said "severe sleep apnea". Of course, I don't know how they could diagnose that on about 30 minutes of sleep. Anyway, on both occasions I tried hard to use a CPAP for weeks. Those were about the worse 4 months or so of my life. Conclusion: If you want me to sleep any, I do not use the machine. If you want me to use the machine, I will get far, far less sleep than using it. I just cannot imagine how anyone can tolerate them? I have tried various masks including the little nose pillows. I find a comfortable spot and I feel air blowing in my eyes, which causes me so much anxiety. I was shamed -- terribly shamed -- by providers when I would tell them that I just cannot do it. Every single proivder now asks me about it and feel like they need to read me the riot act about what may happen if I don't use it. Nobody understands the situation -- nor do they try. Yes, I am extremely tired many days, but less tired than trying the machine and getting so worked up about it every night. And, they wanted me to take it when I travel ?!?! Nope, not going to happen. Ever. My memories of wearing the mask -- "I cannot wait to get this thing off so I can get a little bit of sleep". Frustrated as can be here.

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- Obstructive Sleep Apnea,not%20taking%20in%20enough%20oxygen

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Thank you for posting the Johns Hopkins link re apnea being intervals between snores of more than 10 seconds. That was news to me, but found it is what other groups and individuals say.


Hi - I too tried CPAP machine. In the past I have had corneal erosions as a result of dry
eyes . The eye doc and I were both concerned w all that air blowing around but I stuck it out for about 13 months. Then read about oral devices and decided to try that. I thought since medicare had paid for me to use the cpap that they wouldn’t pay for oral device but they did. The eye doc did write a letter about my condition but dont think that was ever submitted to medicare.
The oral device was made via a dentist who specialized in making them. He took measurements of my mouth w a special piece of equipment and sent to a lab. At that time medicare would only pay for 1 type of oral appliance called HERBST which was fine w/ me.
Bcuz I have always slept w my mouth open. I have also tried taping my mouth w a tape I found on Amazon that doesn’t pull off ur skin -it worked in terms of reducing snoring ALOT according to My snore score on SnoreLab app. I have posted about all of this.

I have recently gone back to the HERBST and for now am using that and getting snore scores of 0 or 1 And am not finding it uncomfortable to sleep with. There r little places on it that u can attach a tiny rubber band which for me helps w keeping mouth closed but if that’s not an issue they don’t need to b used.
Keep on researching and trying to find something that will help u. U probably already do this but slowing down yr breathing when trying to sleep helps - like inhale, hold for 8 slow counts, exhale hold for 8 slow counts and repeat. Also same thing for 15 counts. Best- Carole


I hear you!
I was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea after a similar experience. When I finally fell asleep at 11:30 pm 45 minutes later, the tech,came in to put a mask on me and,said I had 5 apneas. I had 36 apneas during the rest of the night which included 2 bathroom breaks . In the morning 5 am, the study ended. I am usually a side sleeper, but found that difficult with all the equipment attached. I have been using the cpap since March. I had to get past the feeling of getting smothered .I had to change my mindset. My goal was to keep it on 4 .5 hours so insurance would pay for it. Once I reached that, Id take it off and go back to sleep. I gradually uncreased use to 8 hours, but that will vary . Id like a home sleep study in a,more natural environment next time. I feel better since I've been on it. What concerned me most during the sleep study was,that my oxygen levels dropped to 76 percent during the apnea which is alarming . Right now, I am trying to lose weight so that I can stop using this.

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