Has aquatherapy helped you with chronic pain?

Posted by ellymayhem @ellymayhem, Aug 25, 2023

I have been diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis, severe levoconvex scoliosis, osteoporosis and arthritis. Have a great deal of pain in low back and hips. Dr. Has prescribed aqua therapy. I'm worried it will make pain worse. Has anyone out there had relief from their pain with this type of therapy?

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I have struggled with pain from my hips down since a spinal fusion (with an allograft inserted through my side) for spondylolisthesis, and following that osteonecrosis of both knees. Because of Covid I had to wait in terrible pain for knee replacements but finally got them in 2020 and 2021. Still ongoing unexplainable pain. Finally I decided to do whatever I could to get a diagnosis and help. I now have a rheumatologist and a pain management specialist as well as an amazing physical therapist. Lots of tests. At this point I am diagnosed with fibromyalgia -my CNS has reset to high alert from years of pain- and Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome from bursitis and labral tears.
My amazing PT and my pain management dr both suggested aqua therapy, and since I have a pool here in California I have been exercising in it almost every day. I have to say, for a person who has never enjoyed exercising and never stuck to a routine, I have been loving it. It DOES NOT HURT for me to paddle back and forth with my pool noodle for a half hour, and I even do some leg lift exercises per my PT. I have come to look forward to it because it gives me relief for that period of time and I believe I’m getting stronger. My pain management dr also started me on Savella 12.5 mg and that has brought the pain down a notch- such a relief. I also do cognitive brain therapy to work on my brain resetting re: pain. In short, I love the aquatherapy! I will be starting an actual class at our community pool when the weather is too cool to use my own pool without expensive heating, and I am nervous about that, but we’ll see.

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Check out your diet for processed foods and try to replace them. Sugar, whole wheat, dairy, potatoes and bad fats can be culprits and make you more achy the next day. I also have some effects from aspartame and high fructose corn syrup.


I am generally pain free the whole time I am moving in the water. If the water is too cool, a long T-shirt can help keep your core warm.


Fear is an emotion that we feel when we are threatened or in danger. It can be caused by something happening in the present or by anticipating or expecting something bad in the future. Fear involves changes in our body and mind that prepare us to act to protect ourselves. Fear can be unpleasant and strong. Irrational fear of a perceived danger, one that really does not exist, is even more frightening.

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I have been in even worse pain since my first session, BUT I do not believe it was due to being in the pool... it was from trying to change clothes and lifting my walker into the car. I am not going to give up on the aquatherapy but think I will talk to my therapist about strengthing my arms and legs so getting dressed is easier. Since my 1st session I can't get in and out of bed so sleeping in recliner. I hope and pray I can get over my fear of water so I can continue.


I started warm water pt a few weeks ago and found a wam water pool near me that I have been going to in between therapy sessions. It is amazing to me how much pain relief I get just being in the water! Being able to move without the pressure on my joints is wonderful. Of course it comes right back as I step out of the pool but I’m hoping that will get better with some time. I highly recommend warm water pt to anyone with joint or muscle pain. Check you local YMCA - some have warm water pools and accept silver sneakers if you have that. Hope this helps!

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Wife before her back surgery went to a senior center which had a heated pool. PT guy recommended and gave her guidance. Now waiting (impatiently!) for her incision to heal so she can resume it.

Highly recommended.


I have been in even worse pain since my first session, BUT I do not believe it was due to being in the pool... it was from trying to change clothes and lifting my walker into the car. I am not going to give up on the aquatherapy but think I will talk to my therapist about strengthing my arms and legs so getting dressed is easier. Since my 1st session I can't get in and out of bed so sleeping in recliner. I hope and pray I can get over my fear of water so I can continue.

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I wasn't without fear my first several visits to the pool. I am afraid of water, mostly because I cannot swim and 'sink like a rock.' It was hard to trust a stranger to care for me. The aqua therapy wore me out, too. I went home and slept afterwards for many weeks before I started to get both stronger and more active. I wanted to give up. Of all the exercise 'out there,' it is a fact that aqua therapy exercise is the fastest way to get stronger. I mean this--please do not give up. I want you to succeed.


Wife before her back surgery went to a senior center which had a heated pool. PT guy recommended and gave her guidance. Now waiting (impatiently!) for her incision to heal so she can resume it.

Highly recommended.

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The pool I went to is heated. It is at a rehab center located in an assisted living home. I'm not giving up hope yet... I suspect alot of my pain may be diet related too. I have alot of issues to work on. Thank you for your comment, I appreciate it. I hope you wife heals quickly!


I wasn't without fear my first several visits to the pool. I am afraid of water, mostly because I cannot swim and 'sink like a rock.' It was hard to trust a stranger to care for me. The aqua therapy wore me out, too. I went home and slept afterwards for many weeks before I started to get both stronger and more active. I wanted to give up. Of all the exercise 'out there,' it is a fact that aqua therapy exercise is the fastest way to get stronger. I mean this--please do not give up. I want you to succeed.

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I can't swim either and scared of water... your comment gives me hope! Thank you!


I can't swim either and scared of water... your comment gives me hope! Thank you!

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I notice that you commented an hour ago. I woke up an hour ago (3:20 AM EST), but it is unusual for me to wake up at this same time of early, early morning. I don't know why. Some people think it is depression. I don't think I am depressed! I am glad I am retired because I could not survive in the work force with hours like this! Have a blessed day!


Water therapy was FANTASTIC! I got tired, but it helped very much.
I also have ankylosing spondylitis.


Aqua therapy is amazing! I had extreme pain and had basically lived in a wheelchair or bed. Started aqua therapy in water deeper than 6 feet using a body noodle. Able to totally move body. Went as often as possible. No longer use a wheelchair! More active! GO FOR IT!

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