What are your tips for staying independent at your own home?

Many people say they’d prefer to grow old in their own homes. What are your tips for remaining independent as long as possible. What do you do to:
- Keep up with home maintenance and housekeeping?
- Avoid injuries around the house?
- Combat loneliness or stay connected?

Any other tips?

October 25, 2023: Update from the Community Director

The knowledge exchange shared in this discussion helped to create this article written for the Mayo Clinic app and website. Knowledge for patients by patients and beyond Mayo Clinic Connect. Thank you for all your tips.

Aging at home: Advice for staying independent

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Aging Well Support Group.

After acting as my wife’s primary caregiver receiving palliative care at home fore over two years I found it very lonely in our two bedroom bungalow, so I decided to take in a lodger. Twenty months later and four female lodgers later I’m happy with the experience and for sure my cognitive ability has benefited. Their age has varied from thirty two years to eighty one, and, three different ethnic backgrounds.


Here's my tip: light bulbs, ice cream and lunch

Huh? you ask. Well, this isn't really my tip but a quote from neuroscientist, Daniel Levitin, who wrote the book " Successful Aging: A Neuroscientist Explores the Power and Potential of Our Lives."


Let me explain:
"When it comes to planning for quality of life in old age, Levitin recommends people ask themselves and their aging family members three simple questions posed by Joseph F. Coughlin, director of MIT's Agelab:

- Who will change my light bulbs?
Meaning, who can do the chores around the house that become difficult or dangerous as we age? Who can you call for help? If you need to pay someone to do those tasks, how much will that cost, and what services are readily available to you?

- What if I want an ice cream cone?
As people's social circles shrink in old age, Levitin said, it's a good idea to set up their lives in a way that makes it easy to walk down the street for an ice cream, a coffee, or a trip to the local pub. That's about leaving room for spontaneity, he said, and guarding against isolation.

- Who are you going to have lunch with?
"Are you living in a place, and have you arranged your life in such a way, that you have somebody to have lunch with once or twice a week?" Levitin asked."

What's your lightbulb, ice cream and lunch?


Some of my own tips:
1. Make a list of all home maintenance, according to the times of year. It is easier to hire a worker for a whole day, rather than multiple times for only one or two hours at a time.
If you are fortunate to have family members, friends. Then organize a day or half day for the work. To be rewarded with a meal / treats or order in .
For housekeeping, remove all scatter mats and footstool. These are great trip hazards.
Remove all china display pieces or knik-knacs. Display these is a china cabinet, or cupboard with glass doors. These can be enjoyed without the need for dusting.
With clear counters and furniture tops, dusting is unimpeded use a Swiffer, with the long or short handles: they work well and easy to handle.
Remove everything from under the bed and furniture: stuff under there is hard to access. Change your kitchen cupboards so that everyday items are in easy reach.
In the shower, use a shower chair and a hand held shower head.
For socialization, research group activities that match your interests, for example a book club.
I am enjoying the ideas from others. There are as many solutions as there are people!


Sorry that you have also difficulty walking.
I had Vertigo a month ago and still feel dizziness when I walk. Had a rehabilitation at a hospital’s Fall clinic.
After a few sessions referred to go to private physiological session.
Instead I have started Aqua Pilates at my gym and it’s getting better without extra costs.
Because the water pressure, it’s easier to do physio exercise.


It doesn’t matter how many km you can walk but keep walking as much possibly you can, but don’t stop.
I do get some physiological exercise and it helps.


@hiroko right now I cannot walk very far. My legs are getting weak from severe polyneuropathy. My doctor may send me for balance therapy soon, but until my legs improve I need to stick with short distances around a store or somewhere inside for now.

I like to eat out with family and friends too!

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,,,. I have also an Aqua Pilates session at gym and it really good being in a hot water 💦 40degrees easy to move and walk.


-Zero clearance shower, that is, one you can step into, not into a bathtub/shower.
-Arrange for a cleaning service if you feel you do not have the strength/ability to keep things as clean as you want them. And do this before it gets out of hand!
-Make sure you have adequate lighting for all tasks, so you are not straining, or being unsafe in doing tasks.
-Make friends in your neighborhood/community. Isolation is a very real thing, and keeping in communication with others is important for mental wellbeing.
-Try simplifying your life. What you do for entertainment, how you spend your money, how much you want to do. It's okay to not go 100 miles per hour all the time!

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I have also reduced the number of items on display, so the house is less distracting and there are fewer items to manage. Measure your interior doors and hallways to see if a wheelchair or walker will be able to be used to go in and out of the room. We had many doors replaced, and I wish I had thought of that. We purposely bought a house that is single level.


I had a head start
In getting prepared for my old age, as I cared for my mother and got her a walk-in shower with bars that I now use, haven’t needed the seat (but getting ready to get it out of storage), learned about throw rugs not being friendly, etc. This is a great forum for the single-elderly.


You are very lucky being alone.
I think when you feel alone, I would recommend going for a walk.
You need a kind of exercise too.
I am 87 living in a foreign country alone and go to gym 3 times a week, getting to gym I walk for 20min. My hobby is eating out.

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I agree with the vote for exercise. I am 65 and go to water aerobics classes, regular aerobics, and strength 💪 training. I also walk and bike.
I enjoy the exercise! Pat


I agree with the vote for exercise. I am 65 and go to water aerobics classes, regular aerobics, and strength 💪 training. I also walk and bike.
I enjoy the exercise! Pat

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Great comments on the importance of exercise, @paktoledo! You mention several different types of exercise, which is important to keep us healthy as we mature!

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